Here in my car

Chapter 12

A week later and overwhelmed with a craving for human contact and attention, she found herself driving through a familiar town. She had a sinking feeling in her chest. The intrusive idea which had entered her mind was that she should visit her ex boyfriend and after a few days spent mulling this over, she was nearly there. There really was nobody else she could think of to see. Her friends did not really like him so would not be asking him if they wondered where she was. Similarly, her parents would not contact him and most importantly, He knew her.

They had not spoken for nearly three years. It was a quick and simple break up. He cheated, She blocked him on social media, they went their separate ways. But before that, they were together for five years and she did remember the good times and not just the bad and maybe with a little sense of nostalgia, missed him a little.

She parked across the road from his house and kept quiet, the lights were off and it was starting to get late into the day.

It was nearly midnight when a familiar aging silver Audi pulled in. A man got out alone, she could see it was her ex. The fade haircut, black polo shirt and jeans, he hadn't changed. She had at least washed herself and clothes before driving down and sat wearing a baggy t-shirt and sweatpants.

As he went to open the door, she beeped the horn. He looked around, She beeped again, feeling a little apprehensive. When he looked again, she waved and he began walking over.

Winding down the windows she muttered. "Hi Adam."

He stared. "Evie?"

"Look, just." she paused. "Get in."

He opened the passenger door and sat down. It was clean inside. He looked her up and down. "What are you doing here?"

She sighed. "Being stupid."

He shrugged. "What do you mean?"

"I just need to talk to someone."

His eyes darted around the car, awkwardly. "What's wrong?"

"I dont know."

"You're not drunk are you?" he sniffed the air. "Smells a bit funny in here."

"No." Her eyes lit up. "I'm not driving drunk."

"Look, have you had another breakdown?" He said, staring.

"No. I..." she began.

"Yes. It's the middle of the night. I know for a fact you haven't been to work in months and Christ, girl, what have you been eating?"

She stared sadly. "I..."

"No. I can't help you. Just sort yourself out this time."

She sighed and pressed the manual lock on the car. "Just listen." She took a deep breath. "Please. I really don't know who else to talk to right now.

He tried to open the door but gave up. "Right. What is it?"

"I can't get out of the car."

He said nothing and looked right through her.

"I'm serious. it's cursed. I've been here for months."

"Unlock the door, Evie." He said.

"No, don't be like that. Please, Adam."

"Unless you're planning on kidnapping me, open the door." He rattled on the handle.

Dejected, she released the lock. "Sorry."

He stepped out and she rested her head on the steering wheel. A moment later the driver door opened from the outside. "Come on, get up."

Her eyes widened. "No. I can't."

He held out his hand. She shrunk away and put on her seatbelt. "Why? what is going to happen if you did?"

She looked away scared. "It just won't let me."

He reached in, unbuckled the seatbelt and grabbed her arms before she could fasten them again. "Right, well let's see then. Have you even tried?"

She squirmed and tried to fight back as he started pulling. "Of course. Don't do this to me."

He tugged. "For fucks sake, how heavy are you now? you weigh a ton."

"It's the curse. It wont let me out." She said firmly, trying not to scream.

"It's not a curse. It's in your head. Come on." He grabbed her around the waist and pulled.

She blacked out.

Evie woke up with a headache, her ears buzzing.She could smell vomit. Adam sat in the driver's seat.

"Do I need to call the hospital?" He asked calmly.

Evie was weak, her muscles ached. "What happened?"

"I don't know. It was like you had a seizure, but worse."

She exhaled. "I told you, I'm stuck in the car. Why did you do that?"

He looked pale. "Well I didn't think it was going to nearly kill you, did I?" He lit a cigarette and opened the window. "It sounds fake, doesn't it? trapped in a car by ghosts or whatever."

"Well, it's not."

"Well, whether it's real or something weird is going on in your head. You need a professional, not me. I can't do anything about this."

She sighed. "I just needed someone to talk to. I can't live here forever and I don't know what to do."

"I get you. But this is really beyond my level." He took a drag of the cigarette. "Look, open the bonnet, I'll take a look over everything. Sounds like you'd be extra fucked if something went wrong with the car."

She said nothing and pulled the switch, the bonnet popped up. He said nothing, got out and lifted it up. He spent five minutes digging around, circling the car checking the tyres, looking at the chassis. She didn't know what he was looking for.

"Oil needs changing, treads are wearing thin on one side, and windscreen cleaner." He said, getting back into the car. "All looks good, otherwise."

She was still groggy. "Okay. Thank you."

"I'll drive you back. to mine. Guess you can stay in the garage tonight. Make sure you're alright in the morning. I'll sort your car out too, but I can't have you hanging around."

"That's okay." She heart sank. "Why? is... you know, Your One. Is she living with you now?"

He shook his head. "Long gone. Don't worry about that. Nah, different one. She'll be around mine after work tomorrow. Don't want her to see you hanging around."

She forced a smile. "Oh. that's okay."

They drove back in silence. Evie rested her head against the window, too drained to move. He hadn't driven them too far, they were just by the hospital, only a mile from his house. He pulled into the drive next to his car, pressed a button opening the garage and drove in.

"We're here now. Are you feeling any better?"

She nodded.

