Here in my car

Chapter 16

She unwrapped the cake. It was about a foot long and as thick as her wrist.

"You're just eating cake?"

She shook her head, reached back to get everything else from the boot. "Six cakes, chocolate biscuits and coke."

"Six?" he stammered.

"Yeah. I haven't eaten today. Whats wrong with that?"

"Maybe some food might be good to help sober you up?"

She flinched a little. "I don't want to be sober." She picked up her bottle and drank the remaining wine, before finally grabbing the last bottle.

"Okay, maybe have a bit to eat before you think about drinking that. You don't want to get sick."

She thought about it for a moment and let the bottle fall down. She shook her head. "No. That would be a waste of calories."

"Yes, yes it would, now just relax, get a little air and eat something."

She wound down the window a little bit and put the swiss roll to her mouth to take the first bite. She chewed unselfconsciously with her mouth open, not looking at the camera, managing to devour the whole thing in a horrifyingly quick and messy manner.

He waited until she stopped eating before he spoke. "Feeling ok?"

She wiped the sticky jam and crumbs coating her hands on her top. "Yeah. Why?"

"Don't eat them all that fast."

She unwrapped the next one. "We'll see. I think that one just made me hungrier."

Drake kept quiet as she stuffed her face with the next. More was missing her mouth this time and large parts crumbled off, landing on her breasts. Her eyes were closed and ate like she was in a trance. She ate almost as fast and finished with a long gasp.

"Please don't tell me you forgot to breathe there." He said.

She smiled weakly and looked into the camera. "Maybe."

"Just don't choke."

"You can't choke on cake, its cake." She said already unwrapping the next, still breathing a little heavily.

"Yes, I'm sure you can." He said, but gave up arguing as the third swiss roll was already in her mouth.

He sighed and watched quietly. She was still barely struggling to eat, although she was quickly becoming a sticky, jam smeared mess. This time she was a bit slower and trying to breathe through her nose.

She finished and wiped her hands on her sides, lifting her t-shirt up to wipe off the crumbs from her face. Her belly peeking out the bottom looking a tiny bit rounder and firmer.

"Okay, take a break for just a minute." He said as soon as she looked ready to listen.

"Why?" She asked looking genuinely confused.

"Just lean back and get settled."

She shrugged and did what she was told. "I don't even feel full yet."

"Really? I don't think i could finish one that fast, let alone three."

"Well, you just aren't practicing enough then. But fine, ill just sit here starving myself."

Drake left an awkward silence, unsure of what to say.

Evie looked around the back seats and quietly picked out a chocolate biscuit, to fill the silence and very slowly crunched it.

"Okay fine, but please savour it a little this time, enjoy it."

She had torn the wrapping open before he finished speaking. Drake again fell quiet as she this time managed to slowly munch through the roll, with minimal extra mess.

"That was better. Now how are you feeling?"

She burped a little. "Maybe better. I think my stomach is feeling it a bit now."

"Well that's good. You are still human then."

She laughed a little. "What do you mean?"

"Oh nothing. It's just odd to see someone still doing fine after eating so much. Especially since I remember you used to struggle."

She let out a little burp again, she actually started to feel like the alcohol was beginning to wear off. "Yeah. I guess i did."

"I guess im impressed, just still a bit shocked with how much you changed."

She blushed. "Do you mean this?" She lifted her top a little, seeming almost a little shy this time. Her tummy looking fuller was sagging a little over her lap.

"I guess so. I think when we first spoke, I wondered if you were just looking for free food because you had lost your job or something. But that doesn't look like thats been an issue for a while."

"Yeah, that was a bit true i suppose." She slowly rubbed her tummy. "Do you actually like how I look?"

"So long as you're happy with yourself then yes."

"You know, I think I am right now." she blushed a little deeper for a moment. "Does that mean i really got so chubby that I made you worry about me?"

Drake let that question hang in the air for a moment. "Yes."

Evie let out a giggle. "Is it wrong of me that I kind of like that?"

"Wait, seriously?"

She nodded. "Don't judge me, you wanted it too."

"I suppose."

Evie was now trying to eat the fourth roll. She fumbled with the wrapping clumsily and was chomping into the end. She didn't tuck her top down, her gradually inflating belly was hanging out between her legs.

She grabbed a few biscuits between mouthfuls of cake, seemingly unfazed by the binge.

