The secret kink

  By Levy

Chapter 4 : goal reached

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Mary had been waiting for this moment for what felt like forever. She had been working hard for months to gain weight, and now she was finally going to see the result of all her efforts. As she stepped on the scale and watched the numbers tick up, her heart raced with anticipation.

Finally, the scale settled on 250lbs. Mary gasped in amazement, unable to believe what she was seeing. She looked up at Pete, who was standing beside her, and saw the pride and joy in his eyes.

Tears welled up in Mary's eyes as she realized that she had accomplished something truly amazing. She had pushed herself to the limit, gaining weight with every bite of food that Pete had lovingly prepared for her. And now, she had finally hit her goal.

Mary felt a rush of emotions - happiness, relief, and a sense of accomplishment. She couldn't believe how far she had come, and how much she had grown as a person during this journey.

As she stepped off the scale, Mary wrapped her arms around Pete, feeling his warmth and love surrounding her. They held each other tightly, savoring the moment and reveling in their shared success.

For Mary, this moment was more than just a number on the scale. It was a testament to her dedication, her perseverance, and her love for Pete. And as she looked ahead to the future.

The next day, Pete was already up, cooking her a special breakfast in celebration of her achievement. Mary smiled as she smelled the delicious aromas wafting from the kitchen.

When she entered the kitchen, Pete greeted her with a huge smile and a kiss. "Congratulations, Mary! You did it! I'm so proud of you."

Mary felt a surge of happiness at his words. She knew that Pete had been a big part of her weight gain journey, and she appreciated his support and encouragement. But she also knew that she needed to set some boundaries for herself now that she had reached her goal.

She sat down to eat breakfast with Pete, and he presented her with a plate of pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Mary took a small serving, not wanting to overdo it. Pete looked a little disappointed, but he didn't say anything.

After breakfast, Pete suggested that they spend the day lounging around and watching movies. Mary was tempted to indulge in some couch potato time, but she also wanted to celebrate her achievement by doing something active.

"Actually, Pete, I was thinking that maybe we could go for a walk today. It's such a beautiful day outside, and I want to enjoy it."

Pete looked a little surprised, but he nodded. "Sure, that sounds like a good idea."

They set out on a leisurely walk around their neighborhood, enjoying the fresh air and the sunshine. Mary felt energized and proud of herself for pushing herself to be active, even though it would have been easier to just laze around all day.

As they walked, they talked about their plans for the future. Mary knew that she didn't want to gain any more weight, but she also didn't want to give up feederism altogether. She and Pete had a lot of conversations ahead of them about what their relationship would look like now that she had reached her goal.

But for now, Mary was content to bask in the glow of her achievement, and to enjoy the love and support of her partner. She knew that she had worked hard to get where she was, and that she had a bright future ahead of her, no matter what path she chose to take.

One night Mary and Pete were sitting on the couch, cuddled up together after a long day at work. Mary let out a satisfied sigh as she leaned back against the cushions.

Pete looked at her and said, "You look really beautiful, Mary. I can't believe how much you've grown in few a month."

Mary smiled and replied, "Thanks, Pete. I feel amazing too. But I think I'm happy with where I'm at now. I don't think I want to get any bigger."

Pete looked a little taken aback. "Really? Are you sure? You've been so enthusiastic about this whole feederism thing. I just assumed you wanted to keep growing."

Mary shook her head. "No, I mean, I still enjoy it. But I think I've hit my goal weight. I feel healthy and happy, and I don't want to push it too far."

Pete nodded slowly. "I understand. I just want you to know that I'll support whatever decision you make. I love you no matter what size you are."

Mary leaned over to give him a kiss. "I know you do, Pete. And I appreciate that so much. I'm just glad we're doing this together, and that we're both happy and healthy."

Pete grinned. "Yeah, me too. I never thought you would be into feederism, but it's been such a bonding experience for us. And I love how confident you are now, Mary. You really do look beautiful."

Mary blushed a little at the compliment. "Thanks, Pete. I feel beautiful too. And I'm just happy that we've found something that works for us."

They snuggled up together, enjoying the warmth and comfort of each other's company. Mary felt content and fulfilled, knowing that she had achieved her goal and was happy with herself. She knew that no matter what size she ended up at, she had Pete by her side, supporting and loving her every step of the way.

Mary had been with Pete for a while now, and she had grown accustomed to his cooking. He loved to make her all sorts of delicious, fattening foods, and she had always enjoyed it. But lately, she couldn't help but feel like there was something more going on.

She tried to ignore it at first, thinking that maybe she was just being paranoid. But the more she thought about it, the more she began to suspect that Pete had something in mind for her. He was always trying to get her to eat more, and encouraging her to be more sedentary.

Mary couldn't help but feel a little uneasy about it. She had been happy with her weight when she hit her goal of 250lbs, but she didn't want to get any bigger. She tried to talk to Pete about it, but he always brushed her off, telling her that she looked beautiful and that he just wanted to take care of her.

Mary tried to convince herself that Pete was just being loving and caring, but she couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more going on. She started to feel a little trapped, like she couldn't say no to Pete's cooking and sedentary habits.
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 9 months
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Einmann 1 year
Eine wunderschöne Geschichte *****
Levy 1 year
Thx !
RFBurton 1 year
Excellently paced, cleverly constructed story that I hope continues for several more installments! Bravo!
Levy 1 year
Am not so far from the end. It should be around 20 chapters. Really happy you enjoyed it.
I hope that it will meet your expectations ^^
Imposcible 1 year
J'aurai parié que cette balance était faussée....
vivement la suite!
Levy 1 year
Tous les soirs, entre 17h et 18h smiley
Red Horn 3r 1 year
Amazing stories
Levy 1 year
Thx ! Many others soon coming !
Karenjenk 1 year
I love the twist in the last chapter.
kind of suspected it
but loved her reaction when she realized what he did
Levy 1 year
I tried to paced it as much as possible with twist and introspection.
Glad you liked it !
Imposcible 1 year
j'ai hâte de lire la suite...
Levy 1 year
Merci ! Dans la journée ou demain normalement ^^
Gnomechomsky 1 year
Did you use an AI to write this? I’ve played with ai’s before and have created really similar results.
Levy 1 year
What have you tried? Since everyone was talking about chatGPT, I tried it.
It is completely unusable. Every mention of feederism ends with a block, and its literary quality is poor.
Levy 1 year
Glad you enjoyed it, sequel is more focussed on that aspect.
FeedMeCakex 1 year
Can't wait to read more!
Levy 1 year
You won't have to wait so long ^^
FeedMeCakex 1 year
Love the new chapters!
Pd500 1 year
Wonderful words! So happy for them, but I'm sure looking for more chapters or a sequel. Thanks for sharing!
Levy 1 year
Yop sequel is coming ! More focussed on descrption and thoughts
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