First date fun

Chapter 6- The roommate

Laly was laying on her side, with me laying behind her. I was laying in the big spoon position but calling her the little spoon would not be accurate. She looked like a beached whale. Her gravid belly had clearly expanded since the start of the evening. We had been laying there for awhile. She was digesting and explaining to me how anime works, while I was drifting off into my thoughts. I reached around with my right arm and was taking care of her belly. I knew that she needed a belly rub, so I was gently rubbing small circles around the side of her belly and quite honestly struggling to reach around to the front. I could feel her intestines gargling and struggling to handle to amount of food she had taken in today. She was a big girl who had done a great job today. Her body was doing what it does best right now. It was taking in all the food she had ingested and was converting it into fat. I don’t know if she is really an official “feedee” in her mind but her body clearly has plans for her that are out of her control. It wants her to expand, to overindulge with too much food, and grow. That much was evident. My lifelong fantasy of taking a chubby girl and turning her into my fat pregnant piggy housewife could seriously become a reality.

The sound of a key rattling in the front door began. And before Laly could even manage to sit her lard ass up to appear presentable my roommate Megan was in the doorway to living room. “Hey guys! OH MY GOD she is so pretty Joe!” Exclaimed Megan. Let me explain Megan real quick. She is stereo typical model material. She is 5’10, Tan, Beautiful light brown eyes. With a defined 6 pack and a tight ass. She knows how to flirt and be feminine. This woman is society's idea of an attractive woman. She has wealthy parents and spends every summer in Europe. She planned on moving to Spain next summer to teach schoolchildren how to speak English. Anyway, my point of explaining is that she is hot and she knows it, and is not afraid of being “fake” or shaming a fat girl if it boosts her own ego. She definitely isn’t a female feeder per say but she loves to cook for others because she certainly aspires to be an attractive housewife in the future.

“I don’t go on dates with ugly girls” I replied back. Megan laughs and says “okay so I wanted to make a new recipe of really rich brownies. And I just dropped one plate off at my friends place but your plate is in the fridge. I really hope you guys like it”. I said “yes we would love to try some please bring them over.”. I almost felt bad for Laly. Guilty for what I was about to do to her. But id love to see her plump up. Megan went to the kitchen and arranged an entire pan of brownies on a plate for us.

While Megan was in the kitchen Laly confides in me, “I am not hungry right now”. I reply “ I understand how your feeling but, Megan really is proud of her cooking and not enjoying her food will hurt her feelings. I need you to make room and enjoy them even if you don’t want to. This is important. She gets sensitive when people don’t enjoy her cooking”.

We continue to enjoy the anime and Megan returns with a full plate of brownies. “So I tried to make them extra delicious. I added extra chocolate to make them special I hope you guys enjoy.”. She gently placed the plate of brownies on the table in front of the couch as a good subservient housewife would do. I knew Megan was enjoying this, and was certainly enjoying the fact that she felt hotter than Laly from her own perspective. Laly looked annoyed, as any fat girl would be if they discovered a man they were dating lived with an attractive woman.

I grabbed a brownie and devoured it. Megan was looking on eagerly awaiting our reactions. “Woah that was amazing Meg” I stated confidently. “Go ahead Laly. Try one” I pushed. She reluctantly reached down and lifted the heavy brownie to her lips. She took a bite and chewed slowly. I could tell she was enjoying it. These brownies were incredible. This fat girl was in euphoria over how rich and solid these brownies were. “These are really great Meg, great job” said Laly between bites. “Thanks guys Im glad to hear it” said Meg. “Il leave you two lovebirds to yourselves now. “ she said and left.

“Alright Laly, we need to finish this plate before Meg comes back to check on us cuz she’s very sensitive and will freak out if we don’t finish them. I don’t need to deal with awkward tension in the house”. I grabbed my next brownie and ate. Laly felt confident enough to grab a second. She started to moan while chewing it. This was a good sign that eating was a serious experience for her. I decided to eat a few brownies since she was clearly snuggling and being a good sport about it. Over the next hour we worked through most of the brownies while Meg was on the phone in her room with her boyfriend.

*footsteps appear in the hallway with 3 brownies left.* “hey guys how were they?” Says Meg, expressing genuine curiosity. I see an opportunity. “I enjoyed them but Laly barely had any”. “What!!!” Exclaimed Meg. “How come you haven’t had many???”. Laly was choked up and caught off guard not expecting my betrayal. (She had eaten most of the plate herself). “Idk she just didn’t want to try them” I said. Meg, being the controlling person that she was walked over to the plate grabbed a brownie and handed it to Laly. She melted under the peer pressure and ate the brownie. “Okay this is really good” stated the overstuffed piggy. She couldn’t resist. Resisting would mean admitted to how much she already ate, which was embarrassing, or telling my roommate that she wasn't a good cook, and she couldn’t have that. “So how was it? Was it really good? I put a lot of effort into these” said Meg putting on the peer pressure. Laly had no choice but to go along “oh my god these are delicious meg. Im going to finish the others right now.” She patted her stomach to prove how much she enjoyed them. “Okay great. Im glad your happy!” Said Meg as she left the room with a smile and her toned figure. Laly would not be leaving this room with a toned figure.
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 5 months
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MVP76 7 months
It would be nice if perspectives switched and we heard from lalys point of view for a bit..
Jamesrt15 7 months
This is so good, I finished chapter 10 and desperately wanted there to be another 10. I can’t wait for more
Fatpeter 11 months
I loved this. Too bad it doesn’t go past their first date. I love how submissive Laly is!
Fillurbelly17 10 months
I will be continuing the story!
Jdm 1 year
Such a great story! It’s been a while since a story has me checking this site multiple times a day looking for an update.
Fillurbelly17 1 year
Thanks! I titled it “first date” because i wanted to be able to end it quickly if it didn't go well, but i plan on keeping to story going well past the first date!
Pd500 1 year
Nice job! I'm looking forward to chapter 7! So many ways this can go and I dig it!
Fillurbelly17 1 year
Thank you! I appreciate the support i am going to work on the next chapter tomorrow!
Intensefatty 1 year
Great so far ! Looking forward to more.
Fillurbelly17 1 year
Thank you!
Fillurbelly17 1 year
Hey All! this is my first story! I hope you all enjoy it, please feel free to leave any comments/ opinions/ ask questions on the work or give suggestions on where you want me to take the plot! Thanks!