Here in my car

Chapter 4

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Evie glanced at herself in the rear view mirror and adjusted her cleavage. It had taken a long time to very carefully cut up the bag into something wearable, but with a sense of accomplishment she smiled. It did look cheap and flimsy. She managed to hide all the mistakes around the back. But as it clung to her figure, it let her curves shine through. This could maybe pass for some slightly kinky PVC dress.

She cut another piece of bag into an eye mask. This was the only real alternative to makeup she could think of.

She sighed slightly once the vague proud sensation ebbed. In reality the material did not feel good. She felt clammy and itchy, where the cheap plastic hugged her curves tight. Camera filters, angles and creative use of the limited lighting options were going to do a lot of heavy lifting to make this look work.

She took a deep breath, raised her camera up, pouted, made sure a nice soft filter was applied and took the sexiest selfie she could do. She took a few, at least one would surely look ok.

Uploading it quickly to the site, before giving herself chance to change her mind, she finished the profile and bit the back of her lip.

‘Now what?’ came the thought from her head.

She drummed her fingertips against the phone, to help her think. Still a new world, she needed to search around to steal ideas which seem to work for other people who do this line of work.

She opened a new tab on her phone. 'How to find men on the internet who want to buy you dinner.'

She found dating advice, escort agencies, sugar daddies.

She tried again. 'men who will pay to watch women eat.'

'Mukbang, more mukbang, feeders'. She bit her lip. "Not exactly subtle." She said to herself. She kept reading. She studied the Wikipedia page and some specialist sites. She used the biro she found, to jot down notes on the greasy leftover cardboard boxes she salvaged from the floor.

A few hours passed and several piles of notes had accumulated, she felt a little bit smarter. There was a decent sized target audience for what she was trying to do and the sites seemed to be based around using the right keywords and finding niche specialties.

‘I am a sexy mom-bod BBW (she had no children, but it seemed like a common enough phrase). I would like to be your secret dinner date. We can drive out together and spend some time alone, enjoy snacks and be naughty.’ She cringed a little, unsure if it would sound appealing to anyone, but that was the best she could do right now. She saved the changes, double checking that her online banking was set up to receive instant payments.

She sighed, then stared blankly at the page. No activity was happening instantaneously. Part of her wanted to see if there were other girls like her on the site, but She stopped short of looking, feeling if she saw her competition, she might delete the profile in shame. This felt like a last resort and had to see it through, despite feeling like such a mess. She stared for ten minutes waiting for a message as the enthusiasm started to wane. After that she put her phone down and tried to nap.

She woke up later than she meant to, forgetting to set an alarm. Her stomach growled. Fast food was not filling and it did not take a long time for hunger to stab her again. Blinking confused, it was starting to get dark. Her bin bag felt a bit sweaty. She opened the driver and passenger windows a crack, to let a breeze pass. She let herself take a moment to feel more awake, then she unlocked her phone.

There were only three messages on the app. Slightly disappointing, but She only needed one, really.

"Hi if you are 18+ please follow my account at..." She stopped reading. It was just an automated spam message from another user. She deleted it.

"Build your followers, contact me at..." more spam from a search engine optimiser, delete.

"Sponsored stuffing?" She opened the message. "Hi Carpool. Nice to see a new face. Are you free tonight for live chat and roleplay? Let me know when you're free and what your expenses are. I should be free from Nine O’Clock this evening." It was signed as a generic numbered username.

This was a bit vague, but she did not know what she should be expecting. Checking the time, it was close to that time, now. She kept her own reply brief. “Sure. I’ll be online soon.”

She closed the message and tapped the phone. She logged into the livestream on her page. It showed her as the only one online. At least she had time to check herself in the camera and find a suitable angle. She jammed the camera better the dash and windscreen, turned on the overhead light and quickly found a flattering filter, which helped make her dress look less cheap.

She made faces in the camera until the room beeped. The username from before popped in.

Evie stuttered and said "Hi there."

The other user didn't turn his camera on and the profile picture was the site's generic question mark symbol. "Hi Carpool." He had an English accent and sounded about the same age as her. "So you didn't reply earlier. I didn't know if you were coming on."

