The family curse

Chapter 3 - The next day

My belly now sagged onto my thighs, moobs drooped on my chest where my pecs were just yesterday morning, any sign of my old muscularity has now been covered by a wave of soft dough. I get up and go to the bathroom, grabing some larger clothes on the way, I look in the mirror at my face - gone is my sharp jawline in its place a small double chin. My cheaks hadn't been spared and they now were soft and chubby. I got dressed in the clothes that I grabbed they were a little big but that's probably for the best, upon leaving the bathroom I could smell breakfast being made in the kitchen and my stomach growled.

It seemed like forever for breakfast to be served but in reality that wasn't the case. As soon as the various foods were placed on the table, I dug in ravenous no doubt in part to my stomach growing bigger and my body needing the nutriance to fatten itself up. It took a lot of food to fill myself and I actually enjoyed getting to shove an abundance of food in my maw, my clothes had grown tight by the time I was done and I then decided it was time that I return home and get some work done as a work-from-home architect. So I said goodbye to my parents, loaded my car with the gifts I'd got yesterday and set off.

On the drive home it dawned on me that I needed to go shopping and that it would make more sense to stop at the supermarket as I passed it then to go home only to have to go back out again later.

Entering the store I was glad to see that it wasn't busy at all, normally when food shopping I would by healthy meals and rarely a few snacks but now I knew that was pointless and just bought anything that interested me. Looking throught the homeware section I picked up a robust scale with a detached display so that I'd know when my weight stableises and so that I'd be able to see the numbers as my belly grows ever more ponderous, it had gotten hard to see my feet and my new shirt is already riding up to reveal some new stretch marks and my belly button. I tried pulling it down but it just rose back up again so I pretended that I couldn't see it and ignored it heading to the checkout with a basket full of junk food.

Arriving home it took a huge amount of time to carry all of my shopping and presents from the garage into the house and it exhausted me massively lugging my ever growing body back and forth. Sweat ran down my forehead and I began to smell terribly; I needed a shower but first I wanted to test my new scale.

I set it up in the bathroom and stripped off. I noticed that my body hair had started to thicken but I actually didn't  dislike it like I thought. I thought it gave me a bear-ish look. I was 170lbs (80kg) the day before my birthday and I was curious to how much I'd gone up so stepping on the scale I waited as the display grunted down




273lbs (124kg) flashed up on the screen. I was shocked I knew I'd been balooning and i knew the curse moves fast but to put on 103lbs (44kg) in just over a day was still shocking to learn I had to stop and recollect my self and in that time the screen had refreshed and my weight ticked up another 2 lbs (1kg).

After recovering from the shock I showered and put on some new bigger clothes and sat down to work with some snacks. By the time my work was complete I was shattered and just went streight to bed, nude, not knowing how big I'd be by tomorrow.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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