A new type of therapy

Chapter 2: Finding John

“Of course this small town can only find one therapist” huffed Sarah, walking into a bland looking concrete building.

Sarah had found John through church, after a large woman named Nancy had recommended his services. Nancy was an accountant at the local school district, and after having a mental breakdown, she had gone to a nearby town to see a therapist. After 4 therapy sessions, Nancy came back to Dixon… changed. Not only was Nancy more relaxed, there was just… more Nancy. The Nancy that returned came back looking like she had nearly doubled her weight. She didn’t specify what had happened, but she told everyone that John had changed her complete view of the world.

Sarah opened the glass paned door and met the receptionist, Marge. Marge was a tall woman, wearing a white and pink striped dress. As Sarah walked closer to the desk, she noticed that Marge was heavily pregnant, with her belly button poking out of her dress.
“Hi, my name is Sarah, I have an appointment at 3 with John?” inquired Sarah, eyes drawn enviously at Marge’s round baby bump.

“Hi! He’ll be right OW!” cried Marge, grimacing while she rubbed the side of her large belly. “Sorry, little boy here is just excited you’re here!” smiled the large round woman.

Sarah gave an awkward fake smile and sat down.

Minutes later, the back door opens and a small, wirey man walks out the door. “Sarah?” asks John, not realizing that there’s only one other person in the lobby.

Sarah stands up and walks into his office. On the back window, there are several advertisements showing the man posing with several models with quotes like “Dr. John changed my world, he can change yours too!” and other corny little text boxes. In all of these pictures were large, voluptuous women who looked confident and proud in their large, soft bodies.

“Take a seat, and tell me about what brings you in here today.” starts John.

Sarah goes into detail about her struggles with fertility, and how it has caused this recent struggle with Mike. After taking some notes, John asks about her health and routine. Sarah describes her spartan regime, causing John to put down his notecard in shock. “Stop right there, I think you have told me enough to start treatment.” John rolls around his chair and sits right in front of Sarah.

“Are you ready?” asks John?

Confused at his sudden interruption, Sarah agrees.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 5 months
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Jesssnes93 5 months
The pregnancy part was so hot! Would love to see more
SpideyFlash8 1 year
Please continue
LoveMuffin 6 months
Love the rapid growth. Wish it could be savoured
LoveMuffin 6 months
Love the rapid growth. Wish it could be savoured
Lazarusman 1 year
Keep going!! Your stories are amazingly hot and we need more of them!!!