Emily in feederism

  By Levy

Chapter 4 : Very close friends

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As Emily made her way back to her student residence, she felt a mix of emotions churning inside of her. On the one hand, she felt a sense of excitement and anticipation about the prospect of witnessing a feeding session up close and personal. But on the other hand, she couldn't help but feel a sense of shame and vulnerability about the way she had revealed herself to Lena during their interview.

She thought back to the interview, replaying the moments where she had hesitated or stumbled over her words, feeling embarrassed by her own perceived inadequacies. She wondered what Lena must have thought of her, whether she had seen through her attempts at academic objectivity to the deeper desires and longings that lay beneath.

As she walked, Emily felt a sense of uncertainty and apprehension about what lay ahead. She knew that the journey ahead would be challenging and complex, and she wasn't sure if she was ready to confront the deepest parts of herself in such a raw and vulnerable way.

But despite her fears and reservations, she also felt a sense of excitement and possibility, knowing that this journey would push her to explore new depths of her own desires and to challenge her own assumptions about the world around her. She took a deep breath and continued walking, ready to face whatever lay ahead with courage and determination.

As Emily returned to her student residence, she pulled out her phone and texted Melany to share her thoughts and feelings with her trusted friend.

Emily: Hey Mel, you won't believe what happened today! Had an interview with Lena for my thesis on feederism. It was wild!

Melany: Oh, wow! That sounds interesting. How did it go?

Emily: It was intense. Lena is amazing, and she opened up a lot about her experiences. And then, at the end, she offered to show me a feeding session.

Melany: Wait, what?! A feeding session? Emily, are you sure that's a good idea? It's one thing to research feederism academically, but it's another thing entirely to participate in something like that.

Emily: Haha, don't worry Mel. I'm just going to watch. I wouldn't want to ruin my figure, would I?

Melany: Oh, thank god. For a moment there, I thought you were actually going to participate in something like that. You had me worried.

Emily: Don't worry, Mel. I'm not that brave (or foolish, depending on how you look at it). But I do think it'll be an eye-opening experience to see. It'll help me to understand the complexities of this subject in a more nuanced way.

Melany: I guess I can see your point. Just promise me that you'll be careful and mindful of your own boundaries.

Emily: Of course, Mel. I promise that I'll prioritize my own well-being above everything else. And I'll be sure to tell you all about it afterward!

Melany couldn't help but feel worried about her best friend Emily. Although she trusted Emily's judgment and knew that she was a capable and intelligent young woman, she couldn't shake the feeling that participating in a feeding session was a risky and potentially dangerous move. She worried about the emotional toll that such an experience could take on Emily, and she wished that there was some way that she could protect her friend from harm.

After deep thinking, Melany couldn't shake off her worries about Emily's participation in the feeding session. She knew that Emily was excited and curious about the experience, but she felt that she had to care of her. So, she decided to text Emily and ask if she could accompany her, without telling her that it was to protect her.

Melany: Hey Emily, I was thinking about what you said earlier. Would it be okay if I came along? I promise I won't interfere with your research, but I'm also curious about it.

Emily: Actually, Mel, I think that's a great idea ! I would have your point of view !

Emily couldn't believe what she read, a feeding session with her best friend ! she immediatly felt a mix of excitement and nerves. She texted Lena about the upcoming feeding session :

Emily: Hey Lena, I was just wondering about your proposal. Is it still happening, and would it be okay if I brought a friend along for support?

Lena: Hey Emily, yes, the session is still on. And I'm more than happy to have your friend come along as well. The more the merrier! How about tomorrow evening? I'll send you the details.

Emily: That sounds great, Lena! Thank you so much for being so accommodating. I'm really looking forward to it. See you tomorrow!

Lena: Awesome! I'll see you then, Emily. And don't forget to bring your appetite! ;)

Emily felt a tinge of nervous excitement as she read Lena's message about bringing her appetite to the feeding session. She had originally planned to simply observe and take notes for her thesis, but the idea of indulging in delicious, calorie-rich foods and letting go of her inhibitions was becoming increasingly appealing to her.
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Mitchell 4 months
Beautiful story of 2 souls connecting and able to explore each other fully. Being part of that journey and body transformation is electric, to hold and be intimate with them is unforgettable.
GrowingLoveH... 9 months
I really love your pacing in this story. You alllow your characters time and motivation for their changes. Excellent writing. You are a treasure to this community.
GrowingLoveH... 9 months
I really love your pacing in this story. You alllow your characters time and motivation for their changes. Excellent writing. You are a treasure to this community.
Karenjenk 9 months
since it was a project for school
i would like to hear more bout her experinces with the professor and other students and how they react
love it!
Pd500 9 months
This is incredible! I'm looking forward to chapter 14! Thank you!
LLP 12 months
Wonderful story! I love how wholesome your stories seem, so they might appeal to a broader audience
Jazzman 1 year
This is Nice. I would call it a " medium burn" instead of a slow burn. I think it's going to get real at the feeding session. Bravo
Fanedfox 1 year
Well written and a great idea for a plot!
Levy 1 year
Thx !