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Chapter 11 - A Visitor

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“We want to put you forward for this promotion,” Emily’s boss announced, calling her in for a meeting with several of the other executives. She read out the proposal, the pay offer and reward scheme, making it hard for Emily’s jaw not to drop to the floor. This wasn’t just a promotion, she’d been fast-tracked to the very top. “Your work is… well…” she looked around at the others who all nodded in complete agreement with her, even before she finished, “…it’s outstanding!”

“Thank you,” a pot-bellied, wide-reared Emily smiled. She’d given up trying to work out who was altering her reports to make them so noteworthy and learned to put in minimal effort in order to reap the benefits. She’d used her recent bonus to upgrade her entire wardrobe and had even had enough left over for a bigger car. “So, this is a government sponsored scheme you want me to run? I would be reporting directly to the senator? My work would be seen by the president? That’s…” She took a moment to take in what she was saying. “That’s a huge responsibility.”

“I wouldn’t want anyone else in this company to take on this role. You’re the very finest we have. Young, fresh talent! You’re going to go far!”

Emily nodded. She accepted the role, doing her best to hide the trepidation that she felt. She’d got here by sheer luck, with the help of some unknown entity. But how long could she expect her luck to hold out?

It was a few weeks later, once Emily's new job was in full swing, when a knock came on her front door. She sat up, surprised, half way through the pizza that had been mistakenly delivered to her apartment. The knock came again: loud, authoritative, impatient. She tutted; so unused to having anyone disturb her at home.

Emily slipped on a t-shirt and pulled on some sweat shorts, creeping to the door. Then, what she saw made her almost faint with shock. A tall, broad, built and handsome man stood there. His stance was one of power, his attire only empahsising the insanely muscular physique underneath. He smiled upon seeing Emily; a devilish, greedy smile, like the one she had always imagined.

She recognised the man at once, from only the small thumbnail picture she had gazed at many times in the past.

Standing in front of her was Dominus himself.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Sketchbook1000 9 months
Absolutely fantastic story! I just read the whole thing; thank you for sharing!
Bodyofwater 9 months
This is brilliant and original. Can't wait to read more!
Lostwaist 1 year
Love this dark and modern variation of the munchies.
Feeder862 1 year
Chapter 14 is the end of this tale, but if you would like to read more from this world, follow the link to view the companion story: F80 Control.

GrowingLoveH... 1 year
I really love this. You are inspiring so many ideas for my own stories. Thank you for such a wonderful creative tale.
Td0057 1 year
Nice to see a new story from you. I'm enjoying this one very much! Thanks for sharing with us.
SilverLining24 1 year
Great story! Very ‘Black Mirror’ vibes. Nice work! smiley
Jazzman 1 year
Chapter 2 and 3 the same. But great story
Feeder862 1 year
There doesn't seem to be an issue with Chapters 2 and 3 on my end, but let me know if the problem persists.
Viewerr 1 year
Oh this is absolutely delightful--I LOVE this premise!!! Hoping you write more chapters of this smiley
Angelhoney 1 year
Like where this is going
Bcain 1 year
Love the concept with the AI angle, excited to see where you take it.
Feeder862 1 year
...And here we go again with another fresh story. This one has been written with 14 chapters, which I plan to release daily over the next two weeks. I hope you all enjoy it.