First date fun

Chapter 4-Getting Closer

The mall was closing early and it was getting to that crucial point in the date. At this point I was overflowing with lust. I wanted to pull Laly in close by the hips. Then release my right hand to lift up her chin, and go in for a first kiss. But it just didn't feel right. A first kiss needs to happen at the right moment. A first kiss has to be earned. Laly had eaten her meal and and drank her coffee with gusto. But she is not going to earn a kiss until she eats desert. "Where to next?" I ask, as if I don't already know where I suggest we go. "I don't know but I don't feel like standing outside in the cold". I decide that at this moment I have to take the risk. "Since its 10pm, and everythings closing down, I see that we really only have two options. Part ways here or we can head back to my place?". "Im not ready for the night to end." says Laly with confidence. I could tell that she appreciated how forward I was being. Its not classy to invite a woman back to your place on the first date. But sometimes you meet a woman who shows you why being a gentleman is overrated.

We speed walk to the subway. The next train won't be arriving at the platform for a few minutes. I can't let her burn calories by standing uncomfortably. I place my hand on the small of her back, and guide her to the nearest bench.

Back at my apartment I have 3 roommates. 2 male friends from high school and a female that one of them is dating. Megan is her name. Megan was a conventionally beautiful woman. Very active and thin, and had aspirations to be a housewife one day. Megans elegance and graceful nature were a contrast to Laly's blubbery body and slovenly habits. I texted the group chat that I would be coming home with Laly and would like to have the living room to ourselves. Megan was first to reply "Im glad its going well! Im baking right now and will have a surprise ready for you guys when you get here:)" I had a feeling that the surprise would be sweets of some kind. Megans been trying to perfect a few recipes and has been using the men in the house as taste testers. Her snacks are incredible but have added a few pounds to out waistlines. Tonight I am hoping to pawn off that duty to Laly. The weight will look better on her than me.

A devious thought entered my mind. "its been a few hours since dinner, lets stop at the 7/11 next to my place on the way back for snacks.". Laly replies, "I could go for a red bull that coffee is wearing off". I opted not to inform her of Megans gift to us. Its not really lying, it's just withholding the truth. Plus, this girl ate two entrees, its only fair she eats two deserts.

The train arrives and it is nearly empty since it is 11pm. Laly was serious about the coffee wearing off. She promptly fell asleep in the seat next to me. She rested her head on my shoulder. I sneak a whiff of her hair. Its coconut shampoo, my favorite scent. What a coincidence.

With Laly sleeping I had a moment to gather my thoughts over the course of the subway ride. This girl is sleepy, gluttonous, and addicted to caffeine. The earlier image of her mother pops into my mind. That woman managed to blow up like a blimp after just one pregnancy. Laly is much larger than her mother was at this age. I can only imagine the toll a pregnancy would take on her body. Additionally, her mother continued to have children with 3 different men. That looks like a breeding kink to me. Im willing to bet Laly inherited both her mothers breeding kink and her slow metabolism. A recipe for expansion. This poor girl is set up to be taken advantage of by a guy like me. I wonder if she knows of the plans I have for her body. She has no idea of the danger she is in.

Chapter 5 is coming soon... very excited for this one stay tuned:)
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MVP76 7 months
It would be nice if perspectives switched and we heard from lalys point of view for a bit..
Jamesrt15 7 months
This is so good, I finished chapter 10 and desperately wanted there to be another 10. I can’t wait for more
Fatpeter 11 months
I loved this. Too bad it doesn’t go past their first date. I love how submissive Laly is!
Fillurbelly17 10 months
I will be continuing the story!
Jdm 1 year
Such a great story! It’s been a while since a story has me checking this site multiple times a day looking for an update.
Fillurbelly17 1 year
Thanks! I titled it “first date” because i wanted to be able to end it quickly if it didn't go well, but i plan on keeping to story going well past the first date!
Pd500 1 year
Nice job! I'm looking forward to chapter 7! So many ways this can go and I dig it!
Fillurbelly17 1 year
Thank you! I appreciate the support i am going to work on the next chapter tomorrow!
Intensefatty 1 year
Great so far ! Looking forward to more.
Fillurbelly17 1 year
Thank you!
Fillurbelly17 1 year
Hey All! this is my first story! I hope you all enjoy it, please feel free to leave any comments/ opinions/ ask questions on the work or give suggestions on where you want me to take the plot! Thanks!