Fall of a volleyball player

  By Ao01

Chapter 7

Olivia would return to her family. She was preparing her bag with heavy movements in her hangover. Due to the early elimination of the volleyball team, exam weeks and lots of fun lately, she never thought about her weight, she didn't know if she gained weight after her volleyball adventure.

Completing her journey in comfortable, loose-fitting clothes, Olivia was met with a great flood of love when she arrived home. Her mother, father and brother were really happy to see her. Her mother had prepared delicious meals for Olivia's arrival, and Olivia was pleased with it, but her mother's portion was too small for her. After quickly finishing the meal in front of her, "Mom, can you add some more?" she said. Her mother gave more food because she might be road tired. Olivia quickly finished it and went to her room.

Olivia was worried that her friends had seen her gain weight over the holidays. That's why she rarely went out. When she went out, she really preferred loose dresses. She spent almost all day in her room, snacking on the snacks she had secretly taken to her room.

Towards the end of the holiday, her friends from the volleyball team invited Olivia to a picnic. Olivia was very hesitant about this offer because she didn't want to show her weight. Olivia still had a very good physique, but she had really plumped up compared to last year. Olivia, reluctantly, accepted the offer.
After much struggle, Olivia got out of bed and started to take off her top as she sat on her bed to get ready. She then took off her sweatpants, and she slowly walked towards the wardrobe. Every part of her formerly tight body was swaying slightly as she walked towards the closet. Her thigh gap disappeared, legs rubbing against each other with each step, and she walked past the mirror, not looking. If she had looked in the mirror, she would have seen her fat ass starting to be decorated with cellulite following her behind. In order not to show her weight, she took her comfortable and loose clothes and went back to her bed. Olivia put in more effort as she bent to put on her stockings. This process, which she used to do quickly and easily, made her sweat a little. She wore loose and comfortable clothes with ease, but her weight was scarce. After getting dressed, she set off for the picnic, she. Seeing her friends on the volleyball team, Olivia was overjoyed and quickly ran to them to satisfy her longing. Her friends were shocked to see her trembling body, while Maia next door was struggling not to burst into laughter.

After Maia, who had to leave the picnic early, left, her friends talked mockingly about her weight gain. It was very funny for them that the girl who used to make fun of people's bodies, softened herself so fast.

At the end of the exhausting day, Maia climbed the stairs breathing heavily and sighing, then went into her room and fell asleep.

The next day, Olivia was aware that her clothes were tight due to the weight she gained during the exam period. She had weeks to fix this damage, but she had lost that time by wasting time in her bed. It was a few days before her university opened and Olivia was going to the mall to buy new dresses. Before she could do that, she found the scale to see the damage and undressed and got on top of it to see the number. It was as if her whole body was wrapped in a cream. Her legs and hips claimed most of the damage. Her lower belly had formed a small pooch above her panties. Her breasts seemed to have gotten a little bigger, but there was trembling as well. Her face was also widened, lost its outline, but it did not look plump.


Olivia was shocked and threw herself into her bed behind her. Yes, the damage was bad, but if she had continued her sporting style, it wouldn't have been that heavy, or even if she had, it wouldn't have looked so soft. Still in good shape, most guys would madly want to spend time with Olivia, but Olivia was worried about her volleyball career, where she was forced to perform at 127 lbs. Her athletic, high-reflex structure had turned into a normal female body with the weight she gained.

Olivia knew she had to exercise. Prepared to go shopping. She was stuffing leftover marshmallows on her table while she was getting ready. She found warm clothes that fit her size while shopping, and she was fully prepared for her 2nd semester of college.
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Mikig1 6 months
Can't wait for next chapters 😍
Kreme 11 months
Could you go back through the older chapters and fix the pronouns please?
Patotonto 11 months
good to see you back. glad you continued
Ao01 11 months
Thanks, I'm doing my best to finish the story nicely.
JigglyArms 1 year
Please continue
Patotonto 1 year
please update this
Bibou 54 1 year
I think your story is really great, I'm waiting for the next chapters with maybe a little more description of the weight gain?
Tedboixl 1 year
Great story!
A bit confusing with all the changes from her to him or she to he.
Ao01 1 year
Thanks and also sorry. I will pay more attention
Malachi214 1 year
Yeah I stopped listening, it was getting way too confusing but seems like it had potential