"I'll get you a cup of tea. You should give me your clothes, they're a bit messy." He pointed to the vomit stains down her top and on her jeans.

She looked down and back at him.

"I'm not going to look. Have you got wipes in the back?"

She shrugged.

"Just get changed while I'm gone."

She smiled weakly and closed her eyes as he left the room.

A short while later, he shook her awake and handed her a steaming mug through the window. "Are you sure you're feeling alright?" He asked.

"I'm so tired. But I think I'm ok. I just want to sleep."

He took the cup back off her and put it on the tool bench behind him. "Right. I'd better get you cleaned up."

He opened the door and went to take off her clothes. He had to push her tummy back just slightly to reach the drawstring to her sweatpants. She looked down, watching as he pulled them down.

"Sorry, I did ask you to do this yourself."

She said nothing and raised her arms a little.

He undid her shoelaces, took off her shoes and let them in the footwell before pulling her trousers off completely. He threw them on the floor, with her socks.

He saw her arms raised and pulled up the bottom of her t-shirt. He carefully took it off over her head, so her vomit didn't spill. He threw it on the floor with the other clothes. He looked a little embarrassed as she sat in her comfy cotton underwear.

He coughed. "I think there's a bit of a wet patch on your bra. Do you mind?"

She shook her head and leaned forward to let him at the strap. Her tummy rolled over her thigh.

He tried to look away as he reached his arms around her, fumbled with the catch. He pulled it off in an almost effortless move. He spun around holding it and picked up the rest of her clothes from the ground. "I'll go get you some wipes."

She smiled a little and nodded.

"Just a quick wash now. I'll put them in the dryer for the morning. I need to sleep soon, it's very late."

She stared at the door from the garage into the house. She heard the machine start. He came back holding a hand towel and a tub of swarfega.

She stayed quiet as he knelt down next to her.

"Bit of a chemical smell off this, but it's all I've got."He said, dipping the towel into the rag. He wiped the sanitiser across her neck and collar.

He was right, it smelled overpowering but clean to her.

He scrubbed down her breasts. "I really am sorry I didn't believe you. I do want you to get help. You can't live like this forever."

She nodded slowly. "I know."

He refilled the towel and rubbed it under her breasts. "And you need to look after yourself a bit better."

She was staring at him rubbing the towel, it was relaxing. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get sick."

He shook his head. "No. I don't mean that." He rubbed the towel making her breasts jiggle. "I mean look after your body in general."

"I feel fine most of the time", she said, still watching his hand moving over her.

"I mean your weight, Evie." He said, giving her a serious look

Something deep inside her fluttered and she blushed a little. "Is it that bad?" she stammered.

He shook his head. "It's none of my business. But it is a bit shocking to see you looking like this." He said, rubbing the towel over her upper roll.

"I didn't realize." She lied.

"Ah come on now." He rubbed the towel over the front of her belly making her blush more. "There's an extra thirty pounds in here since I last saw you." He paused to look her in the eyes "At least."

She bit her lip. "I guess there might be."

"I mean. Look at these rolls." He squeezed her. "Can you not get salads or something?"

She shook her head a little too quickly.

"Take it seriously." He ran the cloth lower down. "Your stomach shouldn't be resting on your thighs like that."

She nodded, blushing a little more.

"You used to have such a nice figure. Don't keep ruining it."

"I'll try." She said, trembling a little.

"Good." He said rubbing the towel under her belly making her body wobble. "If your arse gets any bigger you're going to burst out of your knickers."

Her mind went blank. Her body lunged forwards and she was suddenly making out with her ex.

There was a sharp shove against her chest and she hit the back of the seat. She felt dazed but suddenly shot alert.

Adam started speaking. "No." He looked at her. "Maybe you should get dressed and get some sleep. I guess your head is a bit messed up right now."

He passed her the cup of tea. She looked at him feeling slightly horrified. She didn't respond.

"Ill give your clothes back in the morning and sort your car out. But I think you should call me if you need anything else okay? best you don't show up to my house again."

She nodded sincerely, feeling a stabbing pain of humiliation.

"Goodnight Evie." He said, turning the light off and shutting the door as he returned to the house.
31 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 5 months
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The Sky 6 months
I'm currently on chapter 8 and I'm loving how your story unfolds.
Always keep writing because from what I see your stories are very interesting
Tayto 6 months
💝 new chapters coming soon
Yjpzsd 8 months
Well this is very good! I'd almost forgotten about the weight gain, I'm just invested in Evie and her plight now. Looking forward to more of this!
SkyMary 8 months
18 chapters and one is better than the other congratulations!
Fatgirlboyfr... 11 months
really loving this story! it feels like it's got a really good balance between the granular, moment-to-moment scenes while still moving forward at a good pace.
(btw, ch5-6 and ch9-10 are duplicated?)
Fbuucgk 1 year
I was very skeptical when I read the pitch. But the story works much better than I expected. It's a really original story that's different from the usual ones posted here.

I hope you continue!
Tayto 1 year
Thank You!! I will get it finished soon
Dallions 1 year
Same chaotic energy as your other stories!
SkyMary 1 year
great story as always!
Atelia 1 year
This has been a very lovely read so far. The imagination required to come up with such a scenario is admirable. 😄
Tayto 1 year
Thank you, Atelia! it's been fun to write so far smiley