Hunk to chunk

Chapter 3 - Immobilised

Four years have passed since that day when I became 'pig-efied' and better change couldn't have happened if I had asked for it. I'm now immobile, trapped in bed and couldn't leave even if I wanted to.

Since meeting Paul I think I've only left the bed three times. The first was when we were newly dating, he took me to the mall forcing me to ware tight clothes that show off how big of a pig I really am to the world. He marched me round all the shops. I was huffing and puffing and wheezing loudly, by the time he let me sit down in the food court I was ravenous, and he kept bringing me food until I could barely move.

I had popped the buttons in my white shirt and trousers. My large squidgy lap covered in crumbs and spills. Attempting to stand up I was just too full and them CRACK! I fell to the ground the only thing harmed was my ego thanks my padding. Everyone was staring as Paul tried to get me up, after even pitching in trying to get this beached whale back in the water. After a while someone brought a curtacy wheel chair over and to buff gym bros, similar to how I used to look hauled me into it. My face was red from exertion and embarrassment. That night I sleaped for ten hours only waking up when Paul brought in my breakfast.

The next time it were my birthday, about a year after we had met and he took me to a all-you-can-eat buffet. At this point I must have been about 800lbs and could only walk short distances, very slowly and even then with out enormous amounts of sweat bucketing out of me. So naturally Paul parked the farthest away that he could and after 20 minutes of waddeling I reached the the door of the restaurant, grabing the handle expecting the sweet relief of air conditioning and fried food to hit me but the door didn't budge. The restaurant was closed, and Paul knew it, and recorded my colosol journey from the car, which he later posted on to a site for gainers.

Later he read me the comments saying things like ''Pig'' and ''what a fat bastard''. I had never felt as exposed or as horny as then and my prissy pin dick was like a pebble in my rolls. I tried to recharge under my gut but it would have been no use even if I wasn't stuffed because of course after hauling myself up to the closed restaurant Paul drove me to an actually open buffet, saying he couldn't let his hog waste away.

My last voyage out of the house was on our wedding-honeymoon combo on a cruise with both out immediate families.
Two whole weeks of judgement and  stuffing. Our parents had all seen before but what seemed like forever had passed since then and my waistline definitely showed it. Weighing me before our cruise Paul said I was just shy of half a ton at 950lbs and when we got home I had smashed passed the half a ton mark weighing in at 1045 ponderous pounds.

This was a month ago and haven't gotten out of bed since. During our weeks away Paul had the bedroom decked out so that I never had to leave the bed again equipping it with a robust frame feeding pump and a built in scale.

As of now in a 1200lbs tank thanks in no part to being hooked up to the pump at night and doing nothing but eating during the day. I wouldn't change a thing about how my life changed that fateful day when I when from a hunk to a chunk.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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