Here in my car

Chapter 9

Evie sat in the driver's seat. She felt much better about herself than last time, with clean hair, and make-up. She wore one of her comfortable t-shirts for now, meaning to change into the latex dress once she had picked up her dinner for the night.

The arrange time came. She recognised Drake's username. She quickly invited him into a private room and turned on the camera.

"Hi. I hope you're doing good." She said, smiling.

"Oh wow. Have you put on weight?" He asked.

Evie looked around looking for the right answer. "Why do you ask that?" she stuttered.

"It's your face. It looks a little softer."

Of course she had. Another month in the car, eating fast food. But she didn't figure how noticeable it would be. Plus her old clothes were long gone, she tended to wear loose fitting, comfortable attire most of the time "Oh. I might have. I don't really get much exercise."

"It looks good on you. Are you going to wear the dress I sent?"

"I will later. So what do you want to do tonight?"

"Same as last time. Or are you in a different place? you're in the woods now, right?"

"Different place but only a ten minute drive to town."

"Sure. I'll transfer you some money now. You pick wherever, it doesn't have to be a drive through."

Her phone beeped. one hundred Euro had been added to her account. "Oh. wow. That's a lot. The drive through thing is kind of my thing, you know?"

"Dedicated to the theme I see. Okay I was worried you might be getting a bit tired of burgers but I guess not."

"Maybe a little. But I'm not complaining."

"Well if you're sure."

She tried to give a sexy wink to the camera and started the engine. She had already scouted the new town and there were a couple of options. One of them was partnered with a pizza chain. It would be something slightly different at least.

She drove into town, in the dusk. As usual for these places the streets were quiet at this time of the evening. She made a bit of small talk with Drake, whilst keeping an eye on the roads through the Bluetooth stereo.

She turned into the empty looking drive through and slowed down.

"What are you getting then?" He asked.

She stared at the menu. There really was not a lot of choice. She deep down wanted fresh vegetables but there was only the usual greasy stuff. They did offer pizza as she hoped, which was at least something of a change. "I guess three meal deals for thirty euros each."

Drake coughed. "No chance." He paused. "What do you even get with that?"

"Large pizza, garlic bread, wedges, cookies and a drink."

"And you can eat three of those?"

"I can try. I don't want to waste your money."

"Well I kind of expected you to get something a bit better. Sushi, burrito, maybe some wine?"

She shook her head. "No, this is what I do."

"I really don't see why."

She tried to force a smile. "Just go with it. I like doing it like this."

He paused. "Okay, I'm sorry. You know best."

She blew a kiss at the camera. "Come on. I'm hungry, I promise you'll like it too."

Drake said nothing else and she drove up, ordering the three meals with veggie pizzas. They were ready to collect almost instantly, they probably were reheated, not fresh. She put the huge trays down on the passenger seat, trying not to knock over the phone and drove back out to the woods.

"You're quiet. Is everything alright?" she asked, glancing at the camera slightly.

"Sorry, I was just thinking. Where are you driving to?"

"A car park, out in the woods, where I was when you joined the chat."

"You were in your garage last time, right?"

She tried to ignore this and looked at the road. "I'll be there in five minutes. Come on, are you not into it?"

"I am."

They drove in silence for another few minutes until the wheels crunched over gravel and she pulled back into the secluded car park.

"Okay! let me go get changed for you. I have your dress in the back somewhere."

"Hopefully it's stronger than your last one."

"Oh don't be mean! The last one was only cheap. I hope you didn't waste too much money on it."

"I'm not saying. Go get changed. I promise i won't look whilst you're undressed."

She blushed. "You don't want to watch me undress?"

"That's not what I said. I was just being polite."

Evie put the phone on the dashboard and pointed the camera in the back. "You don't have to be polite. I'm supposed to make you feel good."

The backseat was cleared, her bedroom was stuffed away in the boot. She clambered between the seats and knelt down, rummaging around to find the dress. She found it quickly, smiled and held it up to the camera.

"I liked the purple. I hope you don't mind."

"It's unusual but I do like it."

She slouched in the seat and wriggled out of her tights, bending awkwardly to pull them off her feet. She then pulled up her baggy t-shirt and started pulling it over her head.

"Hey, Carpool!" Drake gasped through the speaker.

Evie let go of her top and it fell back down. "What's the matter?"

"Your belly. It looks a lot bigger than I remember."
31 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 5 months
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The Sky 6 months
I'm currently on chapter 8 and I'm loving how your story unfolds.
Always keep writing because from what I see your stories are very interesting
Tayto 5 months
💝 new chapters coming soon
Yjpzsd 8 months
Well this is very good! I'd almost forgotten about the weight gain, I'm just invested in Evie and her plight now. Looking forward to more of this!
SkyMary 8 months
18 chapters and one is better than the other congratulations!
Fatgirlboyfr... 10 months
really loving this story! it feels like it's got a really good balance between the granular, moment-to-moment scenes while still moving forward at a good pace.
(btw, ch5-6 and ch9-10 are duplicated?)
Fbuucgk 1 year
I was very skeptical when I read the pitch. But the story works much better than I expected. It's a really original story that's different from the usual ones posted here.

I hope you continue!
Tayto 1 year
Thank You!! I will get it finished soon
Dallions 1 year
Same chaotic energy as your other stories!
SkyMary 1 year
great story as always!
Atelia 1 year
This has been a very lovely read so far. The imagination required to come up with such a scenario is admirable. 😄
Tayto 1 year
Thank you, Atelia! it's been fun to write so far smiley