First date fun

Chapter 3 Diving Deeper

Thirty minutes of small talk later Laly finally discovers the bottom of her Mac and Cheese. I can see by the look on her face that she knew she overdid it. 2 full sized meals down the hatch within an hour on the first date with almost no encouragement. This woman is a natural and with my leadership she has so much potential for growth.

Laly politely begins collecting our bowls and utensils into one pile. Her intention clearly was to be a polite woman and carry all of our trash to the bin. I could have been a gentleman and stopped her. Telling her not to worry about the trash and that I would walk it to the bin. But I wanted to watch her waddle. Selfish of me, certainly. But I did just pay for her meals so the least she could do is give me this small pleasure.

As she waddles her chunky gut back towards the table, I set my sights on the gap between her yoga pants and her top. I decide that if I accomplish nothing else tonight, I will be happy if her belly expands enough to increase the distance between her clothes ever so slightly. She lets out a small yawn that she failed to stifle. "Bored of me already?" I say with a soft smile. "I need caffeine to get me out of this food coma." She said with a slightly demanding tone. We set our sights on the nearest Starbucks, and begin to walk. I order ahead on the mobile app, getting myself a venti hot dark roast and her a venti iced caffe mocha. I request an extra packet of cream for her drink without asking her. A few extra calories never hurt anyone.

I grab Laly by the hand and lead her through the city streets. We resume our small talk between sips of coffee. "what do you do for work?" she inquires. I explain my profession and return the question. "Im unemployed at the moment." she states shyly. "I have connections to a local grocery store, I could get you a job there baking cakes or working as a cashier. There's currently a 2k signing bonus because they are so desperate for workers." My offer was genuine and I hoped shed be interested. I know how much free food my friends get from working at the grocery store. This girl would have no way of controlling her urges spending 40 hours a week surrounded by all the food she could possibly desire. "Im not interested in working retail at the moment" she replied. I left the conversation at that. Oh well. I guess I will bear the responsibly of ensuring she is surrounded by constant temptation.

The coffee starts to cool down leaving our hands cold, so we escape into an indoor mall. Being on a date at the mall certainly brings back the nostalgia of the teenage years. We stroll through target, surveying the various products. I make us stop to smell all the candles and she makes us look at all the plush toys. She mentions her love for anime and I allow her to tell me all about it. Her words go mostly in one ear and out the other as I am really just interested in keeping her belly full. We find ourselves in the corner of the store that sells furniture. She confidently grabs a small wooden chair. Her wide hips spilled over the sides of the chair in all their glory. I prayed the chair would emit a drawn out creak to make Laly aware of how big she is.

As we sit comfortably in our chairs, she tells me about how she hopes to visit relatives in Mexico, and how she likes to play fortnite with her father. It is really sweet to see a woman still take the time be kind to her dad. I guess this is another reason to keep her around. She mentions how her mother moved out to California. And how she just had another kid with her new boyfriend at age 40. For context she pulls up her mothers social media account to show me pictures. Lets see if she passes the mom test.

The first photograph of her mother was from 18 years ago. She was a petite woman. Besides the fact that she was sporting a 9 month pregnant belly. In the photograph, her mother wore maternity jeans and a t-shirt. She was holding the shirt up to expose her swollen taught womb. She looked uncomfortable with a forced smile. She was holding up her shirt so that 4 year old Laly could place her hands on her mothers stomach and feel her sibling kick. I ponder what she is trying to tell me by showing me this photo. Did this moment imprint on her from a young age? Anyways, the photo made me break a smile, as there is something so beautiful about women basking in their femininity.

We scroll to the next picture, so Laly can brag about how cute her new baby sibling is. Her new little sister is in a small green carriage and I ask "who is the woman pushing the carriage?". Behind the carriage, is a massive woman, struggling to fit into an extra large skintight romper. This woman had ass cheeks the size of watermelon, and was much larger than Laly in all aspects. I estimate 350 lbs. She was a bit old for my taste but her red lipstick drew my attention. There was no way this woman pushing the carriage was her mother. Not a chance she was the same petite woman from 18 years ago. "uhhh that's my mom" said Laly. "oh she looks different with the lipstick and dyed hair, I thought she could be your aunt". Phew. what a smooth recovery.

Chapter 4 coming soon...
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 5 months
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MVP76 7 months
It would be nice if perspectives switched and we heard from lalys point of view for a bit..
Jamesrt15 7 months
This is so good, I finished chapter 10 and desperately wanted there to be another 10. I can’t wait for more
Fatpeter 11 months
I loved this. Too bad it doesn’t go past their first date. I love how submissive Laly is!
Fillurbelly17 10 months
I will be continuing the story!
Jdm 1 year
Such a great story! It’s been a while since a story has me checking this site multiple times a day looking for an update.
Fillurbelly17 1 year
Thanks! I titled it “first date” because i wanted to be able to end it quickly if it didn't go well, but i plan on keeping to story going well past the first date!
Pd500 1 year
Nice job! I'm looking forward to chapter 7! So many ways this can go and I dig it!
Fillurbelly17 1 year
Thank you! I appreciate the support i am going to work on the next chapter tomorrow!
Intensefatty 1 year
Great so far ! Looking forward to more.
Fillurbelly17 1 year
Thank you!
Fillurbelly17 1 year
Hey All! this is my first story! I hope you all enjoy it, please feel free to leave any comments/ opinions/ ask questions on the work or give suggestions on where you want me to take the plot! Thanks!