A new type of therapy

Chapter 7: The Setup

Jessica, still recovering from the sight of the gravid baby bump of the secretary and exiting client, slowly walked into the office.

In front of the desk sat a massive wheelchair, one that you see at hospitals for the extremely obese patients.

"If you could sit in the wheelchair for me, we will begin shortly." asked John.

"If I may ask, is there a reason behind this extra large wheelchair in a doctors office? I was told I need therapy, not a hospital." chirped Jessica.

"I'll explain in a moment, that is a tool we use for some of our patients." replied John. Pulling out a handheld walkie talkie, John whispered "Pull the van around, we're gonna need it."

"So I hear you're having difficulties staying relaxed at work. Talk me through what has been stressing you out so much." asked John.

"Well, it all started with my bitch of a boss, and she always holds me to ridiculous standards, despite the fact that the majority of my coworkers are obese cows. I mean, all they do is eat! The job is super high stress and I'm just trying to be perfect like my parents raised me to be, and apparently taking my job seriously is called a 'panic attack'." huffed Jessica.

"I see. I think I see where your problems might be coming from. If you could please look up at the posters on my back wall, and begin counting down from five to one." Said John.

"This is stupid, I should've just gone to the group therapy option. Fine, whatever since this option didn't have a copay I'll play along if it means i get to go back to work." muttered Jessica, not noticing John reaching into his desk drawer.

"5... 4... 3..." Jessica lazily called out, completely unfazed about the counting down. John slowly walked around behind Jessica with a hidden object behind his back.

"2... and 1. I did your little countdown, I don't feel anything, can I leave now with my doctors note?" snorted Jessica, completely unaware that John was right behind her.

"Look up."

As soon as Jessica looked up at John, he snapped his fingers right in front of her eyes, locking her subconscious in place. Jessica was frozen looking straight up, eyes halfway closed and mouth completely agape.

"You will follow my hand deep into trance, as soon as I snap my fingers again, your body and mind are completely mine." John snapped his fingers again, bringing his hand down towards her stomach. Jessica's head snapped downwards, hanging with her chin to her neck, mouth and tongue hanging out with drool starting to come out.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 6 months
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Jesssnes93 5 months
The pregnancy part was so hot! Would love to see more
SpideyFlash8 1 year
Please continue
LoveMuffin 6 months
Love the rapid growth. Wish it could be savoured
LoveMuffin 6 months
Love the rapid growth. Wish it could be savoured
Lazarusman 1 year
Keep going!! Your stories are amazingly hot and we need more of them!!!