A chance encounter on a train

Chapter 4

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The train bore on as Gavin and Jackie continued their discussion.

“So, tell me about the distinction between a fantasy and a fetish?” Said Gavin as he returned to the compartment, two coffees in hand. Plain black for him, a triple-sugar, triple-cream for her.

“Mmm, thanks.” She said, taking off the lid and blowing over the top.

Gavin reseated himself, his belongings had been packed up some time ago. He leaned forward on the table that separated them. Somehow, the room felt smaller, more inviting. He rested a hand against the side of his face, his other arm lain flat on the table, holding his coffee.

“Well,” she said thoughtfully, replacing the lid on her cup and taking a careful sip, “a fantasy differs from a fetish in several ways. A fantasy can be a situation or scenario that normally might not happen in real life. Or cannot happen in real life.”

Gavin’s mind began to flood with possibilities. He pushed the thoughts aside and continued to listen.

“Take for example, something magical like witchcraft or unicorns. Fantasies can be non-sexual in nature, naturally.”


“Wh ereas a fetish is linked sexually; a fantasy can be deemed sexual in nature and thus the two lines begin to blur. One, for instance might have a fetish around weight gain and a fantasy of having sex with a stranger in a non-traditional location. Like a plane, or a public park, a train…”

Jackie had just brought her coffee to her lips and paused, nonchalantly blowing in the lid once more before taking a measured sip. It was hard to tell, but Gavin could have sworn he saw her smirk just before the cup blocked his view of the mouth he was beginning to find enticing.


Trains are a funny thing. Unlike when two people meet on an airplane and must share that cramped space all those thousands of feet up in the air, people seem in a rush. Not so on a train. With planes, people rush for their drinks, they rush to use the lavatory. They rush for the Wi-Fi signal to come on so they can disconnect from the real world and dive deep into their phones, tablets or computer screens.

But here, Gavin was becoming quite comfortable talking with this near stranger. For she was no longer unfamiliar to him. Perhaps he was getting a dose of the medicine he seemed to exude to those who felt inclined to talk to him. To share their stories, thoughts and secrets with him.
Was Jackie more like him than he thought?

Gavin pondered these questions when Jackie had asked him, pointedly, “would you like me to analyze you?”

The question had caught him slightly by surprise, but his first instinct was to say ‘yes’. He acted on it.

“Why not? I’m done my work assignments for the day, and it looks like you might be too. Who knows, it could be fun.”

He had finished his coffee and was playing with the lid.

Jackie smiled. “Splendid. And I promise not to go all ‘head-shrinker’ on you. This is just harmless fun.”

“Harmless fun.” He repeated.

She straightened up and packed her laptop back into her tote bag. Next, she unbuttoned the expensive travel jacket she wore to reveal a sleeveless red camisole and folded it to place atop her bag. As she did so, Gavin caught the scent once more. This time, he recognized it: coconut-vanilla.
Something in his memory stirred. It was a scent from his recent past. A scent he both enjoyed and loathed…


Back in the spin class studio, Danny had pressed a button on the little remote she had in her hand and Gavin observed the lights dim so that only the faint blue-black of the stage could be seen. In the baren light, he made out the silhouette of Danny, walking with purpose towards the stage; her hips swaying in a most suggestive manner. She removed the headset and put down the remote on the edge of the stage. She looked back at him over her shoulder and ran her hands through her hair and began tying it into a ponytail.

Gavin could feel something in his core stir as he approached the stage and began undoing his cycling shoes.

Danny sat down and did the same, her long legs splayed out for his enjoyment. Even in the dim light, Gavin could see very muscled curve in her arms, thighs and calves. She had on a high-waisted pair of biking shorts and her sports top accentuated her very athletic physique.

They looked at each other, saying nothing, but there was an electric crackle in the room that was building.

Sitting, Danny raised one leg in the air and held it as she leaned forward to remove her cycling shoe and sock. Gavin noted as she did so, her powerful muscles flexed, and her core tightened to reveal a well-defined six-pack. She made it look easy, but it showcased her robust fitness.

Gavin felt his loins stir as she did the same to the other leg. She stood up on stage, while he stood below. There was a foot of height difference between them, her waist was level with his neck and shoulders.
She stood before him, her legs akimbo. Her stance was clear: she was a woman that did not like to be kept waiting.

Reaching up, Gavin curled his fingers around the waistband of her Lulu Lemon bike shorts. She moaned aloud as he pulled the fabric past her waist, down her legs and to the floor. She stepped out of them, flicking the fabric to the side with a pointed toe and approached him.

He put his hands on her well-muscled buttocks and squeezed. He felt them tighten under his hands as she moved a few inches forward so that he could taste her.

Gavin inhaled deeply and allowed his tongue to navigate around the smooth surface of her outer sex, taking in the aroma. He could feel her begin to shake as he set to work, licking and sucking, kissing and darting. He chanced to glance up and saw her staring down at him triumphantly, one hand in her hair, tugging on her ponytail while the other was underneath her sports bra, the underside of her breast exposed. He returned to his task.

Gavin could feel himself stiffen as she continued to gyrate her hips against his face and chin, moaning as a trickle of her honey escaped her cave.

“Oh, Gav. Do me, do me now.”

