No way back


Chapter 10 - Crown of Indulgence

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The cupbearer returned alone once more, his frail hands carrying only a single, smaller metallic cup bearing a reflective coating. Taking his position beside the ritual altar, the man stared directly into Alice’s blue eyes, reading her soul for a solemn moment before looking away and giving a subtle nod to several men in the crowd.

The fattened woman breathed a deep sigh of relief as she felt someone tugging at her bindings, their efforts creating just enough separation to cut and remove the last of the rope that held her transformed body to the ritual altar, yet not a single thought of escaping entered Alice’s mind. With her arms freed, the elder lowered the metallic cup until it hovered just a foot from the blonde woman’s head, his dark and rugged hands presenting the concoction for the woman to take willingly.

Alice felt numb as she stared at the offering before her. The fattened researcher looked deeply into the cups reflective coating; her eyes fixated on the distorted reflection staring back. She immediately identified the familiar crystal blue eyes piercing through the cup’s metallic surface, but even its crude and warped exterior could not hide the ample quantities of fatty tissue sitting just below her neckline.

“There’s no going back,” Alice thought solemnly to herself while taking a deep breath.

The young researcher had understood the risks when she set sail for this remote island, and despite the unusual circumstances of her entrapment, she knew her old life had been over the second she had been taken from the campsite. Staring at the metallic offering, the formerly thin blonde almost felt a twinge of excitement at the back of her brain. Alice’s old life was over, but a new destiny awaited, and while she almost certainly knew it was the magic’s influence pushing her to accept the man’s offering, the young blonde couldn’t help but get excited at the possibility of becoming someone entirely new.

Lifting her beefy right arm into the air, Alice accepted the elderly man’s offering, grasping the cup and pulling it towards her face. The young woman held the glass in front of her eyes, her mind still struggling to accept that the thick dark sausage fingers holding the purple liquid were indeed her own. Taking another deep breath, the young blonde poured the entirely of the concoction into her mouth in one motion, swallowing the liquid in a single gulp.

“Ahhhhhhhh,” Alice cooed as the final drop of purple fluid passed through her throat before splashing into her stomach.

The crowd stood patiently as the woman handed the cup back to the elder, her throat tingling once again from the beverage’s magical properties. The night’s air grew eerily still as the dark liquid churned within Alice’s stomach, and it wasn’t long before the familiar heat that had ravaged her body all night once again spread from within, its warming presence flowing throughout the woman’s heavily padded form.

The fattened researcher let out a boisterous moan as her brain pulsed with pleasure once more, her mind now openly welcoming the return of the liquid’s magic as the pumping and searing sensations began to materialize along the base of her neck.

Alice’s brain pulsed with the magic’s manipulative pleasure as the young woman felt a warm scarf of plush fat wrap itself around her thin neck as an avalanche of soft tissue poured into the last skinny region of the young blonde’s body. Her neckline thickened substantially within seconds, its increasingly meaty form quivering with every slightly movement as the excess tissue melded her head to the broadened shoulders beneath.

With her neck more than twice as wide as before, Alice audibly moaned as the tingling and pumping sensations flowed upward, washing across her face as fresh fat oozed into every corner of the woman’s head as its shape began to swell outward in all directions, the invading flesh working to merge the young blonde’s head with her fattened neck.

Alice’s svelte jawline was the first to succumb to the fattening magic as a deluge of lard stripped it of all definition, drowning her jawbone under a dense layer of flab. The accumulating adipose buried the young blonde’s chin, concealing its rigid shape while a growing pouch of excess flesh grew just below.

Fat poured freely all across Alice’s formerly thin face at a rapid pace, the blonde woman’s skin growing tight as her head took on an increasingly circular shape. Alice’s lips and cheeks were the next to go, their lithe forms visibly inflating as fat cells multiplied beneath the researcher’s skin. Rising like dough, Alice’s cheeks swelled outward, the pale mounds growing and pushing further from her face until the young woman could see them with her own eyes, their swelling forms blocking more of her southerly view with each passing second and reducing her field of view.

