Fall of a volleyball player

  By Ao01

Chapter 4

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This was terrible news for Olivia. He was injured just as he was trying to get into his active period. She at least had a minor injury and would soon be back on the floor.

Olivia hasn't left her room in that one week period. Even her roommate Kate was bringing the meals. Olivia had relapsed into her old eating habits from sadness. She was eating exactly twice the calories she should have taken.

A week later, Oliva started to get on her feet again. He went to school and immediately went back to bed. It was like this for another 2 weeks until I got back to training. He continued to gain weight during this injury period.

Tournament season was just around the corner and Olivia wasn't a big part of the roster as she missed most practice and was really out of shape. She returned to training with 127 lbs. Among her teammates, she said, "Look at Olivia, she's fuller every time I see her. University is going to turn her into a bubble girl, pathetic."

Olivia, who started to participate in training regularly, also started special studies to lose weight. But these studies were very short-lived and he was again trapped in sweets due to the exams. After finishing their first exams, their first match in the volleyball tournament would begin. Olivia's weight fluctuated during this period but would start with 127lbs at the start of the tournament.

His form was better than at the beginning of the semester, he had found a position in the team. The opposing team had Maia, who had lost some weight since the summer break and turned some of her weight into muscle. Even though Maiadan still looked thick and overweight, Maia had gained some discipline. Olivia felt strange in the locker room as she tried to put on her jersey and shorts. Her hips were putting too much pressure on her shorts than in high school, and the flesh on her stomach was touching the elastics of her shorts. Stressed out, Olivia started smoking before the match started. After he finished his cigarette, he entered the living room and met Maia, whom he made fun of during summer vacation, she. Maia had noticed that she was heavier than the last time she had seen Olivia, and inside she was overjoyed. Olivia was also annoyed that Maia had lost weight and she had gained weight. Maia went to Olivia and wished her luck, then the match started.

Maia was on the main roster and substitute Olivia was pissed off at this as well. "The bitch who didn't make the team in high school when I was in the main team, I'm a backup, it's really unbelievable!" she replied. Olivia couldn't find much time in the first 2 sets, the opposing team took a 2-0 lead with Maia's good performance.

Since it was the first game, Olivia's coach had given up hope on the match and gave Olivia a chance in the 3rd set for the main team. The opposing team had decided to rest their main team. In the 3rd set, Olivia performed close to her old form, and she was really happy about it. They were leading 17-13 on the set. The opposing team included their main players in the match with their changes and the course of the match changed. Maia's strong kicks were really hard to counter, but Olivia's ambitious nature was trying to keep her team in the game. The old Olivia would have responded very well to these situations, but there was no trace of her old self, she had lost quite a bit of strength. The set had arrived 23-23 and Olivia was stressed out, and she was also tired. It's back to dunk position for Olivia, she adjusted everything to her new body and dunked. His timing was really great, but... Maia's timing was better. Maia scored with such a block that the ball literally smashed in Olivia's face. Maia's team won the match 3-0, winning the last set 25-23.

After the match, Maia goes to congratulate Olivia, saying, "Congratulations, Olivia. You look healthier than the summer, you really lost the weight you gained, you are continuing with your old form," she teased Olivia. Olivia said, "You piggy don't make fun of me. I've had an injury and it may be a little late to lose weight. As I lose those pounds, you'll turn back to being a pig. PIG PIG!" he replied. Maia laughed at this and said, "Oh Olivia, look at your own body first, you are really out of shape and alcohol-cigarettes have really affected your body badly. If you continue like this, you will be a pig the next time we meet. Byeee" Olivia was really crazy, getting angry every day that she couldn't lose weight, but also hungry from nervousness and stress.
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Mikig1 6 months
Can't wait for next chapters 😍
Kreme 11 months
Could you go back through the older chapters and fix the pronouns please?
Patotonto 11 months
good to see you back. glad you continued
Ao01 11 months
Thanks, I'm doing my best to finish the story nicely.
JigglyArms 1 year
Please continue
Patotonto 1 year
please update this
Bibou 54 1 year
I think your story is really great, I'm waiting for the next chapters with maybe a little more description of the weight gain?
Tedboixl 1 year
Great story!
A bit confusing with all the changes from her to him or she to he.
Ao01 1 year
Thanks and also sorry. I will pay more attention
Malachi214 1 year
Yeah I stopped listening, it was getting way too confusing but seems like it had potential