No way back


Chapter 7 - Plaything

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“Ugggghh why does it taste so damn good,” Alice mumbled softly to herself as the elderly man left her side with a freshly emptied cup in hand.

While the young blonde was terrified by the changes brought on to her body by the mysterious purple liquid, the restrained researcher couldn’t deny how pleasant the drink tasted on her tongue. However, what truly frightened Alice was the obvious mind games it had been playing with her brain. As the liquid twisted and reshaped her physical form, the purple concoction simultaneously produced pleasurable sensations within her brain as if to reprogram her mind. Alice found her more primal urges craving even more of the cupbearer's gift, and it was becoming increasingly difficult for the rational side of her brain to win out.

When the pumping sensation had completely dissipated from the lower half of Alice’s body, the damage to her feet, legs, and waist was substantial. The young blonde’s lower body had become a gluttonous caricature of her old self. Equipped with swollen cankles, tree trunk thighs, bean-bag sized ass cheeks, and a plush and juicy fupa, Alice’s physical form now looked like a bizarre amalgamation of three different women’s bodies, leaving her slim stomach situated between a pair gargantuan brown breasts and a pale overstuffed lower half.

“OOOOOOOHHHHH GOOODDDDD,” Alice screamed through her clinched teeth as a sharp pain shot through her intestines, her body writhing in pain atop the altar.

The liquid sloshed around violently inside of the young woman’s stomach, its typically flat appearance appearing slightly rounded and uncomfortably taut after the quick succession of drinks. Clinching her fists into balls, the blonde woman shut her eyes and grunted in pain as it felt as though her insides were being ripped apart by an unseen presence.

Groaning in pain atop the altar, Alice was oblivious as a man wearing a silk ceremonial outfit similar to the cupbearer appeared through the crowd. The nearly five dozen men gathered around the altar grew silent as he walked beside the squirming woman, his eyes inspecting her mismatched shape as if he were evaluating cattle at a local fair. Circling the woman twice, the man stopped beside Alice’s taut belly before placing his large hands across her stomach’s tender skin. Massaging the woman’s pale body, he spoke to the crowd with authority.

“Avaluṭa payaṇat uṭiva nerukuk, avuli mut rampa. Carti vaja putitka rikem!”

Alice turned her head and watched the ceremonial speaker’s demeanor as he addressed the crowd; his facial expression was one of complete and total focus as the tips of his fingers pressed into her bloated stomach. When the speaker finished addressing the audience, he turned his attention back to the woman’s taut stomach and closed his eyes. Chanting quietly, he rubbed his caramel brown hands against Alice’s pale skin.

“Oooohhh that feels sooo niceeee,” Alice said quietly with a subtle hint of a smile as the man gently massaged her taut belly.

Ignoring the woman’s strange words, the speaker’s voice grew steadily louder and his motions became more animated as his fingers dug further into the woman’s body. The soothing sensation Alice had been enjoying just a moment ago quickly transformed as a tingling wave of electricity erupted from the woman’s insides. One by one, the voices of the other men in the audience joined along in the ceremony, and a chorus of chanting broke out once again as Alice felt the liquid’s magic coursing through her.

“Oooooohhhh ahhhh- OHHHH.”

The pumping sensation returned hard and fast, hitting Alice like a swift roundhouse kick to the gut. The young researcher suddenly found it difficult to breath, her lungs gasping for air as she felt her stomach began to push back against the man’s rigid hands. A rising tide of plush and yielding flesh bubbled from within Alice’s stomach, her fat cells multiplying rapidly beneath her skin as the woman’s pot belly swelled outward in all directions.


Alice groaned between a series of belches as her inner organs twisted in knots, her brain once again under the liquid’s magical assault as pleasure pulsed in her head, urging her to ignore the havoc occurring at her core.

Deep below the woman’s expanding belly, Alice’s dormant stomach doubled and then tripled its capacity, the rapidly growing beast growling angrily as it soaked in the purple liquid’s magic. Meanwhile back on the surface, red stretch marks streaked across Alice’s expanding belly as pound after pound of soft flesh accumulated under her skin, the large pale dome inflating in real time as if someone had shoved a syringe into the blonde’s belly button and was now actively pumping her guts full of jelly.

