The secret kink

  By Levy

Chapter 25 : Weigh in video

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Mary and Pete were excited about their next video idea, a weighing video. But as they began to plan and prepare, they realized that it presented a unique challenge. Mary's immobility made it difficult to get her on a scale, and her weight made it nearly impossible for them to lift her.

They stood at the foot of the bed, scratching their heads in frustration. They had been brainstorming for hours, trying to figure out how to film Mary's weight. It seemed like such a simple task, but the logistics of it were proving to be a nightmare.

Mary's immobility posed a big challenge. They couldn't just lift her up and place her on a scale like they would with a normal person. They had to take into account the weight of the bed and all of its components, as well as the weight of Mary herself.

Pete had suggested using an industrial balance, which could weigh the bed and Mary together and then subtract the weight of the bed. But even that posed problems. They would need to find a balance that could handle Mary's weight, and they would need to find a way to position it in the right spot without moving Mary too much.

Mary sighed deeply, feeling discouraged. She wanted to create content for her fans, but it seemed like her own body was getting in the way. She glanced over at Pete, who was frowning in concentration. They were a team, and she knew they would figure it out eventually. But for now, they were stuck in this frustrating limbo, unable to move forward with their plans.

Pete scratched his head, deep in thought. "I'm not sure if it's going to work, Mary. The bed is just too heavy, and even if we can find an industrial balance, how are we going to get you onto it?"

Mary bit her lip nervously. "I don't know, Pete. I want to do this, but it just seems impossible."

Pete looked at her with a determined expression. "Nothing is impossible, my love. We just need to think outside the box."

Pete's mind was racing as he tried to come up with a solution. Suddenly, he had an idea that might work. He excitedly shared his plan with Mary.

"What about a pulley system?"

"Looks like a great idea ! "

To execute the plan, Pete and Mary started brainstorming different ways to set up the system. They decided to use a combination of sturdy hooks, ropes, and a metal beam to create a makeshift crane. After some trial and error, they were able to get the pulley system set up and ready to go.

Mary had to lay down on a large sheet.

She took a deep breath and braced herself for the task ahead. As she began to move, she could feel the weight of her body pressing down on her, making it difficult to maneuver. Her heavy arms and legs swung back and forth as she waddled to get into position on the sheet, each step causing her to pant and gasp for air. But despite the challenge, Mary was determined to succeed.

With each passing moment, Mary's determination grew stronger. Her face was flushed and she was sweating profusely, but she refused to give up. She continued to struggle and waddle until she finally reached the center of the sheet.

As she lay there, catching her breath, Mary felt a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over her. She had managed to complete the difficult task and prove to herself that she was capable of anything she set her mind to.

A small automatic cranetook began to pull, gradually lifting Mary off the bed. As she was lifted, they could hear the creaking of the metal beam and the rustling of the sheet. Mary was silent as she rose, seemingly transfixed by the experience.

Once Mary was high enough, Pete took configured scale and measured the force needed to lift her : 820 pounds ! The number was staggering, and even Mary was surprised. They recorded the measurement and gently lowered her back down onto the bed.

After the successful weighing, Pete and Mary high-fived each other and laughed with joy. "We did it! This is going to be an amazing video," Mary exclaimed. They both felt a sense of accomplishment and excitement for the content they were creating together.

Pete looked at Mary with pride in his eyes. "You're amazing, Mary. You inspire me every day with your strength and determination." Mary blushed and smiled, feeling grateful for Pete's love and support.

Together, they began to plan the rest of the video, discussing different ideas and angles they could use to make it entertaining and engaging for their viewers. As they worked, they both knew that this was just the beginning of their journey, and they were excited to see where it would take them.
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 9 months
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Brilliant story:}
Levy 1 year
Just wrote the end today.
There will we be 40 chapters.
Most of them are available (in my bio ^^)

Hope you enjoyed this story as much as i did writing it !
Pd500 1 year
This is so incredible! I relish every word. Thank you!
Levy 1 year
You are welcome ^^
Supercode 1 year
Great chapter! I hope to read more about Mary becoming a feedee model!
Levy 1 year
So glad you liked it !
You already can ! All links available on my linktree ^^
Pd500 1 year
What an incredibly beautiful loving relationship ❤️! One of my faves!
Levy 1 year
Thx ^^
Pd500 1 year
I love this!! ❤️ thanks for sharing this and posting page 18.
Levy 1 year
You're welcome ! All your support and comments help me to create more !
GrowingLoveH... 1 year
I love the dynamic of their relationship. Your descriptions of their thoughts are absolutely divine.

Thank you so much for sharing your talents.
Levy 1 year
And thank you for your comment ! it really touches me !
Grumpious 1 year
This story Is amazing, so many of the ones I’ve read don’t capture the feedee’s POV in this sort of fantasy in such vivid reality.
Levy 1 year
I tried to do so as a feedee ^^ i like it naturalist and realistic
Pd500 1 year
I love this!
Levy 1 year
Glad you enjoy it !
Tanatos 1 year
very good work
Levy 1 year
Thanks !
Td0057 1 year
I'm enjoying your story. Excited to see where you will take it.
Levy 1 year
In an enjoyable way for sur smiley
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