She crouched down and removed his shirt, and he reciprocated by removing her sports top. They were nearly both naked. Through her wide and hungry eyes, he could tell she was impressed. She ran clawed fingers across his chest, sweeping back to his shoulders and squeezing. He took a step closer, saying nothing, but watching her continued fascination with is physique. Her hands traced themselves down to his abdominals, toned but not nearly as good as hers.

Danny bit her lower lip, her eyes flicking between his face and what waited for her below. She leaned forward and kissed him; the mango of her lip gloss was on his as she stepped off the stage to stand before him and plunged a hand under his clothes. She reached down and felt the smoothness until she met the base of his manhood. With is free hands, he tugged down his shorts so that she had better access. Jaws working, her mouth was all over his like a hungry animal. She moaned and bit his lip, asserting her dominance.

“God, you’re big today.”

“I’m big every day.” He replied.

She moaned an octave higher in ascent as she reached down and worked him to half, then full mast. His hands reached out and touched her rock-hard body, her hips, her shoulders. When his hands reached her breasts he remembered ‘they were new’ and so he delicately worked the nipples as she continued to melt.

He kicked off his shorts and she lay back on the stage, the overhead light casting a blue-black glow over their naked bodies. His partly in shadow, hers in the darkened spotlight.

Danny raised her legs in the classic ‘V’ as Gavin took them in his powerful arms and rested them onto his broad shoulders. He entered her and she immediately shook with pleasure. “Oh, god—YES!”

Whether the sounds were real or for his benefit, he did not care. Gavin flexed his glutes and began rhythmically pumping away as she arched her back, reaching for her breasts and grabbing her throat.

“Turn me over, babes.” She breathed, after several intense minutes, giving him time to come down from his own crescendo of pleasure.

She got off the stage and bent over, her hands pressing into its edge. Gavin stood behind her as she spread her legs. He looked down and pulled apart the sculpted spheres that were her buttocks and looked at the pink rose and her cave of desire.

‘Which was it to be, today?’ He wondered.

He reached for his shaft and noted its glistening tip. He gently brought himself down and began to circle her pink rose, then he lowered it towards her cave of desire. She let out a low guttural groan.

‘Cave it is.’

He entered her and she pushed back against the stage, taking all of him. He grunted with pleasure and held onto her hips, as she began to force herself against him and it was all Gavin could do to stand firm against her vigorous love making.

“Yes, yes—there, right there. Ohh!” Danny cried out to the empty room.

Gavin bent forward, grabbing the ponytail she’d made for just this purpose, and she yielded like a horse that was being broken in. However, this horse could never be tamed, and he knew it. Pulling on her hair, he angled himself to hit her pleasure zone and she quaked as he continued his rhythm. He felt her honey release against him and down the sides of both their legs; and he had to hold her up as the orgasm nearly overtook her.

She looked back at him, whipping her ponytail out of his hand, a mixture of loathing and fiery passion as she snarled at him and gnashed her teeth. She rode him harder, backing into him so that her rear bounced against his toned body.

They were both breathing heavily now, he, close to climax. Gavin bent forward again, grabbing her hips, then her abdomen. He felt with a thrill her expanded stomach as she took in deep breaths. She was preparing for another intense orgasm. He had visions of bodybuilders who look like they have bulbous bellies until they flex them, completely transforming their cores from round to six-pack. It was the case with Danny now, when she exhaled, he felt like she might me several months pregnant before her core contracted once more. Her breathing was becoming ragged once more, she was close. So was he.

These thoughts were quickly driven out of his mind though as a rictus of pleasure shot through his spine and into his toes as he released his seed and cried out. He held her hips, filling her, and she had used all her remaining force to push against the stage and into him. Danny had no intention of separating from his as she screamed his name, taking all of him, her cave pulsing, devouring him.



He stirred as his mind came back to reality. To the train he was currently on. Back to Jackie.

“S-sorry. I went somewhere else just now.” He said, shaking his head and refocusing.

“It must have been a good ‘somewhere else’, your cheeks are flushed and you’re sweating. Did you know that?” said Jackie from across the table.

Gavin glanced down, he felt damp spots under his arms and touched his forehead to feel dew across his brow.

Several seconds passed while Gavin felt her eyes on him. He remembered. He was on a train, working on an assignment. Jackie, the therapist was across from him. She was going to analyze him.

“Well, Gavin. Are you ready? Ready to begin?”

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GrowingLoveH... 1 year
I love the slow pacing — like a long trip across Europe by train.
Runningsoft 1 year
Hey, thanks - I like the slow builds where you get into the psyche of a character. The weight gain stuff is still at the core, but I like to tie a person behind the pounds.
Letters And ... 1 year
After 8 chapters I still don’t like Gavin, but maybe that’s the point. The story is great, though. Jackie is wonderful and there are really nice little flourishes. Good stuff
Runningsoft 1 year
Thank you for the comments. Every reader will have a take on who they like. I enjoy writing Jackie, even though it’s ‘Gavin’s’ story. Although, Jackie has some twists yet to come.
Runningsoft 1 year
And I’d appreciate your feedback at the story’s end, if you’re willing.
Writing is fun and public opinion makes my future works that much better.
Yummy Demi 1 year
This is such a fun read! I love the depth in it. Can't wait for more!
Runningsoft 1 year
Glad you're enjoying it - I like to breathe life into the characters so that the reader really gets a sense of the magnitude of the decisions the characters choose. This is about a 15-17 chapter read.