The family curse

Chapter 5 - The end of the gain... Maybe

Last night I forgot to set my alarm and by the time I woke up it was 9:30. I tried to roll over in bed but overnight I had simply gotten too big, I then tried to look down but my chins impeded me. Even my arms felt heavy as I move them to feel my belly... it was huge and heavy as it rested on my legs; to get out of bed I ended up having to slide to the end and use the edge to pull myself up. My lap was filled with belly and resting ontop were large man boobs with stretched out areolas. A generous coating of body hair was coated my torso. I had to know how much more had adipose had been packed into my once slender body so I got up (after several failed attempts) and waddled down the hall and into the bathroom.

At first I tried entering how I normally would but after realising I wouldn't fir I turned sideways and shuffled in and onto the scale.




757lbs (343kg).

I've become a whale. This needs to stop soon the scale that I've bought only has an 800lbs (360kg) weight limit any bigger and I'll have to go to my parents and use their scale. The last time I saw them I was still thin-ish and now look at me *slaps stomach*

Then as if she knew I had mentioned them my mum texted - inviting me to dinner this evening. I reluctantly accepted knowing it would be better if they saw the change sooner rather than later. The day passed much the same as the day before with me completing my work shortly after lunch and relaxing until it was almost time to set off for my parent's house. I spent the day in the nude seeing as there wasn't anyone to see me but now that I was going out I had to rummage through my birthday presents for some suitable clothes. I ended up choosing a plan shirt in size 5XL and a parachute sized pair of trousers. Putting them on was no easy task and by the time I had them on I was sure to be late. I messaged ahead and set off across town.

Opening the door the smell of all the food hit me and made my mouth water. Stepping in the floorboards creaked and my parent came out of the dining room to greet me. There was visible shock on their face eventhough the tried to hide it and in the full length mirror opposite to the door I could see why. I was covered in fat and very wide, standing side on I could see that my belly stook out infront of me and hung down low. It was quite the difference when compared with how I looked when they last saw me...

The shock silence was broken when my stomach rumbled loudly. Dinner was all set out on the dining room table with all of the trimmings you would of thought I was Christmas. Initially I thought there was no chance that all this would get eat even with mine and my dad's large size but as I started eating it became clear that I was packing enough in that running put of food seemed enevitable but luckily there was still desert to be brought out.

After filling myself up I relaxed on my parents sofa for a couple of hours before realising that I should probably weigh myself while I have the chance. My parents scale has a much higher weight limit and was a lot faster at giving a result. So going into the bathroom and stripping off I hopped on and the display infront of me flashed a few times befor giving the result...

863lbs (391kg) my scale at home was officially useless and it was with that information I decided it best to sleep the night for if I continue to grow over night.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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