Tricia's choice

Chapter 2

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Every day felt like groundhogs’ day for Tricia. Up early, grab a quick breakfast. Take the L train across down. Transfer. Walk three blocks. Swipe in and take the elevator to the third floor. Clock in. Change clothes. Hit the ward floor. Prepare for the days’ shit fest.

Lunch. Missed lunch.

Vending machine.

Second trip to vending machine.


Look at clock. Time to punch out. Say goodbyes. Transfer cases for evening nursing staff. Locker room. Change clothes. Elevator back to street level. Walk three blocks. Take the train. Transfer. Back on the L train and back home.

Then, study. Complete a test. Write a report. Correspond with group. Water the plant. Eat whatever. Go to bed.

Every day did feel like groundhog’s day to Tricia, until one day it wasn’t.


Tricia was at the nursing station, and it was just before lunch. She was off to one side and the receptionist had left her seat to use the bathroom. She always seemed to do this when it was busiest on their floor.

“Um, excuse me. Miss?” said a voice.
Tricia looked up. A man in delivery clothes, blue black shorts with the same-colored button up short sleeved shirt addressed her. He was holding a packet that looked like the medical order that was supposed to have been delivered yesterday. “Yes?” Said Tricia coming over.

“Do you think you can sign for this? I’m double-parked downstairs.” He looked to be about the same age as Tricia was herself, mid-late thirties. He was well muscled and had black hair that was swept back in a devil may care sort of way. He had blue-black stubble and a strong jaw. He gazed at Tricia with blue eyes like ice chips. His name badge said “Chris”.

“Not really, no. Can’t you wait until the receptionist gets back?” asked Tricia, holding her digital pad out as emphasizing her business.

He leaned in conspiratorially and whispered, “between you and me, we both know that chick is in there either buying her Amazon shopping list or filling out job applications on the can.”

His abruptness forced a laugh out of Tricia, and she put a hand to her mouth. God, she hadn’t laughed like that in a hell of a long time.

The man, Chris, held out the package and clicked out the nib of his pen, “Here, just the once. I’ll buy you lunch if you sign. It’ll be our little secret.”

She smiled and thought for a moment. Then she reached out for the pen and scribbled her name.

“Excellent, you saved my bacon.” He said, tearing off the detachable label to keep for himself and handed over the package. As he did so, she inhaled a mixture of cologne and maleness that could only have come from him. It was not unpleasant, but a rather inviting smell.

Tricia took the package and tucked it under one arm so that it wouldn’t pinch against her side and that of her stethoscope, which was near her left breast.

The delivery man nodded a farewell and turned on his heel. Tricia was midway about to put the package on top of the secretary’s desk when the man turned around and said, “and hey, I was serious about taking you to lunch, you know. A girl’s gotta eat and so do I.” He smiled and Tricia found herself smiling back.

“I’ll take you up on that—” she said.

“Chris. My name’s Chris. See you ‘round, Tricia.”

When she looked perplexed as to how he already knew her name, he pointed to his own chest where his name badge was and then pointed to her. She glanced down at her own chest and saw that her nursing badge was pinned with her name. He smiled once more, turned the corner and was out of sight.
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