Marie at the farm

Chapter 5

Marie awoke and slowly opened her eyes. She slowly rubbed her hand against her belly and big flopping breasts. A yawn escaped her mouth as she slowly heaved up.

Marie had her morning pills as she looked at the mirror. The chubby girl staring back at her brought a smile to her face. Curious about a funny feeling Marie raised her big left breast up. Below it what looked like an A cup breast. She felt an excited glow as she looked at her unusual body. Her belly of course spilled forward, not quite reaching her breasts. Her the lowermost crease of her belly, her FUPA area was breaking out, some reddish rash was spreading. Marie was a bit confused but it wasn’t painful so she didn’t really pay any mind. Getting dressed she pulled up her overalls, she same pair she’d been wearing when she arrived at the farm. They hardly fit her butt and her breasts were in no way contained. Deciding not to even bother with a shirt Marie headed to the barn.

She walked to her milking station/ milk tasting station. As was now normal she Plugged her long fatty nipples into the milking machine and felt the rush of endorphins once again. Barely resisting the urge to vigorously masturbate for a moment she took a tall glass of the pink milk.

Marie sat at her computer and reached one hand south. She curiously clicked a video on Reddit, r/hucow lucky for her the internet had gotten much faster recently. A fat woman wearing a cow print bikini chugged a milky shake from a funnel. Another recommendation for a hucow absolutely stuffing herself. She remained transfixed watching graphic video after graphic video. Any semblance of her old job was over, the milk apparently no longer needed to be checked for quality. The milk machine still churned out samples, albeit now at a faster pace, Marie enjoyed every delicious drop.

After hours of flowing milk and sexy streams Marie was drained. A quiet beeping noise from the milk machine indicated that she was done. She slowly decoupled herself from the milking machine. She decided to visit Bessie on her way back.

The giant cow was occupied as always by the milk machine and her trough of slop. Marie reached one hand out and poked a finger into the gooey feed. It was thicker than she imagined and smelled of grease and plant matter. Sticking it in her mouth she had to admit it didn’t taste all that good, still though she figured she’d eventually come around. Bessie looked up at Marie. This was the first time she’d ever seen the humongous heifers attention fall on anything other than the food.

“MOOOO” this made Marie feel especially calm

She quietly replied

“Moooo” she felt at home.

Walking back to the house Marie noticed that the grass around the farm just looked spectacular, it was as if she’d never noticed it before.

The peaceful atmosphere was interrupted by a groan from Marie’s stomach. It was time for dinner.

Stepping back into the farmhouse Marie was as usual very excited about the dinner Charlotte had prepared for her. Lately the portions were getting larger despite the variety of options diminishing. Todays dinner was a gigantic dish of mashed potatoes, a pile of rich tube vegetables and greens. There was no meat aside from the large amount of gravy that doused… everything. Marie hadn’t noticed but there was less and less meat in her diet.

She started eating right away she had access to utensils and started eating with them but tossed them aside as the want to get as much food into her as possible entirely overran any manners. All the food just tasted so good. She filled her stomach until the food was gone. Finished with her meal she sloped back in her chair. A loud belch escaped her mouth as she brought her hands to her belly. She could feel the large pile of food sloshing around slowly making it’s way through her stomach. Letting out another belch she felt a familiar warmth between her legs. Marie reached a hand down not caring that Charlotte was looking at her. Charlotte got up and disappeared into the kitchen for a moment. Emerging moments later with a massive dildo. Marie looked up. She had never even seen a dildo that size before. It was shaped oddly, thicker and more muscled than a typical dildo. It was the shape of a bulls cock. Charlotte handed it over to her growing cowgirl.

“Now go head up to your room shug”

Marie was tempted to keep rubbing off there but managed to get herself up. In her room she flipped on the TV. Before her was a film of two cows having sex. She rocked back and started thrusting the cow cock in and out of her sopping womanhood.

She cried out an almost animal sound as she came.

Winding down from her excitement she heard a familiar noise. Something she hadn’t heard in a long time. Resisting the urge to fall asleep she reached under her bed and pulled out the source. Her cell phone. She’d forgotten about it. It had been months since she made any sort of contact with the outside world. Looking at the screen she struggled to read. Among a pile of older messages she read the one that was just received.

(I know you’re probably not reading this but we’re close to finding you. Devan found the name of a town on a Nicorp legal document. I hope you’re ok) from mom. Marie just sat there and stared.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 9 months
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Monday Io 11 months
Hopefully there is more chapters coming love so far