A jolt of excitement shot down Alice’s spine as she felt her previously flat and tight belly jiggling and wobbling in ways that should not have been possible, and the man who had just moments ago been massaging her taut skin was now physically grabbing handfuls of excess belly flesh, his hands playing with Alice’s plush midsection as if she were his toy. Despite being unable to see what was happening, Alice could tell through her body’s shifting weight and constant wobbling that she was piling on a significant amount of flab, yet every additional pound that forced itself upon the exhausted woman’s frame caused her brain to tingle with unrelenting pleasure, distracting the young blonde from the overwhelming dread she would have otherwise felt.

The pace of the crowd’s chanting intensified as Alice’s stomach resembled a pale mountain of blubber, it’s plush and corpulent shape beginning to fit in with her obese breasts, ass cheeks, and tree trunk thighs as it melded with the rest of her hedonistic body. Pushing beyond the boundaries of her stomach, the invasive fatty tissue oozed across her center, encasing her back and sides in a thick layer of lard. Alice felt her sides coming into contact with more of the altar’s cool surface as her entire frame widened. The young woman’s belly, which had already grown beyond the size of an XL beach ball, expanded rapidly into an obese paunch as gravity weighed on the gelatinous blob, pulling it toward her crotch as it sagged overtop the blonde’s fupa.

Alice’s breathing became labored as thick lard coated her insides, seeping between her organs and insulating her from within. With more than 200 pounds of additional flesh, the heat that had overtaken the blonde woman’s body was reaching a fever pitch and a glistening layer of sweat coated the surface of her entire form.

“My body is ruined,” April groaned as she felt everything below her chest jiggling in ways she could have never imagined, her rational mind on the verge of collapse as it yielded more ground to the pleasurable sensations manipulating her brain. Tossing her head to the side, Alice noted how her hands and arms still looked just as fit as they had before she was captured, but the researcher knew deep down that their current shapes wouldn’t last for long, and she hated how that simple thought sparked excitement within.


Another rush of gas emerged as Alice felt her stomach’s capacity expand beyond comprehension, and an unnatural hunger called to her from the growing void within. The woman tried her best to ignore her body’s desires, knowing full well that the last thing it needed was food, but the commanding hunger was growing stronger with each passing second. In a sudden outburst, the woman’s stomach came to life. At more than ten times its original size, the beast within called out in desire with such force the woman’s body visibly rippled and the very ground beneath them trembled.

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MoreOfMe 9 months
Please write more chapters!!!!
MoreOfMe 9 months
Please write more chapters!!!!
MoreOfMe 9 months
Please write more chapters!!!!
SLDB 11 months
Couldn’t help but add an epilogue.
Observer 1 year
Great updates….
SLDB 1 year
Two new chapters added in the last 24 hours. They’re each about twice the size as the previous ones which is partly why they took so long. Hoping to wrap this up in the next few days.
Jet Lag 1 year
wonderful story, i haven't seen this before
Observer 1 year
Nice story, like to see it continue….
Texasjack 1 year
I really liked the story. I wonder if there is a sequel telling about her new life.
Her new large nipples reminded me of a picture showing New Guinea female nursing
a piglet from her breast.
SLDB 1 year
I had a minor medical procedure the other day and have been out of commission for a few days. New chapters are just about done, just need to revise and post.
SLDB 1 year
Still in the works! Just had a lot going on and haven’t been able to write. Planning on wrapping this up and then finishing Control.
Mikeboi1994 1 year
#loving this. ❤ Love this story man! BTW Is control getting an update? 🙂 Just wondering 🥰
SLDB 1 year
I told myself I wouldn’t do more long-form writing but here we are. Ten chapters are already written with more to come. Trying to make this one very detail oriented when it comes to physical changes.
Cheers1758 1 year
Amazing stuff! So glad you’re back. The changes, the corruption. Your writing is top notch!
SLDB 1 year
Thanks guys!