A new type of therapy

Chapter 8: The Release

"Jessica, you've been hiding something in yourself for a long time, and it's time we released it from it's cage. Nod if you agree."

Jessica weakly nodded, completely controlled by her self conscious.

John walked around to her front and unclasped her belt and jeans button, and pulling her zipper all the way down.

"I am helping you out now so that you are more comfortable when you leave. Do you understand?" John asked.

Jessica nodded.

John slowly pulled her shirt off, revealing an A cup braw, as well as shimmied her jeans off of her body.

"I am going to put a hospital gown on you so that you can be ready for your next step. Are you okay with this?" asked John.

Jessica nodded.

After slipping an XXXXL hospital gown around Jessica's tiny frame, John pulled out from behind him an eight inch long vibrator, and pressed the end of it into Jessica's crotch.

"Okay Jessica, I am going to ask you some questions, and if you give me the answer that I want, you will be rewarded. Are you ready?" asked John.

Jessica nodded.

"How many calories do you eat per day?"

"1200" whispered Jessica. No reward.

"How many calories do you want to eat per day?" asked John directly to her subconscious.

"8000" whispered Jessica. John turned the vibrator to level 1. Jessica took a deep breath in as she felt a tingle of pleasure through her body.

Saying this awakened powerful new memories for her. Instead of counting each calorie, Jessica's memories changed into gluttonous pleasure, eating whatever she wanted whenever she was hungry.

Her body responded in kind, putting on 50 pounds of pure fat almost instantly. Her face puffed up, her neck softened. Her shoulders rounded out and her arms flabbed out into bingo wings. Her stomach flopped onto her thighs, still unseen by the massive hospital gown. Her thighs smacked together as the fat jiggled it's way out.

"How often do you exercise?" John prodded.

"About 4 or 5 times a week" Jessica responded. No reward.

"How often do you want to exercise? John asked.

"Never." replied Jessica. John turned the vibrator up to level 2. Jessica let out a quick moan as her pleasure increased.

All of Jessica's memories of exercise quickly seeped out of her mind. This quickly added another 75 pounds of fat onto her already chubby frame. Her booty, now cellulite ridden and flabby, exploded out until they just barely grazed the edges of the large wheel chair, almost filling the seat. Her belly oozed out over her now massive thighs, causing the bottom half of her gooey stomach to fold upwards, creating a large lower roll. Her breasts, once barely able to fill the A cup bra, had grown only a little bit in the prior expansion, but instantaneosly busted her bra off as her tits exploded outwards. Her nipples enlarged to the size of a golf ball, and her areolas spread to the size of a dessert plate.

Her face oozed with fat, creating round chipmunk cheeks as well as a large draping double chin. Her shoulders rounded out into massive hams of arms, nearly filling out the sleeves of the massive hospital gown. Due to the massive increase in weight, Jessica's breathing became more labored as more than 150 pounds now weighed down on her.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 6 months
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Jesssnes93 5 months
The pregnancy part was so hot! Would love to see more
SpideyFlash8 1 year
Please continue
LoveMuffin 6 months
Love the rapid growth. Wish it could be savoured
LoveMuffin 6 months
Love the rapid growth. Wish it could be savoured
Lazarusman 1 year
Keep going!! Your stories are amazingly hot and we need more of them!!!