The phlebotomist

Chapter 2: The Meeting

He was wearing a white lab coat. Making him look like a cliché mad scientist. Albeit, a very very chubby one. She smiled to herself. He was so cute! She always loved the way big guys looked. They looked so soft. She longed to find one she could love on.

She wondered who he was. But just as quickly as she saw him, he was gone around the corner.

Again, she waited for what felt like eternity. In reality it was about 10 minutes. She looked at the clock 4:42. "I hope they get me soon before they close..." she thought to herself. Just then she heard a voice.

"April?" He asked. It was him! The mad scientist.

"At your service." She blurted out fake saluting him. Her mind screaming at her "don't be weird. Don't be weird!" And instead, she was being weird. "Great now he probably thinks you're an idiot." She thought to herself.

Meanwhile, he was laughing and smiled at her so gently and kind. "Well, you certainly are in better spirits than just about everyone else who walks through this door. My name is Connor. I'm the phlebotomist here today. Have you had any experience with this process?" He looked at her genuinely.

"Uhm..." She looked up at him with big eyes. She was getting lost in her thoughts. "God he's adorable. Look at his chubby cheeks and cute dimples. I wonder what he's like outside of work? Is he single? Does he think I'm cute?" Her thoughts going a 100 miles a minute.

Realizing she hadn't answered him for a few seconds, she nervously stated "No. And I'm really not sure what to expect and I'm kind of scared." She interlocked her fingers and followed him to the room.

"That is perfectly normal. It's okay to be nervous. I'll be right here with you the whole time and if you need anything let me know. I promise it won't take very long. We're going to check your vitamin levels, your thyroid levels, and your liver and kidney function."

He had her sit in a chair that was big enough for 3 of her. She wondered how much of the chair would he take up if he sat in it. She saw him get out the items he needed.

He said, "this will feel like a little pinch, you might faint or feel light headed and that's okay. Just try to let me know if you do and I'll be right here. I'm not going anywhere." He was so soothing. She felt like she could tell him anything. She closed her eyes because she didn't want to watch, she was too scared.


She took a deep breath. Feeling the little sting.

"Are you okay? The worst part is over." He said calmly.

She shook her head yes. Too nervous to talk.

"Okay, we're all done." He said as he put the superman bandaid on her arm.

"Wait, that was it?" Then, she looked at the cute bandaid and started to giggle.

"Heh.. yeah sorry about that. We were all out of the adult ones."

Thinking she was good to go, she stood up and then she felt light headed.

Next thing she knew she found herself pressed up against the softness of a large man. She opened her eyes as he was getting ready to sit her back in her chair.

"Hey.. hey.. it's okay. I got you. You're okay. Here, let's sit for a minute." He said with a tone that gave her extreme comfort.

"You're so soft and strong" She blurted out after she fainted. Not really meaning to say that out loud. But in her dazed state... She swore she saw his eyes flicker in a way... "Oh no, did I just say that out loud? I'm so sorry.. I... what happened? I just remember standing up." She looked up at him with watery eyes and feeling kind of weak.

He immediately put a cold wash cloth on her neck and was getting her a bottle of cold water.

"Well, you fainted on me. Here drink some water."

She looked up at him and then noticing the time on the clock.

"Shit. It's after 5. You guys are closed. I'm sorry to keep you ugh. I didn't know that was going to happen." The cold wash cloth felt good against her hot skin.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not going anywhere until I know you're okay. This is what I do." He smiled reassuringly.

"Thank you. You're so kind. I've never had this happen." She really just wanted to cuddle on him he made her feel so safe. Her thoughts running away with her again.

She sat for a few minutes drinking the water he gave her. They made small talk while she recovered from her episode. The typical, what do you go to school for, how much longer do you have left, types of questions.

"I think I'm feeling better now." She told him. She really wanted to talk to him more. Maybe she would see him again?

"Okay, let me help you up." He gently grabbed her hand and helped her up. He held both of his wide arms up on either side of her, kind of in the air hug type of way, just to make sure she was steady. "Are you okay?" He looked at her concerned with beautiful blue eyes that she could see so clearly through his glasses.

"Ugh could he be any cuter?" She thought to herself. "I think so." She smiled at him. He walked behind her on their way out of the waiting room.

"Okay be careful, we will call you soon." He said in his usual professional manner.

"Hope to see you around." She said sincerely.

She headed back to her apartment and couldn't wait to tell her roomie about her day. She needed to vent.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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TCC 1 year
Love the meet cute. Looking forward to more!
FFAfodays 1 year
Omg this is sooo cute!!! Can't wait to read more smiley
Snappie333 1 year
So cute!
Built4com4t 1 year
Well done…great start!