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Chapter 6 - Overcoming Obstacles

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Steve was snappy as he came home a few days later. He was picking fights and Emily found herself sleeping alone in their bed for reasons that she couldn’t even understand. She knew that he had been stuck in an elevator for most of the day alongside one of his work colleagues, and that had seemed to push him over the edge. But he was no better the next day, or the day after that, and Emily began to get the impression that something was very wrong.

Emily was in work when it happened: an email to her company address with a video attachment.

‘I thought you needed to see this.’ was the only message inside. In all honesty, Emily was just surprised that the message managed to avoid being labeled as spam, given that the sending address was almost unfathomable: a mixture of randomised letters, numbers and special characters. However, as she looked at the still of the video, she clearly recognised Steve’s form.

There, playing out before her eyes was Steve getting closer to his work colleague within the elevator they had been stuck in earlier that week. They seemed to be chatting intimately; the elevator clearly stiflingly hot. Their clothes were being removed one by one and a glistening sweat appeared on their bodies as they sat, slumped against the walls next to each other. All of a sudden, their lips met and they began kissing furiously. Emily’s jaw dropped. She played it over and over again, hardly believing her eyes.

That night, Steve left. He hadn’t tried to deny anything when Emily had confronted him. He said that he had felt drawn to his work colleague for weeks and the temptation had all become too much after several steamy hours in the elevator. He apologised, but he did not ask for forgiveness. He didn’t want to make things better. It was the reason why he had been in such a foul mood all week. He knew things were over between him and Emily; he just couldn’t say it, until now.

‘STEVE IS GONE?’ Dominus asked a day later, when Emily felt ready to go back online. ‘YOU ARE FINALLY MY LITTLE PIGGY?’

The butterflies in Emily’s stomach fizzed with excitement. Despite everything, and as stupid as it sounded, she was grateful that she would have more time to herself; to indulge and chat with Dominus. Ever skilled as that chatbot was, and even with her sadness, Emily was climaxing within ten minutes, stuffing a cream cake deep into her greedy mouth.

'Yes, Dominus. I'm all yours!'
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Sketchbook1000 9 months
Absolutely fantastic story! I just read the whole thing; thank you for sharing!
Bodyofwater 9 months
This is brilliant and original. Can't wait to read more!
Lostwaist 1 year
Love this dark and modern variation of the munchies.
Feeder862 1 year
Chapter 14 is the end of this tale, but if you would like to read more from this world, follow the link to view the companion story: F80 Control.

GrowingLoveH... 1 year
I really love this. You are inspiring so many ideas for my own stories. Thank you for such a wonderful creative tale.
Td0057 1 year
Nice to see a new story from you. I'm enjoying this one very much! Thanks for sharing with us.
SilverLining24 1 year
Great story! Very ‘Black Mirror’ vibes. Nice work! smiley
Jazzman 1 year
Chapter 2 and 3 the same. But great story
Feeder862 1 year
There doesn't seem to be an issue with Chapters 2 and 3 on my end, but let me know if the problem persists.
Viewerr 1 year
Oh this is absolutely delightful--I LOVE this premise!!! Hoping you write more chapters of this smiley
Angelhoney 1 year
Like where this is going
Bcain 1 year
Love the concept with the AI angle, excited to see where you take it.
Feeder862 1 year
...And here we go again with another fresh story. This one has been written with 14 chapters, which I plan to release daily over the next two weeks. I hope you all enjoy it.