The phlebotomist

Chapter 3: Questions

April got home around 6:30. For her this was an extremely eventful day. As she walked into her apartment, she saw her roommate watching TV.

"I need a vent sesh. Are you free?" April asked Cal.

"Sure. What's up? You look like you've been through it. No offense." Cal said.

"Well you wouldn't be wrong. Girl. Okay, brief rundown - I went to the doc, she sent me to get lab work done. Well, then, after that was done I stood up and fainted and fell on the guy who took my labs! How embarrassing!" April blurted out. She felt so worked up and had so many emotions.

"Oh my God. Are you okay? Like what happened?" Cal asked concerned.

"I mean I think I'm okay now. I don't really know what happened exactly. I felt fine and then I stood up and I fainted. And, I'm pretty sure I said something like 'you're so soft and strong.' I mean yeah he was a pretty big guy honestly. But why would I even blurt that out? That's even more embarrassing than fainting." April felt so weird after that encounter. She couldn't put it into words.

"Well, I mean was he cute?" Cal asked intrigued.

"I thought he was literally the cutest. He is my type of guy. But I dunno how to even see him again or if he's single or if he even thought I was cute. And I'm really not wanting to go back there if I can help it. Plus I don't want to be the weirdo who is like stalking the guy who she met for 10 minutes and then fainted on." April told her as she did the face palm motion.

"Well maybe you'll see him again and hopefully not faint on him if you do." Cal said jokingly.


Connor was late to his D&D campaign that night. He had to go home shower and change.

As soon as he arrived his group was already giving him a hard time about being late.

He grabbed a beer and got out his dice and character sheet.

"Get off work late again bud?" His friend asked.

Connor took a drink of beer and said "Heh yeah. I know. AGAIN. But this time was different. A really cute girl fainted on me and I had to stay with her until I knew she was okay."

The whole table almost in unison "ooohhhhh" making kissing noises and being obnoxious like friend groups get especially after having a drink or two.

As game commenced, Connor found himself being aloof and his mind drifting back to her small frame falling limply in his arms.

It had been a while since his breakup last fall and he was too shy to really get to know any of the girls in the area.


"Hello. Earth to Connor. Your action. What do you do?" The DM said flatly.


The game went on and ended a couple of hours later. After packing up, his best bud patted him on the shoulder and asked him what was with you tonight? You were super not into game?"

"Yeah I know. My mind is not with it tonight. I kept thinking about that girl I saw today. And how it had been a while since... well you know... the breakup... Maybe I'm being weird about it, but she said she 'hoped to see me again' and I just felt like maybe that was more than a typical goodbye? You know?" Connor asked his friend as if looking a specific answer.

"Idk dude. Maybe? I mean this town isn't gigantic I'm sure you'll probably see her out at some point? Maybe see if she comes up to you to say hey? That's what I would probably do. I dunno, women are mysteries."
His friend was trying to be helpful but Connor felt like he needed more answers to his questions.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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TCC 1 year
Love the meet cute. Looking forward to more!
FFAfodays 1 year
Omg this is sooo cute!!! Can't wait to read more smiley
Snappie333 1 year
So cute!
Built4com4t 1 year
Well doneā€¦great start!