First date fun

Chapter 5- Getting her home

The train approaches our stop so I must wake Laly. I decide to reach across and grab her lower roll. I give it a good shake to startle her. As she opens her eyes I give her a few more comforting pats over her belly button. The perfect excuse to feel up her belly. I can feel the tension in the material of her yoga pants. Those pants are struggling to contain Lalys ballooning figure. I can tell she does not have much room left in her belly. She peers down at my hand and I can tell she’s self conscious about how a man is grabbing her bellyfat in public on a first date. Who wouldn’t be self conscious if they were such a swollen butterball on display for all to see. We exit the train holding hands and I lead her into Cumberland farms convenience store. I get her a gallon mint chocolate chip ice cream for us to “share”, and a red bull to give her just enough of an energy jolt to continue eating.
We walk into my apartment and I give her the brief tour. I give her the short background on my roommates, before seating her on the living room couch. Her belly is so large that she almost leans slightly back when seated. So hot. I place the remote in her hands and instruct her to put on that anime series she was rambling about earlier while I retrieve some spoons for the ice cream. We sit next to each other, with our butts on the edge of the couch with the galloon of ice cream between us. I take extremely small bites every few minutes to trick her into thinking the she’s not eating most of the ice cream. I want every calorie inside of this woman “I feel like your not having your fair share of the ice cream.” Said Laly. I elect to gaslight her. “No I have been eating a lot look how much is gone from my half.” I must fight the urge to start force-feeding her. This is our first date and I don’t want to scare her. She now has one hand on the spoon and one hand rubbing the side of her gut… a problem that I can solve. “You look uncomfortable hunched over the table eating. Scoot back further on the couch and get comfortable”. She put her spoon in the ice cream and leaned back into the couch, giving her stomach much more room to expand. It looks like her belly is almost forcing her to lean back. She looks so helpless in this position. So I decide to help. By placing the gallon of ice cream in her lap. She is too polite to refuse and continues working on the gallon. She left her red bull on the table but is pinned down by the ice cream tub and her belly. I tell her to relax as I lean forward to retrieve it for her and bring it to her greedy lips. I notice there is about a quarter of the gallon left and its completely melted. “Hey should should really try to finish up the rest of the ice cream. Its basically melted and it wouldn’t be a good idea to freeze it.” “But I am sooo fullll. I can’t take another bite or il burst” cries Laly. I get creative. “I really don’t like wasting food. Try drinking it like a shake from the container.”. She takes a moment to digest what I just said. I have to act now. “Here, just like this”, I turn towards her and lift the gallon container to her lips. She goes cross eyed with fear not knowing if she can handle the rest of the ice cream. I tilt the tub back gently and the creamy liquid pours into her mouth. I go for a gentle pace as not to overwhelm her. I can tell she is struggling to keep pace. Her eyes dart sideways to me asking for mercy, needing a breath. “Don’t stop now or it might spill”. She is a good submissive girl and continues to swallow the fattening liquid. I give her a halftime break to let her breathe. “You jerk I was almost choking on it and you kept going”. Laly said. Her voice did not have the same feisty tone as earlier. Her eyes looked glazed over. “I don’t want the rest” she stated in a defeated voice. “Laly. You remember when you were a kid and you couldn’t leave the table until you ate your vegetables? Now your an adult and your not leaving the couch until you finish your desert!” I said in a playful manner. I wanted it to come off as a joke. “NO!” She said firmly. “I seriously have no room left I am stuffed”. I left the tub to her lips and she keeps her mouth closed and says “No stop. Seriously.”… Her resistance was enough to bring out my dominant side. “I have ways to make you eat it.” I said firmly. She said “oh yeah how do you….” She was cut off mid sentence by me squeezing her nose shut. I tilted her chin back with my other hand. She stopped resisting and accepted defeat as I raised the tub to her lips, forcing her to swallow every last drop. *glug* glug *glug. It gave me much pleasure knowing that every drop of cream was inside of her, causing her to expand against her will. I have won. She will carry the gallon of ice cream as fat on her body forever. “Your ridiculous…” she said with an attitude as she caught her breath, but she couldn’t hide her smile. “ I know you thought that was funny” I said her. I plan on turning this into an inside joke. Anytime she upsets me in the future I will punish her by making her eat desert.
She now leans back with both hands on her stomach. Playing with the waistband of her yoga pants searching desperately for relief. She looks sleepy again so we lie down on our sides . I wonder where Megan is with that desert she said she was making…. To be continued :)
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 5 months
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MVP76 7 months
It would be nice if perspectives switched and we heard from lalys point of view for a bit..
Jamesrt15 7 months
This is so good, I finished chapter 10 and desperately wanted there to be another 10. I can’t wait for more
Fatpeter 11 months
I loved this. Too bad it doesn’t go past their first date. I love how submissive Laly is!
Fillurbelly17 10 months
I will be continuing the story!
Jdm 1 year
Such a great story! It’s been a while since a story has me checking this site multiple times a day looking for an update.
Fillurbelly17 1 year
Thanks! I titled it “first date” because i wanted to be able to end it quickly if it didn't go well, but i plan on keeping to story going well past the first date!
Pd500 1 year
Nice job! I'm looking forward to chapter 7! So many ways this can go and I dig it!
Fillurbelly17 1 year
Thank you! I appreciate the support i am going to work on the next chapter tomorrow!
Intensefatty 1 year
Great so far ! Looking forward to more.
Fillurbelly17 1 year
Thank you!
Fillurbelly17 1 year
Hey All! this is my first story! I hope you all enjoy it, please feel free to leave any comments/ opinions/ ask questions on the work or give suggestions on where you want me to take the plot! Thanks!