No way back


Chapter 8 - Hungering Void

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Silence fell across the crowd as a wave of vibrations rippled through the earth beneath them. Everyone remained almost frozen from the sudden quaking, including Alice, whose eyes had shot wide open and face turned bright red from embarrassment. She had never heard her body, or anyone’s body for that matter, make such a gluttonously ominous sound before in her life.


The ground beneath them quaked once again as the speaker dressed in ceremonial garb released his grip on Alice’s lard-filled paunch. Raising his arms to the sky, the man yelled excitedly.

“Uvaṭa iranvu raner unkuk! Ujun miruk vitala! Ashon pakik ventav!”

The speaker’s announcement sent the crowd into a frenzy, with each man suddenly moving erratically. Trying her best to look around at the commotion, Alice watched as each man grabbed food from wherever they could, and the young woman tossed her head back and forth in confusion as the circle of men closed in around her, each man’s face wearing a concerning expression of excitement.

“Get away from me!” Alice shouted as she began to feel claustrophobic, but the woman’s voice was silenced a moment later as one of the countless men forcefully shoved a large block of cheese down her throat.


Alice’ s brain immediately pulsed with carnal pleasure the moment the delicious food hit her tastebuds, and the formerly thin blonde woman found herself vigorously chomping down on the calorie-intensive food as her body desperately craved its calorie-intensive goodness. Nothing had ever tasted so wonderful in her life, and as soon as the wedge of cheese had vanished into her hungering maw, another man holding a large cream pastry filled the vacated space in the woman’s mouth, the hungry blonde audibly moaning through the pastry’s fried dough as wave after wave of bliss reverberated through her body.

“God it all tastes so good,” Alice thought to herself as yet another block of cheese made its way down her gullet.

The young blonde was so awash in the never-ending feast being crammed directly into her mouth, she failed to notice as a familiar searing sensation made its return on the far end of her body. While various meats, pastries, cheeses, fruits, and creams were devoured into her body, the pinkish skin along Alice’s swollen sausage-like toes began to change. Spreading like a shock wave from a nuclear blast, the tips of her reddish toes darkened, their pale hue tanning rapidly into a shade of warm mocha.

The discoloring magic slowly inched its way upward, consuming Alice’s swollen feet and passing through her cankles before trailing up the woman’s meaty calves. The sensation grew more pronounced as it slithered up the woman’s immense thunder thighs, converting the woman’s pale saddlebags into plush, caramel brown haunches.


Up above, Alice’s senses were far too preoccupied as yet another cup of the purple liquid was poured down her throat in between two servings of smoked sausage. The hunger within Alice had overwhelmed her mind, and the young blonde found herself frantically consuming everything in sight as if her life depended on it. If for only a brief moment, she had completely forgotten all about her predicament. Alice wasn’t worried that she had been captured, or that her body had been fattened, or that a DNA-altering magic was remaking her at the molecular level. In her mind, Alice’s entire existence had become dedicated to satisfying the ravenous hunger calling from within, and her unnaturally massive stomach was nowhere near full despite already eating a meal more than three times the size of what she normally ate.

“More! Give me morrr-MMMMMMFFF!!!”

As yet another hunk of salted beef was forcefully crammed into Alice’s hungering maw, the DNA-altering wave of magic approached the woman’s significantly expanded waist, its magic darkening the woman’s inner thighs as the mocha skin tone consumed the last parts of her legs. Not satisfied with Alice’s large brown thunder thighs, the searing sensation continued upward, consuming her massive and plush rear end as the woman’s pasty white ass cheeks darkened significantly into a warm buttery brown, their color melding with the rest of her lower half. When the wave of magic finally hit the obese woman’s pleasure center, stars shot across Alice’s vision as an orgasm unexpectedly rocked her entire body.


Alice’s screamed and her body bucked wildly atop the altar as the searing sensation overtook the folds of her plump pink pussy, her massive brown thighs clapping together and sending a rippling shockwave throughout her lower half. The woman wailed in pleasure and pulled against her bindings as her orgasm washed over her, her soft and yielding body coming alive and jiggling every which way as her labia’s colorful pink hue darkened into a golden-brown pussy.

“OOOOOOOHHHHH GOOOOO-MFFFFF” April shouted uncontrollably before another man shoved a hunk of cooked pork into the woman’s wailing mouth.

Alice’s darkened pleasure entrance had become slick with desire, and the woman wanted nothing more than to shove one of her hands between her thighs, but she could do nothing but whine pathetically to herself as she struggled against her bindings.

The short blonde hairs sprinkled across the woman’s juicy fupa shifted color as the skin beneath them darkened, the strands of hair thickening and becoming more course as their color transitioned to jet black. Wasting no time, the wave of color moved onward, disappearing beneath Alice’s underbelly and tickling the sensitive mountain of flesh that hung overtop the obese woman’s meaty pussy.

Quickly emerging from underneath the frontal folds of Alice’s paunch, the mocha brown hue spread across the woman’s gelatinous sack of excess belly flesh, darkening the blonde happy trail that paved the path from her wanton pussy before diving down into her deep and cavernous belly button. The tickling sensation caused the woman to involuntarily jerk her feet and legs upwards, the force launching her blubbery paunch toward her chest before the rolling weight reversed, sending the mountain of stomach flesh falling back toward her crotch as her legs collapse back onto the altar.

After fifteen straight minutes of binge eating, the last man with food still left in his hands placed a large icing-coated pastry into Alice’s mouth, her jaws cramping up as she swallowed the final offering of the feast.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 12 months
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MoreOfMe 10 months
Please write more chapters!!!!
MoreOfMe 10 months
Please write more chapters!!!!
MoreOfMe 10 months
Please write more chapters!!!!
SLDB 1 year
Couldn’t help but add an epilogue.
Observer 1 year
Great updates….
SLDB 1 year
Two new chapters added in the last 24 hours. They’re each about twice the size as the previous ones which is partly why they took so long. Hoping to wrap this up in the next few days.
Jet Lag 1 year
wonderful story, i haven't seen this before
Observer 1 year
Nice story, like to see it continue….
Texasjack 1 year
I really liked the story. I wonder if there is a sequel telling about her new life.
Her new large nipples reminded me of a picture showing New Guinea female nursing
a piglet from her breast.
SLDB 1 year
I had a minor medical procedure the other day and have been out of commission for a few days. New chapters are just about done, just need to revise and post.
SLDB 1 year
Still in the works! Just had a lot going on and haven’t been able to write. Planning on wrapping this up and then finishing Control.
Mikeboi1994 1 year
#loving this. ❤ Love this story man! BTW Is control getting an update? 🙂 Just wondering 🥰
SLDB 1 year
I told myself I wouldn’t do more long-form writing but here we are. Ten chapters are already written with more to come. Trying to make this one very detail oriented when it comes to physical changes.
Cheers1758 1 year
Amazing stuff! So glad you’re back. The changes, the corruption. Your writing is top notch!
SLDB 1 year
Thanks guys!