"Oh. I was just busy. I only just saw your message." she lied

"That's ok. If you want to go and make us a private room here we can talk."

Evie stared at the screen. It was simple enough. Create a private room. Invite the only user in the main.

"Okay. Hi again." She said,

"Can you take the mask off? I prefer to see people's faces."

Instinctively she shook her head, thinking about her hair. "No. I." She thought quickly. "It's part of the outfit."

"Well, it looks like a bit of a bin bag, but Ok. So, what do you want from me?"

Evie looked at the camera. "You want to buy me dinner?"

"Yes, I can cover that." He said. "And what about time?"

She had not given much thought to the business model aside from free food. "Twenty euros?" she replied quizzically.

The man sighed. "You've not done this before, have you?"

"Not... exactly, no."

"Right, twenty euros is a bit on the low side, but I'll take you up on that."

Evie sighed. "Yes..."

"So. If you want to order a takeaway, tell me the place so i can check the rough costs and i'll send over the money."

She nodded. "I’ll go to the nearest drive through. It’s around twenty minutes away by car."

"A drive through?" He asked to confirm?

"Yeah." She smiled, "I'm Carpool."

"Well I'm a little surprised but I suppose it's consistent. Look, literally order whatever you like. As much as you want, ok?"

A notification popped up in the chat, with confetti effects showing "User has donated €100".

"Oh. Thank you."

She picked the phone off the dash, turned Bluetooth on and propped it up against the passenger door so it looked up at her and started the engine.

The phone connected through the speakers.

"Seeing you from the side, you have a nice figure." said the voice, softly.

"Oh. well thanks but I don't exactly go to the gym much."

"Yeah, I can see that."

"What do you mean by that?"


Oh... wait. That's a compliment isn't it?"

"Kind of is, kind of isn't."

She drove away. When she pulled out of the estate, the phone slipped and fell down into the footwell.

Evie winced. This was not going very well. "Are you still there?"

"Yes. I think I'll go get a beer. Twenty minutes away, right?"

"Sorry. I'll pick you back up when I get to the traffic lights."

She drove quicker than normal, glancing at the petrol gauge. Too low for comfort, but still alright, at least she has money. It only took ten minutes to get to the traffic lights at the outskirts. She bent forward quickly to pick up the phone, feeling a tight pull of plastic friction pinching against her waist. She hoped the dress had not stretched.

"Hi. Are you still there?" she asked as she lay the phone landscape over the dial screen behind the steering wheel and continued driving.

"Yes, I'm back, nice view. Your dress looks a little tight."

She glanced at the screen. It was a partial view of bare, jiggling cleavage and the thin plastic bag clinging to little belly rolls. "I brought it in a bit earlier."

"Well I don't think it's going to survive these burgers."

"I. I never actually thought about that."

"Oh? If it doesn't survive, do I have to get you a new dress?"

"Uh. Maybe." She reconsidered her words. "Yes. yes you do."

"I can live with that."

She drove into the main town. It was deserted apart from the pub, but she didn't pay much attention to what anybody else was up to and drove back into the same chain fast food drive through from earlier.
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The Sky 5 months
I'm currently on chapter 8 and I'm loving how your story unfolds.
Always keep writing because from what I see your stories are very interesting
Tayto 5 months
💝 new chapters coming soon
Yjpzsd 7 months
Well this is very good! I'd almost forgotten about the weight gain, I'm just invested in Evie and her plight now. Looking forward to more of this!
SkyMary 8 months
18 chapters and one is better than the other congratulations!
Fatgirlboyfr... 10 months
really loving this story! it feels like it's got a really good balance between the granular, moment-to-moment scenes while still moving forward at a good pace.
(btw, ch5-6 and ch9-10 are duplicated?)
Fbuucgk 1 year
I was very skeptical when I read the pitch. But the story works much better than I expected. It's a really original story that's different from the usual ones posted here.

I hope you continue!
Tayto 1 year
Thank You!! I will get it finished soon
Dallions 1 year
Same chaotic energy as your other stories!
SkyMary 1 year
great story as always!
Atelia 1 year
This has been a very lovely read so far. The imagination required to come up with such a scenario is admirable. 😄
Tayto 1 year
Thank you, Atelia! it's been fun to write so far smiley