The family curse

Chapter 6 - Limited mobility

By the time I went to bed it was clear that I had grown bigger. I was bigger than any other member of my family I knew. I found it hard to get up of the couch and may parents had to help me. I was completely drained and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out for the night.

In the morning it was imposible to get out of bed and had to get help. I had definitely grew but not as much as previous nights. I hoped the curse had stopped overnight as I stepped on the scales.

*flash*... *flash*...

934lbs (423kg) all I could do at that moment was ''please be the same latter''.

After spending the morning with my parents I was getting ready to leave when I thought I best to check-in on my size. Physically I was sure I was the same and stepping on the scales confirmed what I had thought. The curse, that turned me from a fit 170lbs (80kg) to a gargantuan 934lbs (423kg) had stopped. Packing a total of 764lbs (343kg) on to me. I was a soft obese blob and there was nothing I could do about it...

Fitting into my car had become a struggle even with the seat all the way back and once again I decides it was best if I stop at the supermarket. Walking to the door was a struggle and eventhough I didn't want to admit to being that fat I decided it best to use one of the electric scooters provided. I piled junkfood into my trolley with abundance and bought a new industrial grade scale with a 1200lbs (600kg) limit. At the checkout I could feel the looks on me and heard people whispering about my size I felt deeply embarrassed but also a stiff feeling was growing under my belly. Why was I enjoying this?

Upon getting home I stripping of and went to my bed to relieve the pressure. I tried every position but couldn't reach my burried pride eventually I found success laying on my front, humping my flab. My hands made their way to my newly sensitive nipples and just as I was having the best orgasm of my life *crack* my bed broke and fell through in the middle. I was trapped in the crevasse that had become my bed. No idea of how to escape...
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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