A new type of therapy

Chapter 3: Suprise!

“Please sit up straight in your chair, and uncross your legs for me please.” directs John, sounding more forceful than inviting.

Sarah obeyed, and shrugged, thinking he was going to do some dumb breathing exercises like all the other online therapists she had tried before him had told her.
“Please look up at the top poster, and count to 3” asks John, raising his hand to point to the top poster.

Sarah looks up towards Johns hand, and counts to three. As she says three, John snaps his hand and squeezes her knee and says “Drop”. Sarahs head immediately drops into trance, with her shoulders slumped over and mouth agape and drool starting to drip out.
“Listen to my words, and let my words become your reality.” says John in a soft, monotone voice.

“You no longer care about living based on a schedule. You now live your life based off of what feels good in the moment. You no longer feel the need to count calories, but you eat when you are hungry, and you eat foods that make you feel good. You no longer strain on your exercises, but you stop when you become tired or sore.”

Cassandra’s body relaxed further into the couch. The bags under her eyes caused by the stress magically wiped away, leaving a clear face. Her chiseled arms softened and rounded out, years of exercise vanishing into soft pliable tubes. Her rib cage disappeared under a thin layer of fat, giving her the look of someone who was naturally thin, but ate normal amounts of food. Her sharp jawline softened a little bit, but still maintained a little bit of definition. Her butt and thighs pushed out on the couch, giving her jeans a filled-out look, as if they were brand new.

“You drink beer socially, and you like ordering appetizers at every restaurant that you go to. You’ve been going out a lot lately and each time you find yourself eating a bit more than usual. Since you are in your late twenties, you no longer can recover from hangovers fast enough to keep up a workout regimen the day after, so your workouts have become scarce.” continued John, gazing on the changed Sarah.

Cassandra’s body relaxed even further as her body responded to John’s words. Her face began to round out, giving rounded cheeks and a distinct double chin. Her boobs pushed out into her bra, snapping the clasp as they added 2 cup sizes. Her belly rounded out from under her enlarged chest, causing a bottom roll to form that pressed out of her t-shirt. Her hips and thighs widened and softened, erasing any thigh gap that she may have previously had. Her booty expanded outwards, pushing her higher on the couch due to her extra cushioning. Her arms rounded out, pressing against the edge of her sleeves. Her hands pudged up giving soft padded sausage fingers.

John smiled, preparing himself for the final stages of treatment.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 6 months
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Jesssnes93 5 months
The pregnancy part was so hot! Would love to see more
SpideyFlash8 1 year
Please continue
LoveMuffin 6 months
Love the rapid growth. Wish it could be savoured
LoveMuffin 6 months
Love the rapid growth. Wish it could be savoured
Lazarusman 1 year
Keep going!! Your stories are amazingly hot and we need more of them!!!