No way back


Chapter 2 - In the Dead of Night

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Alice awoke from her slumber in the middle of the night, the sleep-deprived woman finding her tent bathed in a familiar pearly white moonlight cascading down from the sky. Still not entirely used to the exotic sounds of the island, the young researcher had grown accustomed to waking up in the middle of her slumber since her arrival, but Alice immediately felt an unnerving presence in the air as her senses awoken.

“Shit shit shit,” Alice thought to herself frantically while quietly lifting herself from her sleeping bag.

The sound of unfamiliar voices and footsteps on the forest ground could be heard no more than 30 feet from Alice’s campsite, and the glowing light of hand-made torches were beginning to shimmer along the leaves hovering around her tent.

“Stay calm Alice,” she whispered to herself while listening to the patrol pass by, her heart pounding within her chest. The researcher knew full well that her life would be over if she were to be discovered by the island natives. Alice suspected a quick death would likely be her fate if she were found, but the blonde knew full well that there were potentially worse outcomes for a young female such as herself, and the woman shuddered at the flashing thought.

After listening patiently in silence for nearly a minute, the footsteps appeared to be moving further away, the light emanating from the patrol’s torches growing faint. Relieved, Alice took a deep breath, placing her right hand over her chest to sooth the anxiety roiling within.

“It’s ok, it was just a scare,” she whispered softly to herself in relief.

However, just as she had lowered herself back into bed, the young woman heard the voice of a grown man aggressively shouting in an unfamiliar language. Before Alice could manage to stand on her own two feet, her tent was awash in the reddish-orange hue of the patrol’s torchlight. Panicking, the young blonde reached for the tent’s zipper door, but the woman shrieked loudly and fell backwards as the shadow of a man approached on the other side. Alice screamed hysterically as the door was forcefully peeled open in front of her, and a large muscular man cloaked in shadow ripped through the tent’s fabric structure and began reaching for her significantly smaller body.

Wearing only her bra and panties, Alice was forcefully pulled from the tent by a large and muscular hand wrapped around her delicate ankle, the woman screaming at the top of her lungs as the rest of the patrol swarmed on her location. Completely overpowered by her shadow-cloaked assaulter, Alice wrestled futilely against the muscular golden-brown hands clawing at her, her small frame getting effortlessly whisked into the air as soon as her entire body had been pulled from her tent. Alice made every effort to punch and kick at the powerful man working to subdue her small frame, but the 128-pound blonde was no match for her assaulter’s strength, and she was utterly powerless to stop the man from restraining her.

In under thirty seconds, Alice had been pulled from her tent, gagged, blindfolded, and hog-tied. Tears quickly soaked through her blindfold as the young blonde plead for help, but the woman’s muffled cries failed to cut through the cloth lodged in her mouth. With her hands and feet restrained, the young blonde felt her body get hoisted over her assaulters’ shoulders to a chorus of apparently gleeful chatter among the rest of the patrolmen.

Alice’s hands and feet struggled against her bindings as the men carried her away from the campsite, and what little moonlight the young woman could sense through her blindfold was slowly vanishing as they drifted further into the island. Alice knew her fate was likely sealed the moment she had been captured, but there would truly be no hope for her if they managed to take her much further towards the center of the island. Even if the men had left her boat in contact, Alice was much too far from the coast to make an escape. Sensing that her fate was in the native’s hands, the young woman sighed and prayed for a miracle.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 12 months
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MoreOfMe 10 months
Please write more chapters!!!!
MoreOfMe 10 months
Please write more chapters!!!!
MoreOfMe 10 months
Please write more chapters!!!!
SLDB 1 year
Couldn’t help but add an epilogue.
Observer 1 year
Great updates….
SLDB 1 year
Two new chapters added in the last 24 hours. They’re each about twice the size as the previous ones which is partly why they took so long. Hoping to wrap this up in the next few days.
Jet Lag 1 year
wonderful story, i haven't seen this before
Observer 1 year
Nice story, like to see it continue….
Texasjack 1 year
I really liked the story. I wonder if there is a sequel telling about her new life.
Her new large nipples reminded me of a picture showing New Guinea female nursing
a piglet from her breast.
SLDB 1 year
I had a minor medical procedure the other day and have been out of commission for a few days. New chapters are just about done, just need to revise and post.
SLDB 1 year
Still in the works! Just had a lot going on and haven’t been able to write. Planning on wrapping this up and then finishing Control.
Mikeboi1994 1 year
#loving this. ❤ Love this story man! BTW Is control getting an update? 🙂 Just wondering 🥰
SLDB 1 year
I told myself I wouldn’t do more long-form writing but here we are. Ten chapters are already written with more to come. Trying to make this one very detail oriented when it comes to physical changes.
Cheers1758 1 year
Amazing stuff! So glad you’re back. The changes, the corruption. Your writing is top notch!
SLDB 1 year
Thanks guys!