First date fun

Chapter 11- The aftermath (Laly's Perspective)

This next chapter is written from Laly's POV)

“Ohhhh god what did you do to me….”. I lean back on the couch with my two hands on my painful stuffed belly. My intestines feel like they are about to explode. I have never felt so much pressure inside of me before. I look up at the man I just met yesterday, hoping he finally takes mercy on me. He looks down at me with a satisfied grin, as if he is somehow enjoying how much pain I am in. I will be honest I am no stranger to having a stuffed belly, I am a fat girl who struggles with her weight after all. Usually my binges consist of a large meal and too many deserts. I have never been in a scenario where I was stuffed with a massive dinner and then stuffed AGAIN with a massive breakfast. My tummy isn’t used to this amount of food. I don’t know how much longer I can handle this pressure. I need some time to digest. I don’t really understand why this man is so insist on forcing me to eat. I really want to tell him to stop but I just can’t, he’s so confidant with what he wants so there must be a reason. Despite the cramping that I am fighting through, I feel deeply satisfied. Ive never had a man spoil me with so much food. It almost makes me feel safe and cared for, knowing that he is so intent on making sure I am taken care of. I really hope he asks for a second date. A part of me is worried he won’t ask due to how fat I am. I am struggling to breathe and I can’t tell how much of it is due to being overfed and how much is due to the fact that my body is battling with the fabric on my outfit. “Hey Ive gotta get going, Ive got a bit of a stomach ache and I need to shower.” I need to escape before he finds an excuse to shove those last 2 donuts in me. I look down at my midsection and I know I cannot afford to get any fatter. He extends a hand and hoists me from the couch to my feet. He places his arms above my hips and pulls me in tight from the love handles. “Your stomach hurts because you haven’t stopped eating since yesterday Laly.” He says with a calm demeanor. Telling a fat girl she overate while grasping at her love handles is so humiliating. The blood rushes to my face with embarrassment, but he notices and pulls me in for a short but firm kiss. He releases my love handles, turns my hips towards the door and plants a firm smack on my ass, causing my globular bottom to shake.
My uber arrives shortly and parks directly in in front of his apartment. He escorts me down the the short brick staircase and opens the car door for me. “Excuse me driver just wait one moment I have to grab her belonging from inside.” I am a bit confused since I didn’t leave anything in the apartment. He strolls back out the car with a grocery bag. And places it on the seat next to me. “Let me know when you get home safe Laly!”. He gently shuts to door and waves goodbye as the driver pulls away. Luckily for me my uber driver was pretty smooth, otherwise I might’ve gotten sick from my unsettled tummy. Unfortunately the old streets of Boston are filled with potholes and the occasional thunk reminds me of how stuffed I am. The ride is uneventful and I heave myself out of the car and lumber into my families house. I head straight to my room to avoid my prying family members questions about where I spent the night. I lock the door behind me and release myself from the constraints of my shirt and bra. Home sweet home. The curiosity of what’s in the bag is killing me, so I decide to undue the ties and see what’s inside. On top is the box with the final two donuts. I had my suspicions that those would be in there. Underneath is a massive plate of those extra rich brownies that Megan made last night. And there a six-pack of carnation breakfast essential shakes , Cinnabon edition. Attached is a handwritten note. It reads “Lady- Megan wanted you to have these, I know you enjoyed them last night. I left you one of my favorite drinks as it would be rude not to leave you with something to wash them down with. -Enjoy!”. I place all the food on my bedside table and lie down for a nap, replaying all the beautiful moments from last night in my head.
A few hours pass and I am awaken by a knock on my bedroom door. “Laly its time for dinner! Come downstairs now!”. Its my mother of course and since I am staying in her house to save money I have to play by her rules. “Yes mom il be right there.” I feel well rested and throw on some comfortable clothes. I enter the dining room and go to prep myself a plate. “No dear you sit down I will get it for you”. Ive learned over the years that its not worth telling my mom I am an adult that can fix my own plate. I comply and wait for her to return from the kitchen. She returns with a plate that is overflowing with pork chops, mashed potatoes, applesauce and green beans. “You know I’m not going to be able to finish all this mom.” Im pretty annoyed since she always does this…but whatever. At least the food is delicious. I left my phone upstairs and really want to see if he texted me, so I best finish this meal quickly. The buttery mashed potatoes and tender meat send waves of euphoria through my body. I enter a bit of a trance while I shovel bite after bite of this delicious homemade meal into my mouth. I finally force down the green beans. As I am about to finish the last bite my mother brings over the pot of mashed potatoes, and throws another large portion on my plate without my consent. “I made too much honey and we really don’t have room for leftovers in the fridge”. I shoot darts of annoyance at her with my eyes. Its best I just comply and slowly hoist bite after bite of the delicious food down my gullet. “Thanks mom! That was really good I am going to go relax now!”.
I plop down on my bed and pull my phone off the charger. Still no text from him. He must be busy, it seems like he works a lot so that must be it. I distract myself with Netflix while texting my friends all the details from last night. About an hour of watching tv goes by before I become acutely aware of the elephant in the room. That plate of brownies is staring at me and I I didn’t yet have desert. I have to resist the temptation to reach for them. Maybe I will just have one… I stand up to reach from them and remember the two donuts. Unfortunately I know they will go stale quick and I would hate to see them go to waste. Doing the right thing takes priority here so I decide to eat them first. I mindlessly work through the donuts while FaceTiming my friends. One of them inquires why I am eating donuts at dinnertime. “Oh I was too lazy to make a proper meal tonight, these are my dinner”. They don’t need to know that I made an absolute hog out of myself the hour before due to my mothers overbearing nature…I think I will have to hold off on the brownies for at least another hour….To be continued…
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 5 months
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MVP76 7 months
It would be nice if perspectives switched and we heard from lalys point of view for a bit..
Jamesrt15 7 months
This is so good, I finished chapter 10 and desperately wanted there to be another 10. I can’t wait for more
Fatpeter 11 months
I loved this. Too bad it doesn’t go past their first date. I love how submissive Laly is!
Fillurbelly17 10 months
I will be continuing the story!
Jdm 1 year
Such a great story! It’s been a while since a story has me checking this site multiple times a day looking for an update.
Fillurbelly17 1 year
Thanks! I titled it “first date” because i wanted to be able to end it quickly if it didn't go well, but i plan on keeping to story going well past the first date!
Pd500 1 year
Nice job! I'm looking forward to chapter 7! So many ways this can go and I dig it!
Fillurbelly17 1 year
Thank you! I appreciate the support i am going to work on the next chapter tomorrow!
Intensefatty 1 year
Great so far ! Looking forward to more.
Fillurbelly17 1 year
Thank you!
Fillurbelly17 1 year
Hey All! this is my first story! I hope you all enjoy it, please feel free to leave any comments/ opinions/ ask questions on the work or give suggestions on where you want me to take the plot! Thanks!