All the practice i can get

Chapter 4: Full

Brandon and Taylor were out at their favorite off-campus restaurant. Away from the prying eyes of the school and other students. It was a little out-of-the-way Italian restaurant that served the most amazing dishes. A better chicken franchisee you couldn’t find anywhere, except maybe Italy.

“Oh dude, no. I don’t think I could handle another bite.” Said Taylor as he shook away
Brandon’s attempt for him to try some of his dish. As if to emphasize the point, he pushed out his stomach so that he looked in the early stages of pregnancy – his shirt stretched thin and tight.

Brandon laughed and kept eating. It had been 2 weeks since their last football match – Taylor had started both times. Brandon ended up getting sick the week after and the coach felt that it was a good idea to stick with Taylor so long as he kept delivering.

Taylor had helped care for his friend, bringing him rich soup and sandwiches.
Brandon didn’t know it, but he was gaining weight fast. Rich, buttery fat. His pre-season lithe and muscular frame had begun to soften at the edges. Taylor had been observing his teammate’s progress during their locker room time as well as … other activities.

Brandon ass had thickened and ballooned and his thighs were close to touching. When he walked, there was a noticeable bounce in his rear that had certainly not been there during pre-season. His belly had grown also.
Gone was his six-pack, to be replaced with a bulging gut. His navel deepened and he had grown very pretty love handles. His chest had grown soft so that his well-muscled pecs now shook with fat when he walked.
He was a dish.

On more than one occasion, Taylor had to dash to the locker room bathroom and masturbate, his towel barely able to contain his erection whenever Brandon was in the room. He fantasized about Brandon’s growing body. How yummy he looked with those extra 15-20 pounds of pure, rich fat. It made his toes curl to know that he was perpetrating the weight gain. He himself had gained a few so as not to look like he was constantly feeding Brandon and also to avoid suspicion.

The coaches knew that football players were big drinkers and as the season wore on, turned to alcohol to numb pain or celebrate victory. The ‘beer belly’ was just something that had been adopted into the sporting culture.

Taylor had to wrap his towel very tightly as he and Brandon exited the showers and back to the lockers to change. It had been a brutal but critical practice as the team was near to earn a playoff berth for the first time in god knows how many season.

“Feel like cooking in tonight?” said Brandon ahead of Taylor as they headed to the benches to change.

“Sure. Your place or mine?” said Taylor shaking his hair dry with a fresh towel.

“My roommate is out for the night, so we can cook there.” Said Brandon, who had removed his towel and began drying himself all over.

Taylor had to master all his senses not to get hard. Brandon, if was even possible, had gained even more weight!


I've had this story here for a while, and while it is always a joy for new readers to find free content, I have decided to move it over to the Pay side of this website.

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4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 12 months
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Kaka 11 months
I love the gradual gain and their friend dynamic and how they’re both jocks
I hope someone besides Taylor notices soon
Kaka 12 months
One of my favorite stories in a while I hope you continue posting
Runningsoft 12 months
Hey thanks - always looking to write quality for this audience.
What things do you enjoy about the story? This helps me with future stories. DM if you have a detailed answer.