The secret kink

  By Levy

Chapter 22 : New job

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Mary's desperate voice called out to Pete from the bed. Her heavy breathing was the only sound in the room, aside from the hum of the laptop. She had dropped her computer on the side of her stomach and could no longer reach it Mary's huge belly had grown so large that she could no longer twist her body to reach it

Pete rushed to her side, his heart racing with concern. He looked at her face, which was twisted with fear. She was trembling, and beads of sweat were starting to form on her forehead.

He knew what he had to do. He gently lifted Mary's legs and propped them up on several pillows, elevating her hips to relieve the pressure on her back. He then massaged her shoulders and back, applying a gentle pressure to help ease the pain.

Mary let out a deep sigh of relief as the tension in her body began to dissipate. She leaned back against the pillows, her eyes closed, and let out a contented moan.

Without hesitation, Pete reached down and gently lifted Mary's laptop and replaced it on her belly. He then turned to her, his eyes soft with love and concern.

"What's wrong, my love?" Pete asked, concern etched on his face as he sat on the edge of the bed. Mary had been staring at her laptop screen for a while now, her expression a mixture of fear and frustration.

"I have to attend the annual reception at my office," Mary said, her voice trembling slightly. "They said it's mandatory, and there's no way I can skip it."

Pete thought for a moment, considering the options. He knew how important this event was for Mary's office, and he didn't want her to miss out on any opportunities. Suddenly, an idea struck him.

Mary's body had grown to such an immense size that she could barely move. Her once agile limbs were now reduced to nothing more than small, feeble appendages that struggled to move even an inch. Her legs, once so strong and toned, were now huge and unwieldy, with rolls of soft flesh obscuring any trace of muscle. She could barely lift them a few inches off the bed.

Her arms were just as useless, hanging heavily from her massive torso like two soft pillows. The flesh of her upper arms was so thick that it jiggled and wobbled with even the slightest movement. She could barely lift them to brush her hair or reach for a glass of water.

Mary's breathing was labored, and she often had to take deep, wheezing breaths just to speak. Her chest was so heavy and constricted that she felt as though she was suffocating at times. She could feel the weight of her own body pressing down on her, making it difficult to move or even breathe.

Despite all this, Mary remained determined. She was a strong-willed woman, and she refused to let her weight hold her back. But the reality of her situation was beginning to sink in, and the thought of not attending the annual reception at her office was filling her with dread.

Pete could see the fear in Mary's eyes, and he knew that he had to do something to help her. He had seen her struggle for months now, watching as her body grew larger and more unwieldy with each passing day. He knew that she needed him, more than ever before, and he was determined to be there for her in whatever way he could

Pete looked at Mary, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Mary, have you ever thought about becoming a feederism model and left your boring job?" he asked, his voice soft and hesitant.

Mary looked up at him, surprised by the suggestion. She had never considered such a thing before. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Pete explained his idea. "Well, you know how much we both enjoy your size, and there are people out there who love to watch women gain weight. They would love to see you as a model, showing off your curves and your beautiful belly."

Mary was taken aback. She had always been self-conscious about her size and never imagined that anyone would find her attractive. But as Pete spoke, she began to feel a glimmer of hope. Maybe this was a sign that she was meant to be something more than just a receptionist

"But how would I do it?" she asked, still unsure about the idea.

Pete smiled. "We could start by taking some photos and posting them online. I bet we would get a lot of interest."

Mary was hesitant at first, but as Pete continued to talk, she began to feel excited about the idea. She could finally embrace her size and be proud of her body. Maybe she could even make a living from it.

"I think I'm ready to do it,"

"Really? You're sure about this?"

"I know it's a big change, but I think it's what I want. I'm ready for a new challenge."

Pete smiled, a look of excitement in his eyes. "That's amazing, Mary! I'm so proud of you. Let's start making plans and see where this takes us."
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 9 months
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Brilliant story:}
Levy 1 year
Just wrote the end today.
There will we be 40 chapters.
Most of them are available (in my bio ^^)

Hope you enjoyed this story as much as i did writing it !
Pd500 1 year
This is so incredible! I relish every word. Thank you!
Levy 1 year
You are welcome ^^
Supercode 1 year
Great chapter! I hope to read more about Mary becoming a feedee model!
Levy 1 year
So glad you liked it !
You already can ! All links available on my linktree ^^
Pd500 1 year
What an incredibly beautiful loving relationship ❤️! One of my faves!
Levy 1 year
Thx ^^
Pd500 1 year
I love this!! ❤️ thanks for sharing this and posting page 18.
Levy 1 year
You're welcome ! All your support and comments help me to create more !
GrowingLoveH... 1 year
I love the dynamic of their relationship. Your descriptions of their thoughts are absolutely divine.

Thank you so much for sharing your talents.
Levy 1 year
And thank you for your comment ! it really touches me !
Grumpious 1 year
This story Is amazing, so many of the ones I’ve read don’t capture the feedee’s POV in this sort of fantasy in such vivid reality.
Levy 1 year
I tried to do so as a feedee ^^ i like it naturalist and realistic
Pd500 1 year
I love this!
Levy 1 year
Glad you enjoy it !
Tanatos 1 year
very good work
Levy 1 year
Thanks !
Td0057 1 year
I'm enjoying your story. Excited to see where you will take it.
Levy 1 year
In an enjoyable way for sur smiley
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