By the end she pressed into her stomach to help her burp, then without pause was opening the next.

Drake was strangely silent. He stopped protesting.

She finished the cake and picked up her wine again.

"No, no more wine "

She ignored him and drank more with long gulps and burped. "Im thirsty "

"Have water."

She hiccuped. "I don't have water."

"Anything non alcoholic?"

She drank more wine. "Coke, i think."

"Yes, have that."

She continued drinking the wine, when the bottle was empty she released a deep belch and picked up more cake.

This time ahe was struggling a lot. Instead of biting, she was cramming it into her mouth and holding it in trying to swallow.

She squirmed in her seat. Her belly too full to jiggle.

"Stop, you're hurting yourself." He said

She looked at the camera and chewed with her mouth open. "Im okay. I just need a belly rub."

"Do that."

She nodded and rubbed her hand against her bursting gut. "Its not working."

"Use both hands."

She burped a little and dropped the cake, it rolled down her midriff and fell onto the footwell. She looked after it, distraught. "My cake."

"Just forget it."

She tried to bend forward but was too full to fold. "I can't reach it.

"Just rub your belly."

She was wriggling, trying to reCh the fallen cake, but couldn't make it. Eventually gave up and looked sadly at the camera.

"Just give your poor stomach a rest."

She looked down and lifted her top a little more and mushed her palms into the soft, taut drum of her body.

"Good, now try to do that for a while, just don't be too rough."

"Im still thirsty."

Drake sighed. "Please dont open any more wine."

She grabbed at a bottle of cola and slowly took the lid off and began to drink. The cola was barely going down, she was now painfully short for breath.

"Please, just go to sleep now, try to sleep on your side, in the recovery position."

"Its too tight."

"What is?"

She pulled on her t-shirt, there was still plenty room in it. "I don't know."

"I really don't think your stomach can take anymore."

She shook her head and pulled her top off. She sat still panting at the effort, her swollen belly heaved and groaned. "Still too tight."

"Its not the clothes, Carpool, its your stomach."

Her hands were fumbling around her back and fiddling with her bra clasp. She released them and let her breasts fall out. They sagged a little and were spreading a little either side of her belly.

"Stop, you're going to freeze."

She ignored this and tried to grab her sweatpants. She dug around under her belly looking for the drawstring. Pushing up on her belly forced out some pathetic burps, but she managed to pull it open.

Turning around to look at the camera, her eyes had glazed over. She tried to tug the trousers off, but could not whilst she was sitting down. After a moment she fell over sideways and managed to pull them off, bringing her knickers along with them. She was showing a full view of her round bum to the camera.

When she wiggled them down to her ankles, she stayed lying down.

"Hello. Are you going to sleep? you should get a blanket."

She groaned. "I don't think i can get back up."

Drake sighed "Best you stay like that. Just sleep."

She tried to push herself up, but was too tired to move. "Im stuck."

"No you're not. Not for long, you're just exhausted."

Her belly was spread out over the backseats and slightly hanging over the seat. "I shouldn't have eaten all that."

"Its a bit late for that."

She said nothing but after a moment, she started sobbing.

"Look, I don't know what's happening with you, but I probably should come over, ok?"

She wiped her eyes, nodded and passed out.
31 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 5 months
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The Sky 6 months
I'm currently on chapter 8 and I'm loving how your story unfolds.
Always keep writing because from what I see your stories are very interesting
Tayto 6 months
💝 new chapters coming soon
Yjpzsd 8 months
Well this is very good! I'd almost forgotten about the weight gain, I'm just invested in Evie and her plight now. Looking forward to more of this!
SkyMary 8 months
18 chapters and one is better than the other congratulations!
Fatgirlboyfr... 11 months
really loving this story! it feels like it's got a really good balance between the granular, moment-to-moment scenes while still moving forward at a good pace.
(btw, ch5-6 and ch9-10 are duplicated?)
Fbuucgk 1 year
I was very skeptical when I read the pitch. But the story works much better than I expected. It's a really original story that's different from the usual ones posted here.

I hope you continue!
Tayto 1 year
Thank You!! I will get it finished soon
Dallions 1 year
Same chaotic energy as your other stories!
SkyMary 1 year
great story as always!
Atelia 1 year
This has been a very lovely read so far. The imagination required to come up with such a scenario is admirable. 😄
Tayto 1 year
Thank you, Atelia! it's been fun to write so far smiley