Fall of a volleyball player

  By Ao01

Chapter 3

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After Olivia recuperated, she went downstairs and chose a reduced portion for breakfast. Her mind was on her weight as she ate, most things signaled she was gaining weight, but she just couldn't believe it. She was late for school while she was thinking about it. A hardcore athlete, Olivia soon got tired as she rushed to school. Olivia was realizing that many things were going wrong. "It's really incredible, I couldn't have gotten out of shape that quickly," she said to herself.

She walked into class out of breath and spent her day. She felt very hungry due to the difficulty of the lessons, the stress of the day, and the fact that she ate little in the morning. Olivia knew she had to stop herself, but she didn't know how, because it was the first time she was struggling with weight. She thought that she would lose weight easily by starving, and that she could lose weight despite cheating in the evenings.

Starving herself until she returned home in the evening, Olivia threw herself on her bed and did nothing. There was training the next day and she went to training again with a light snack.

She couldn't keep her mind on the field because she didn't eat healthy food in training and had irregular days. She was doing bad and heavy jumps and she was getting up from the ground very heavily. She wasn't as talented as she used to be.

As practice nears the end, Olivia gets a dunk pass, and she remembers her high school tournament final score. They were champions with that number, she. Although Olivia was short, she was very talented in volleyball in high school, she jumped very well and had very clear dunks. Olivia was also deceived by her old days and jumped with all her might, making an unbalanced jump and could not reach the height she expected due to the new weights added. So she hit the ball badly and she came out. To call it a bad dunk would be optimistic, it just sucked. Anyway, after an unstable jump, Olivia nearly had a bad fall and had strained the ligaments in her leg. However, Oliva got angry due to this bad dunk and caught a similar position again, and this time he could not keep his pace while he was moving to the dunk position. Yes, she wasn't as fast anymore, and he had to speed up abruptly before he could dunk. He suddenly accelerated and jumped to dunk. This jump was worse than the previous one. This time she could neither reach the height from which she had just jumped, nor hit the ball. She had a very bad fall on him. Olivia sprained her ankle. "Clumsy, we've been here all morning and all she did was injure herself," she told her assistant coach. Olivia was writhing on the floor. Fortunately, after the MRI, it was revealed that he had a minor ankle sprain. The doctor told Olivia to rest for a week and not put any pressure on her feet.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 11 months
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Mikig1 6 months
Can't wait for next chapters 😍
Kreme 10 months
Could you go back through the older chapters and fix the pronouns please?
Patotonto 11 months
good to see you back. glad you continued
Ao01 11 months
Thanks, I'm doing my best to finish the story nicely.
JigglyArms 1 year
Please continue
Patotonto 1 year
please update this
Bibou 54 1 year
I think your story is really great, I'm waiting for the next chapters with maybe a little more description of the weight gain?
Tedboixl 1 year
Great story!
A bit confusing with all the changes from her to him or she to he.
Ao01 1 year
Thanks and also sorry. I will pay more attention
Malachi214 1 year
Yeah I stopped listening, it was getting way too confusing but seems like it had potential