The family curse

Chapter 7 - Four years later

It was mine and Andrews big day he's definatly packed it on since we met. He used to have big muscles and abs but as we grew closer and closer. He grew fatter and fatter. He's still no where near to the size of me but no sign of his former fitness remained. Our soft bodies squeezing together on our reinforced bed as we felt eachother was unparalleled.

At first Andrew was freaked out about the weight but once he learned about the curse he decided I was well worth the weight. As time passed our relationship advanced and that's led us to now. Our big day. Waiting on the alter was so apprehensive and murder on my knees and them there he was walking towards me in all his puffy glory. The rest of the ceremony was a blur as we locked eyes and then it was over and we were on our honeymoon. The weight was piling on him, I remember how it piled on to me and now it was his turn to complete the change.

His once hard strong arms he used to help me around but now he found it hard to lift his own saggy belly. His once strong legs were now big soft jiggling tubes of lard that presed up into one another and chaffed as he walked. His perfect pin prick nipples are now large overstretched sensitive circles that rest upon his massive moobs. As he waddled his whole body jiggled and bounced but still not quite as much as me.

Our honeymoon was a two week long buffet of us packing it in to our and eachothers mouths and by the time we got home the curse had completed its change. Over our relationship he went form a svelt 170lbs (80kg) to a soft jiggling 905lbs (410kg). We were a sight our wide fat bodies sweating and jiggling as we waddled about or ride our mobility scooters around. Still growing despite the curse being done with us long ago...
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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