Feeling her facial features swell beyond comprehension, Alice brought her meaty hands up to her cheeks and pressed the thick sausages into the soft cushions, the developing jowels yielding more than an inch before her chubby fingers made contact with the buried cheek bones underneath.

“My beautiful face,” she said with a tinge of despair before a stunned expression overtook her.

Alice visibly grimaced the moment her voice registered in her own mind. The large quantities of fatty tissue now clinging to her face had been unsettling enough, but the fattened woman did a mental double take the moment she heard herself speak. The young blonde woman had always cherished her soft and angelic voice, with many of her ex-boyfriends complimenting it as “cute” and even “mousey,” so her brain felt utterly confused when the sound coming from her mouth was several tones deeper than before and carried with it a husky quality befitting her morbidly obese body.

“Oh god I even sound like a fat girl,” Alice thought to herself with dread, but the woman’s despair was forcefully corrected to enjoyment as a pleasurable surge of electricity shocked her brain.


Lost in the artificially stimulated splendor, Alice completely forgot all about the deep and husky tone of her voice as she cried out in pleasure, her beefy body jiggling wildly to the delight of her audience.

Writhing atop the stone altar, the young blonde was so lost in enjoying her own body’s corruption that she failed to recognize how little dexterity remained around her neck, or how both of her wobbling chins at the top of her fattened neck had merged into a singular plush mound, its doughy shape pushing back each time she opened her mouth.

By the time Alice’s head and neck had completed their fattening expansions, both body parts had become encased in a thick layer of excess flesh, fusing them into what appeared to be a singular blob of fatty tissue that floated atop her morbidly obese body. With her body now ready for the final stage of her transformation, the magical pumping sensation weakened until it had completely vanished from existence, and Alice almost felt a tinge of sadness as the pleasure dissipated. When the last trace of tingling vanished, every single inch of the formerly thin blonde woman’s body had been consumed by a rising tide of corpulence that had piled over 300 pounds of soft and yielding fat onto Alice’s 5’3” frame.

The air remained eerily still as the crowd of over 60 men stood quietly around the ritual altar. Alice’s labored breathing could be heard from all around, the 432-pounder’s body glistening with a thick layer of sweat as the exhausted woman attempted to collect herself both physically and mentally.

“My life is over,” Alice whispered to herself while staring into the night sky, the tone of her voice carrying the feint hint of joy.

With the last of the fattening magic gone, the DNA-altering searing sensation was free to advance, and a wide smile crept across Alice’s face as it began to march north towards the last pale region of the obese woman’s body.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 12 months
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MoreOfMe 10 months
Please write more chapters!!!!
MoreOfMe 10 months
Please write more chapters!!!!
MoreOfMe 10 months
Please write more chapters!!!!
SLDB 1 year
Couldn’t help but add an epilogue.
Observer 1 year
Great updates….
SLDB 1 year
Two new chapters added in the last 24 hours. They’re each about twice the size as the previous ones which is partly why they took so long. Hoping to wrap this up in the next few days.
Jet Lag 1 year
wonderful story, i haven't seen this before
Observer 1 year
Nice story, like to see it continue….
Texasjack 1 year
I really liked the story. I wonder if there is a sequel telling about her new life.
Her new large nipples reminded me of a picture showing New Guinea female nursing
a piglet from her breast.
SLDB 1 year
I had a minor medical procedure the other day and have been out of commission for a few days. New chapters are just about done, just need to revise and post.
SLDB 1 year
Still in the works! Just had a lot going on and haven’t been able to write. Planning on wrapping this up and then finishing Control.
Mikeboi1994 1 year
#loving this. ❤ Love this story man! BTW Is control getting an update? 🙂 Just wondering 🥰
SLDB 1 year
I told myself I wouldn’t do more long-form writing but here we are. Ten chapters are already written with more to come. Trying to make this one very detail oriented when it comes to physical changes.
Cheers1758 1 year
Amazing stuff! So glad you’re back. The changes, the corruption. Your writing is top notch!
SLDB 1 year
Thanks guys!