
Chapter 7

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Joe stepped up to the board once again, his heart pounding in his chest as he reached for the first tile. Jessica watched from her spot, her heart racing as well. Joe flipped the tile, revealing a large negative number: -45. Hope swelled in Jessica's chest, but she knew that anything could happen in this game.

With bated breath, Joe moved to the next tile. This time, it revealed a small positive number: +10. Jessica's anxiety increased, her eyes darting between the two revealed tiles. Joe hesitated for a moment, then flipped another tile, uncovering a small negative number: -5. The audience murmured, sensing the tension in the room.

Joe's hand wavered as he went for the next tile, the pressure mounting. He flipped it over, and Jessica's heart nearly stopped. It was a +100, the largest tile available. A cold shiver ran down her spine as she realized just how much weight she could potentially gain in this round.

Joe, desperate to find a match, flipped another tile. It was another small positive: +15. Jessica could feel the panic rising in her chest, her breath coming in shallow gasps as she watched Joe make his final move. He paused for a moment, then flipped over the last tile, and the room went silent.

It was a match. Another +100 stared back at them from the board. Jessica's heart plummeted, the horror of her impending gain sinking in. Her mind raced as she did the math: she would soon weigh 290 pounds.

Wicked Tom was positively ecstatic, his eyes shining with malicious glee. "Oh, Jessica," he taunted, his voice dripping with delight, "it seems your burden is about to get much, much heavier. Get ready for another 100 pounds! You'll be tipping the scales at a whopping 290 pounds! Quite a change from the slender girl who walked in here, wouldn't you say?" He laughed wickedly, and with a snap of his fingers, the transformation began.

Jessica felt the weight piling on, her body expanding at an alarming rate. Over the course of five agonizing seconds, her limbs thickened and her belly ballooned, stretching the fabric of her jumpsuit to its limits. Her hips widened dramatically, and her thighs pressed together as they swelled. Her once slender arms were now heavy and padded with fat, and her previously toned legs were buried beneath layers of soft flesh. The weight distributed itself across her body, leaving her with a distinctly bottom-heavy figure, her lower half bearing the brunt of the gain.

As Jessica's body grew and morphed, Joe could only watch in shock and horror. The woman he loved was now almost unrecognizable, a far cry from the slender beauty she had been before the game began. Taking in the sight of Jessica's dramatically altered figure, he couldn't help but feel a strange mixture of repulsion and fascination. He had always appreciated her slender beauty, and now, as she stood there with her newfound bulk, he realized that she would never again be the woman he had been attracted to. She had become something entirely different, and the thought of it sent a shiver down his spine.

A dark, twisted idea began to form in Joe's mind. If Jessica was already so far removed from the woman he had loved, why not take it a step further? Why not push her further down the path of obesity, just to see how far she could go? It was a perverse, cruel thought, but it filled him with a strange sense of excitement. He would no longer play the games to help her, but instead, he would intentionally lose, ensuring that she would grow larger and more grotesque with each passing round.

As Joe contemplated this new plan, he couldn't help but feel a thrill at the idea of having so much control over Jessica's fate. The power to decide whether she would remain trapped in her enormous body or continue to expand even further was intoxicating, and he couldn't deny that the thought of watching her struggle with the consequences of her ballooning size held a twisted sort of appeal for him.

Joe's decision was made. From that point forward, he would actively work against Jessica, using the games to heap even more weight onto her already burdened frame. He would watch with a sick sense of satisfaction as she grew larger and more cumbersome, knowing that it was all due to his own cruel machinations. He would revel in her suffering, and in doing so, he would find a twisted sort of pleasure in her bodies ruination.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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4funnow 1 month
Great story - please keep going
Assass2 11 months
Definitely hope to see how this goes from here!
Pillows 1 year
I love the tone and writing of this story. If you ever continue it or write something else, would be excited to read!
Minifan 1 year
Don't leave us hanging like this 😅