Complacent & silent

Chapter 3 - The Day of Reckoning

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Over the few months I've felt kinda weird like this feeling in my stomach. It's a hunger even when I'm not hungry. Sometimes it hard to tell if I'm full because of it. I started to gain a bit of chub but it's not that noticable, at least not on me. I'm pretty tall. I gained like 10 lbs I think? I wasn't really paying attention before. But for some reason after I'd eat I'd get horny. Weird, but I just shrug it off to hormones.

Anyways it's graduation day. My parents aren't going to be there. I let out a sigh. Sometimes it feels like they never wanted a kid. I get ready for the ceremony anxious of what to come. I hope they know I wouldn't do a speech. Especially not here in front of a crowd like this. I start to panic a bit. Soon enough it turns into a full on panic attack. I can't breathe, but soon enough everything was brought to a hault because I hear my name being called. "Arin Broolingson?" I feel like I'm about to pass out, but then once I look out to that crowd I calm down because I notice that guy. I take a few deep breaths and I manage to calm down and walk out on stage. I wave to the audience take my diploma and walk off stage. I look back into the crowd, but that guy is nowhere to be seen anymore.

This marks the start of my adulthood.

Once I get home I noticed that all of my stuff was packed into several boxes on the porch with a note. "Time for you to leave! You annoying little brat!" It wasn't signed so I couldn't tell who wrote it, but I assume it's my mom because my dad is always too drunk to do anything. I picked up my box and was about to walk on my way to some sort of shelter when all of a sudden a little card fell out of the box.

I go and pick it up to see that it was the card of that guy. "Duke Zimmerman."

I let out a nervous gulp as I type in the phone number that was on the card very slowly. I then hit call. It rings...
Eventually he picks up.
"Hello. Duke speaking." He says.
"Oh um h-hello Duke, I don't think you remember me, but my name is-"
And just after I was about to say my name he says it for me.
It's gone quiet for a second.
"Uh y-yes"
"Well hey! Are you ready... Piggy?"
And just when he said that my stomach let out a large growl which had never happened before, it probably could have been heard from the phone.
"I'll take that as a yes." He chuckles but quickly changes to a serious tone. "Got anything you want to talk about?"
"My parents kicked me out of the house."
"Don't worry about that piggy." He states. "I'm on my way."
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Bhfjbjhdwhb 1 year
We need more
Afatpandapig 1 year
I’m really excited to read more