Fall of a volleyball player

  By Ao01

Chapter 8

Olivia continued to ignore and came back home at 150 lbs. The old volleyball player, panting up the dormitory stairs, entered her room, and Kate screamed when she saw her.


Olivia felt embarrassed. She missed her roommate, excited to quench her longing, but this welcome disappointed her, and she slowly went to bed and went to bed.

"huh, oh"

Olivia picked up her phone and saw a notification as she struggled to wake up.

"We are meeting next week as a volleyball team, our preparation matches and training will begin to prepare for the next season."

After this message from her trainer to the group, Olivia was really nervous. She had no idea what to do.

She would either really quit volleyball, or go ahead and try to stay in the team despite her current physique.

Yes, Olivia would work to stay in the team, once every team's favorite Olivia was on the verge of quitting volleyball.

She said nothing to Olivia after her trainer had examined the whole team and had her height and weight measured again. And she didn't even get her in the friendly squad.

Olivia had a successful week, losing 148.9 lbs, that is, 1.1 lbs in 1 week, but we cannot say the same for her volleyball. There was no trace of Olivia's old jumps. She used to take a sharp jump with her slender body, now she was trying to catch the ball like people jumping into a pool. It took longer to get up and he was tired faster. Her jumping was much slower than before. If Olivia kept going like this, she could only describe volleyball as her hobby.

This was a huge disappointment for Olivia. She was aware that she was gaining weight, so she could guess what her trainer would say, but she still wanted to try her luck.


Olivia had been beaten, humiliated in the room, and kicked out of the team.

For Olivia, the beginning of the spring semester was officially a nightmare. Her appetite was officially gone because the reason he fell into this state was the weight he gained.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 11 months
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Mikig1 6 months
Can't wait for next chapters 😍
Kreme 10 months
Could you go back through the older chapters and fix the pronouns please?
Patotonto 11 months
good to see you back. glad you continued
Ao01 11 months
Thanks, I'm doing my best to finish the story nicely.
JigglyArms 1 year
Please continue
Patotonto 1 year
please update this
Bibou 54 1 year
I think your story is really great, I'm waiting for the next chapters with maybe a little more description of the weight gain?
Tedboixl 1 year
Great story!
A bit confusing with all the changes from her to him or she to he.
Ao01 1 year
Thanks and also sorry. I will pay more attention
Malachi214 1 year
Yeah I stopped listening, it was getting way too confusing but seems like it had potential