The phlebotomist

Chapter 4: What are the chances?

Several weeks had passed and April was still thinking about her encounter with Connor. The way she felt so small against his big plush body. How he was so comforting and made her anxiety dissipate during the process. How cute he was. His thick framed glasses and chubby cheeks... She wanted to see him again so badly.


"Hel lo?" April asked as she answered her phone.

"Is this April? This is Doctor Fers office calling about your lab results. You have low iron. We will give you some prescription vitamins and test you again in a couple of months. Everything else looks good!" The receptionist said.

"Okay thank you for letting me know. Have a good day."

April was relieved that it was an easy fix and was ready to get to feeling better.

She loved cooking and was taking some cooking classes was really enjoying them. But her energy levels made it difficult to stay motivated. She hoped that would change soon. She wanted to feel like her old self again.


After class, April went back to her apartment where her roommate was studying for an upcoming exam.

"Hey Cal! What would you like for dinner?" April asked since it was her turn to cook.

"Whatever sounds good to you." Cal said in her *I love you but I'm busy* tone of voice.

April knew it didn't really matter what she made for dinner. When her roomie was in study mode, she could eat a piece of cardboard and be fine with it. She really didn't care about what was for dinner.

"Okaaay. That will narrow it down... Well I guess I will go to the store and see if anything jumps out at me that sounds good. If you think of something let me know." April said as she grabbed her purse and headed out the door.


April pulled into the parking lot, grabbed her things and headed inside. "Damn it's busy in here for a Tuesday evening." She thought to herself. She grabbed a cart and started to explore the aisles.

As she turned a corner, she felt her cart abruptly stop. "Shit." She thought to herself. To her horror she saw a large man right in front of her.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry sir! Are you okay?" She blurted out. He turned to face her. It was Connor!

He had an expression of annoyance and frustration on his face for a second. Until he saw it was her.

"You know, you don't have to call me sir. I think I'm okay. But we really need to stop meeting like this with you crashing into me every chance you get." He said smiling.

She looked up at him with her big green eyes and started to laugh a little. "I really am so, so sorry. Please, let me make it up to you? I can bake you some cookies or something?" She said with hopeful eyes.

She really felt horrible. She really hoped she didn't hurt him.

He thought to himself for a minute. "Cookies? Do I look like I need cookies? But if I say no, I may not get to see her again..." His thoughts going a 100 miles an hour.

"Uh, well... I mean you really don't have to go through the trouble of all that. I'm fine. Really." He said in a kind of sad tone but trying to mask it the best he could.

"Nonsense. I'm not taking no for an answer. I could have really hurt you. It's the least I could do... Please let me make it up to you." She said almost begging him. Looking deeply into his eyes. "God he is so cute. Damn it.. What if he has a girlfriend and I'm being weird trying to offer him baked goods for basically running him over..." she thought to herself.

"I mean, unless your girlfriend would be upset about that? Which I would totally understand..." She quickly added.

"Heh. Yeah, uhm no girlfriend here..." He trailed off. "I mean, if you insist on making it up to me then I suppose I can't refuse." He said smiling at her. God she looked so adorable. Is she just being nice bc she feels bad? I mean.. I guess if anything I'll get some cookies out of this. Then i can move on with my life. He thought to himself.

She smiled so big, but tried to hide her excitement and failed miserably. "Okay! When are you free? Or how should I go about getting them to you? I guess we should probably exchange numbers?" She looked at him with practically stars in her eyes.

"That would make the most sense to me." He said smiling back. He was feeling unsure about this entire encounter. She seemed genuine about this, but he also never had a woman ask him for his number either let alone offer to bake him something. He didn't really know what to think. Except that he felt absolutely ginormous compared to her and that also made him feel another kind of way...

They exchanged numbers, said their goodbyes, and as he walked away, he caught her doing a little dance out of his peripheral. He smiled to himself. She was absolutely adorable. He absent mindedly rubbed his sore side. Feeling the way his love handles completely overflowed his pants. That'll probably leave a bruise for a few days... but maybe it would be worth it if he got to see her again...
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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TCC 1 year
Love the meet cute. Looking forward to more!
FFAfodays 1 year
Omg this is sooo cute!!! Can't wait to read more smiley
Snappie333 1 year
So cute!
Built4com4t 1 year
Well doneā€¦great start!