The nose job

Chapter 4 - The reveal

Nathan was waiting in bed wondering why the machine hadn't turned on like the past 30 months. Was it a fault? Or was this intentional?

With these questions in his head he heard someone enter and with out a word he heard them start to cut the bandages and remove the restraints starting with his feet, then his hand. Nathan could feel a light breeze where the bandages where and he tried to wiggle his fingers but for some reason he couldn't feel his thumbs and he couldn't seem to separate his fourth fingers from his fifth nor his third fingers from his second. Next he tried to wiggle his toes but he couldn't feel them. In fact his feet felt completely alien to him. Vicious thoughts pf what might have happened rushed through his head as the bandages on his head began to be cut, then the thoughts were interrupted by Paul begining to speak...

''Remember how I told you that I was going to get revenge on you for the torture you inflicted on me during high school. Well prepare yourself because here it comes you swine!''

With that feedung tube was removed and the bandages slipped away from Nathan's face and he was temporally blinded by the light but as his vision cleared he saw a pink-ish blob like figure on the ceiling above him. He soon realised that the ceking was intact mirrored and with every passing moment the horrific reality revealed itself to Nathan.

First he noticed his skin it was a strong hot pink colour... but what could have caused that.

Next it was his hands. Devoid of thumbs he saw that his second and third fingers were conjoined together and the same for his fourth and fifth... what had Jack done to him

The third thing Nathen noticed were his feet. Gone were his toes now his feet were moulded into little hoof like stumps.

The rest of his body and he saw how big he'd gotten as he'd been stuffed over the past years. He knew that he had certainly grown around the middle but the scale was still a huge shock

Then finally his face cleared, his jaw dropped and tears began to well in his eyes. The main thing that stood out the most to Nathan was his nose. Rather than  the perfect new nose he desired he instead had a pigish snout the second most obvious change was his hair... it was gone he was completely smooth both on top and where his eyebrow should be. Eventhough he had spent two year in those bandages he had no hair... anywhere his shin was smooth and pink. What had Jack done!

Nathen soon noticed the last couple  changes. His cheaks had gotten chubby and round His ear had been pointed and  mow flopped over at the top. And finally his teeth were no longer the perfect white pearls they were, now they were yellow almost tusk like gnashers that pushed his lips up awkwardly.

Paul began to speak again...

''So as you can I've made you in to all of those insults they you called me through out high school.''

''Fat... check''

Pig... check''

Ugly... check''

''So pig you have a choice now you can lay here, trapped till you die or you can come with me and be my pig. You better decide quickly as you have until I reach the door.''

The thaught of being stuck terrified Nathan and he hurriedly shouted ''Paul!''

''Well, piggy, I'm glad you've chose to come with me. Now oink!''

''Do it!''

Nathan oinked, fearing what Jack may do to him...

It had been a couple months since Nathan became Jack's pig and he now spent most of his days laying in his filth, eating, growing and oinking for Jack's pleasure and this his how things were going to continue with Nathen growing to enormous sizes.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Stevita 1 year
Wonderful story of karma and comeuppance! Only wish we had seen more of the MC as a former bully to make the revenge feel more viscerally deserved.