Love on the scale: lena

Chapter 5

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Lena had gained quite a bit of weight by the time Christmas rolled around, but Michael loved her all the same. In fact, he couldn't keep his hands off of her soft curves and plump belly. Lena was self-conscious at first, but Michael's adoration made her feel more confident.

Lena had been dreading the invitation to her parents' house for Christmas. She knew her weight gain would be noticed, and her parents' judgmental attitudes towards overweight people made her feel even more self-conscious. She had gained even more weight since her encounter with her old friend at the mall, and her clothes were all too tight.

As they arrived at her parents' house, Lena's nerves began to get the best of her. She could feel her parents' eyes on her as she walked through the door, and she knew they were already judging her.

"Hi, Mom, Dad," Lena said, trying to put on a smile.

Her mother's eyes flicked over her daughter's expanding waistline and frowned.

"Lena, dear, are you okay? You've put on quite a bit of weight," her mother said, concern laced in her voice.

Michael stepped in before Lena could say anything, "She's more than okay. In fact, she's absolutely stunning," he said, placing his arm around her waist and giving her a reassuring squeeze.

Lena blushed, feeling grateful for Michael's support.

The dinner was awkward and tense, with Lena's parents making comments about her weight gain and what she was eating. Michael tried to deflect their negativity by engaging them in conversation, but it was a challenge.

As they sat down for Christmas dinner at Lena's parents' house, Lena's belly was straining against the buttons of her blouse. She tried to discreetly undo the top button, but it was too tight. Michael noticed her struggling and reached under the table to help her out.

He smiled at her and whispered, "I love how you look, baby."

Lena blushed and smiled back, feeling grateful to have such a supportive partner. But her parents didn't seem to share Michael's enthusiasm for her weight gain. They kept making comments about her appearance and questioning her eating habits.

Lena felt embarrassed and ashamed, but Michael was quick to defend her. He spoke up and told her parents how much he loved her at any size and that he thought Lena looked gorgeous. His words made Lena feel seen and appreciated, and she leaned into him for support.

As they finished their meal, Lena's belly was so full and heavy that her button finally popped, causing a momentary shock from her parents. But Michael just grinned and squeezed her belly, showing his love for her growing figure.

Michael noticed her fidgeting and whispered in her ear, "Let's go outside and get some fresh air."

They stepped outside into the crisp winter air, and Michael wrapped his arms around Lena, pulling her close. She could feel his love and support, and it gave her the courage to face her parents again.

As they re-entered the house, Lena's father made another snide remark about her weight, and Lena felt herself starting to tear up. Michael stepped in once again, "You know, I find it really sad that we live in a world where people think it's okay to shame someone for their weight. Lena is beautiful and amazing no matter what size she is, and I love her for who she is, not what she looks like."

Lena's parents were taken aback by Michael's words, but they seemed to sink in. Lena felt a weight lifted off her shoulders, and she knew that she had Michael's love and support no matter what.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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FTMfatty 1 year
Love this story so far. Can't wait for A LOT more of her
Latigressenoire 1 year
Un début très prometteur
Anonimous4444 1 year
I think chapter 1 and 2 have their position messed up but apart from that great start I can't wait to see where it goes
FTMfatty 1 year
Great start