Hunk to chunk

Chapter 2 - The weight of his actions

My new twink-like body began rounding out at a astounding rate new folds grew out on all sides as my body softened and sagged. Humongous man boobs with areolas streched to the size of perpeoni slice came in and sagged onto my rotund belly that now hanged down to my fat knees. Trapping my thimble dick behind the fat slab, not that it mattered much as both my baby carrot and peas had been sucked in to a tsunami scale fupa.

As I grew more and more I began to wabble falling back onto the toilet with a large grunt as my new adipose fell on to me. I brace my as of yet unchubed hand on the walls next to me to stop my titanic arce from swallowing up the toilet. While holding my self I can feel my palms get fat as the press on the wall. I observe my hand balloon to match the rest of heffer frame.

At this point the only thing yet to be changed was my face. And if it weren't for my smooth chin, my face would have looked untouched. Then a great burp welled its way up my wind pipe and out my mouth, during which time my head filled with fat.

My neck disappeared , my cheaks round out and a hunky pad of fat puffed up on the back of my skull. And to top it all of the tip of my perfect nose upturned slightly into more of a snout

My transformation was complete and I was left a short, hairless, hyper obese whale with a needle dick embedded the centre of my rotund mass...

At least 10 minutes passed before the deep hunger I now felt got to much and I had to haul my self up and waddle my dump truck arce into the kitchen coming 3 times due to the friction alone.

I find nothing in either my cupboards or fridge. Turning around in a panic I see a pizza delivery menu has been slipped under the door. Normally he would bin the flyer but now at his emense size he went for it ordering 12 large deep dish pizzas with all the toppings and sides.

When accepting the order the delivery boy was in shock that a man could be so big although he didn't have to long to stare before the door was shut and Logan was spread out on the couch stuffing himself till he was full.

The following year

After a year of being a humongous whale All in all I would say that I adapted well to the pig life even being adventurous enough to get a feeder, Paul. Not that there was much of a choice I could barely get out of bed in the morning, let alone go back to my job as a personal trainer with a body like this.

Food has become a bigger addiction forĀ  me than I thought anything else could. No longer getting out of bed, no longer being able to get out of bed has made it so that I've grew larger that before and put me at the mercy of Jack too weak to resist, to horny to want to. Paul uses his strong arms to hold me down, pushing food in to my hungry maw making me bigger and more submissive to his control day by day.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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