Marie at the farm

Chapter 2

A few weeks later and Marie had settled into her new routine. Sitting at her computer browsing Reddit she closed another boring meme. The internet was very slow but she could get a meme every few minutes, overall she was happy at her new job. The sound of pouring began from the milk dispenser followed by a ping noise. A quick notification popped up on her screen. Marie leaned over and grabbed the pinkish milk.

The Femitrition *“fertility” vitamin plus* was her favorite of the milks she spent her days drinking. After quickly downing the glass Marie hit the 5 button confirming the quality of the milk. 20 minutes of browsing Reddit later and the next milk glass filled. Her last of the day, whew. After a quick 5 star rating Marie got up from her desk. She always felt energized after work.

Because of how spaced out the samples were Marie didn’t realize she was drinking 2.5 gallons of milk each day at work. This coupled with large dinners had slowly but surely put a few pounds on the small blond. Marie hadn’t noticed but her breasts and butt had begun to fill out slightly giving her a more feminine look.

As she got up from her work station she decided to do something a little different today. Instead of just going back to the farmhouse she wanted to see the cows up close, having barely interacted with them over the course of her stay.

Stepping up to a pen labeled “Bessie” Marie’s eyes widened at the true size of the cow. She had seen cows before at a fair when she was little but this was a different story. Bessie was massive, her head plunged into a feeding trough filled with greenish-brown sludge. The milk machine chugged away extracting everything it could from her udder. The cell was barely bigger than the cow but Bessie didn’t seem to mind, she was only interested in the slop in front of her. Marie found this horrifying but also just a little intriguing. There was something peaceful about Bessies’ simple existence.

Observing the rest of the cell revealed there was a milk dispenser directly attached to the machine chugging away at Bessie. Marie curious about how fresh milk tasted quickly put her glass to the dispenser. The milk tasted even better than the “unfiltered” verity she was accustomed to, tasting even thicker and warm it reminded her of milk froth, but much heavier. After a second glass, and a third Marie remembered it was dinner time and Charlotte would no doubt be wondering where she’d gone.

Stepping into the farmhouse Marie was hit by a wave of pleasant smells, familiar smells of delicious southern food hit her nose. Looking at the table Charlotte had set up yet another delicious meal for the young lady. The trend of large dinners had continued for the past few weeks. Marie set up in her chair, her mouth watering, ready for the delicious food the would be set out for her. Charlotte was a good cook and had made many delicious meals for Marie. Quickly taking her seat Marie noticed a large pile of pills on the napkin next to her plate.

“Please eat your vitamins Marie”, Charlotte said as she finished plating the last of the food. Marie quickly swallowed the pills while waiting for her food. She had been taking a few pills a night before dinner on charlottes request for the sake of her health.

Charlotte dropped off a large plate of southern food in front of Marie. Steak and eggs, biscuits and gravy. It all looked so good, without hesitation Marie began to dig in. Shoveling the delicious southern food into her mouth she was in a blissful state.

20 minutes later and all Marie’s food had been devoured. Feeling incredibly full Marie gently wiped some of the gravy from her mouth and let out a loud burp. “Oh excuse me” she said with wide eyes. Wiping her mouth Marie got up and shuffled up to her room.

Feeling so full she almost felt drunk Marie plopped down on her bed and threw on the TV. Looking down she began slowly rubbing her tummy. A twinge of arousal hit her and she began to lower her hand. Touching herself in her full state felt amazing. After reaching a climax Marie passed out, wondering what had come over her.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 8 months
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Monday Io 11 months
Hopefully there is more chapters coming love so far