A new type of therapy

Chapter 6: Treatment begins

As Jessica walked into the bland looking office, her jaw dropped. Out of the back window waddled a massively pregnant woman who barely fit through the door. With a ripped t-shirt that rode all the way up to her massive milk-soaked tits, this client jiggled her way out of the door and waddled past Jessica smiling and humming. Jessica couldn’t help but feel a little bit envious of the rotund pregnant woman and how carefree she was, even if the front of her ripped jeans showed a massive cumstain for the world to see.

“I’m here to set up an appointment my name is Jesss..” stuttered Jessica, as she looked down and saw the secretary’s massive pregnant belly. Stunned by how her dress was skin tight, Jessica tried to close her mouth and look away, but was unable to totally keep her eyes away from the woman’s circular bump hanging over her thick thighs. “Sure! Dr. John will be right with you!” piped Marge, rubbing her belly hypnotically as if to further entice the staring client.

Jessica forced herself to turn away, only to hear “You can come on in!” come out of the door from which the massively pregnant woman had just exited. Jessica nervously shuffled past Marge, hoping to avert her eyes long enough to not become entranced again by the protruding belly.

“So what brings you in to my office?” Dr. John asks, as he watches the clearly nervous client fidget and shake her knees together.

“I’ve been super stressed at work lately, and I feel like I am spread so thin…” explains Jessica, and goes into detail about all the different aspects of her life. John nods and takes notes, but also steals a glance at Jessica’s body.

To the untrained eye, Jessica looked fairly average weight, not too athletic, but not out of shape either. But to John, he saw a natural fatty whose soft, jiggly obesity was being contained by sheer anxiety, caffeine, and willpower. The way that her belly showed no firmness whatsoever, and that her soft thighs had no bumps or curves indicating muscle or any sort of consistent workout regimen showed that Jessica was a prime candidate for John’s methods.

“Jessica, I’m going to recommend that we start with the therapy.” John interrupted. “You clearly have a lot of pent up pressure to spend energy in all these different aspects of your life, but it’s time that I help you focus on the ones that are important.”

“Ok! Where do we begin?” asked Jessica.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 6 months
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Jesssnes93 5 months
The pregnancy part was so hot! Would love to see more
SpideyFlash8 1 year
Please continue
LoveMuffin 6 months
Love the rapid growth. Wish it could be savoured
LoveMuffin 6 months
Love the rapid growth. Wish it could be savoured
Lazarusman 1 year
Keep going!! Your stories are amazingly hot and we need more of them!!!