Emily in feederism

  By Levy

Chapter 3 : Interview

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Emily arrived at the Starbucks coffee shop early, eager to meet with Lena and begin their interview about feederism. The day was sunny and bright, with a light breeze rustling through the trees and birds chirping in the background.

As she waited for Lena to arrive, Emily sat outside on the patio, sipping on a cup of coffee and soaking up the warm rays of the sun. She felt a sense of anticipation building within her, eager to hear Lena's perspective on this controversial subject and to learn more about her experiences with feederism.

The atmosphere at the coffee shop was bustling and lively, with people coming and going, chatting and laughing. Emily couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness as she watched the crowds, wondering when Lena would arrive and what the interview would hold.

As she sat sipping her coffee, Emily felt a sense of gratitude and excitement for the opportunity to explore this subject in greater depth, with the help of someone who had experienced it firsthand. She couldn't wait to dive deeper into the complexities of feederism and to shed light on this often-misunderstood subculture through the lens of sociology.

As Lena finally arrived at coffee shop, Emily couldn't help but feel a slight sense of excitement. Lena was waddling and struggling in her tight clothes, her body swollen and curvy from her weight gain. She had a huge double belly that strained against her shirt and thick, jiggly legs that looked like they could barely support her weight.

Despite her obvious struggle, Emily couldn't help but think that Lena was absolutely gorgeous. She had a confidence and self-assurance that was captivating, and Emily admired the way that she owned her body and her desires, even in the face of intense scrutiny and judgement.

As Lena approached the table, Emily stood up to greet her, a smile spreading across her face. Lena grinned back, her eyes sparkling. Emily couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration and respect for this woman who had been willing to share her story with the world, despite the potential backlash and criticism.

As they settled in at the table and began the interview, Emily felt a sense of nervousness building within her. She knew that this conversation would be challenging and complex, but she was ready to dive in and explore the complexities of feederism with an open mind and a willingness to learn from Lena's experiences.

Emily took a deep breath and hit the record button on her phone, signaling the start of the interview. She thanked Lena for agreeing to speak with her and began with the first question.

"So Lena, when did you first discover that you were a feedee?"

Lena took a sip of her coffee and leaned back in her chair, a thoughtful expression on her face. "It was after my last year in business school," she said. "I had always been thin, and always struggled to stay fit. Then we met Mary and Pete, with Micheal, a couple of friends who were into feederism, and they... hum... they never told us they were in, they just introduced.. us to the concept"

Lena went on to describe how Mary and Pete had encouraged her to indulge her desires and embrace her love of food and weight gain. "They made me feel like it was incredible to want to gain weight and be fed by someone else, and how... sexual... that could be" she said. "It was like a switch had been flipped in my brain."

Emily listened and couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the way that Lena had embraced her desires and owned her body.

As the interview progressed, Emily found herself struggling to come up with new questions for Lena. She had already covered so much ground in their conversation, and she didn't want to repeat herself or bore Lena with too many repetitive questions.

Then, Lena suddenly asked, "Why did you choose this subject for your thesis?" Emily was momentarily taken aback, feeling caught off guard by the question. She hesitated for a moment before answering, her voice sounding mechanical as she listed off the reasons why she found feederism to be a fascinating and complex subculture.

But Lena didn't seem put off by Emily's response. In fact, she smiled warmly, as if understanding more than Emily had even said out loud.

She listened to Emily speak about her thesis, she couldn't help but sense that there was something more to her interest than just academic curiosity. She could see the longing and curiosity in Emily's eyes, and she knew that there was a part of her that wanted to explore this in a more personal and intimate way.

With a mischievous smile, Lena leaned forward and said, "You know, Emily, I think there's something you might enjoy seeing. How about we arrange a stuffing session between me and my partner Michael? It could be a great thing for your thesis?"

Emily was completely stunned. Without any hesitation, she exclaimed, "Yes!" Her voice was loud which surprised a bit Lena.

Lena couldn't help but smile wider.
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Mitchell 4 months
Beautiful story of 2 souls connecting and able to explore each other fully. Being part of that journey and body transformation is electric, to hold and be intimate with them is unforgettable.
GrowingLoveH... 9 months
I really love your pacing in this story. You alllow your characters time and motivation for their changes. Excellent writing. You are a treasure to this community.
GrowingLoveH... 9 months
I really love your pacing in this story. You alllow your characters time and motivation for their changes. Excellent writing. You are a treasure to this community.
Karenjenk 9 months
since it was a project for school
i would like to hear more bout her experinces with the professor and other students and how they react
love it!
Pd500 9 months
This is incredible! I'm looking forward to chapter 14! Thank you!
LLP 12 months
Wonderful story! I love how wholesome your stories seem, so they might appeal to a broader audience
Jazzman 1 year
This is Nice. I would call it a " medium burn" instead of a slow burn. I think it's going to get real at the feeding session. Bravo
Fanedfox 1 year
Well written and a great idea for a plot!
Levy 1 year
Thx !