Top gut

Chapter 11: Lazy Morning

Megan awoke the following morning to a spectacular hangover.
She rolled over in bed, feeling the sunlight warm the side of her face and shoulder. She swallowed, tasting the previous evenings alcohol and last nights’ meal.

Rolling on her back, she raised her arms and stretched, feeling the sensation of her tissues and sinews lengthen as the bedsheet that covered her rolled away. She gazed down and realized that she had indeed fallen asleep in her evening clothes. Button up shirt and jeans. At least she had the sense to kick off her boots.

She wiggled her toes and breathed in, rolling in the cover of her bed. She smiled as the scent of Cassidy’s perfume, which still lingered on her sheets, filled her nostrils.
Checking her watch, she noted the time, 07:30.

‘Shoot, overslept.’ She reached for her cellphone, cursing herself that her alarm did not alert her an hour earlier. She reached for her phone on the dresser and didn’t see it. She sat up. Perhaps it fell to the floor? She got up, swinging her feet over the side of the bed and made to stand, looking and scanning around the dresser.

As she bent over, she felt pressure against her backside. A rectangular-sized pressure. She reached into her back pocket and found she was holding a dead cellphone. Its blank screen sneered at her.

Sighing, she plugged it in, knowing it would be a few minutes before she could reconnect with the world.

Stifling a yawn, Megan decided to head downstairs and grab some coffee. Her eyelids felt as heavy as lead, and she needed something strong to nail them open.

The house was quiet as she exited her bedroom and headed downstairs. She could hear the faint snores from her brother’s room and spied that her parent’s door was also closed.

Heading down the stairs, she spied Texas, basking in the sunlight in the living room. He greeted her with a few thumps of his tail, and she crouched over to give him a few pats, feeling the pressure increase in her head as she did so.

“Sleep well, boy? Nursing a hangover, too?”

He licked his lips in reply and yawned.

“I hear ya.” She said, getting up, hearing her knees creak as she headed into the kitchen.

The smell of warm coffee and something baked filled her nose. Apparently someone was already awake, she decided as she went over to the cupboard and grabbed a mug. The cup bore the logo of a local bank and hand a chip on the handle. She spied the coffee maker and filled her cup to the brim with the rich brown liquid.

She held the mug in both hands and looked out the window, watching nature do its thing as she took a careful sip.

‘Strong as always. Moms’ up.’ She thought as she took another sip.

Her stomach rumbled and Megan returned her gaze from the window, back to the kitchen. She spied on top of the stove, a tray of twelve muffins and next to them was a note in a tidy scrawl.

“Hey Kids,

Your father’s out helping Uncle Topher at the airfield and I’m off to the grocery store. Don’t’ fight over the muffins and make sure someone takes out Tex for a walk before 10:00.



Megan smiled as she read the note, taking another sip of coffee. She spied a second tray of muffins off to the side with another note.

“Bradley, I’m assuming you ate the first tray, so here’s a second tray. Please save some for the rest of us or make more. Batters in the fridge and instructions are written below this note.

Love Mama”

This made Megan laugh aloud. She eyed the first tray of muffins and took one. They were still warm. She gave it a sniff and took a bite. Blueberry.

“Mmm, wow.” She said aloud as she took the muffin and coffee back upstairs.

Megan entered her room once more and put her coffee and muffin down at the tiny desk near the window of her room that served both as make up stage and homework station when she was younger.

She walked across the room and flopped on the bed, reaching for her phone. It had charged sufficiently to be turned on. Opening the home screen, she saw that she had multiple missed messages.
Many were from last night and early this morning.

One was from a number she did not recognize. Curious, she opened it. It was from Kennedy.

“Hey Megan. This is Kennedy. You asked me to text you. Have a good night.”

She smiled and added him to her contacts.

Next, she scrolled that her mother had sent her a series of messages in the form of photos. Apparently yesterday evening she had been busy snapping candid photos of the party. Megan scanned each of them, smiling as she did so. She saved them to her phone and opened the final few messages.

The last message was from Cassidy. She cozied a little more in her bed, wriggling deeper into her sheets. ‘This should be good,’ she thought.

“Heeey Megs U up???”


“Are you asleep? Cuz im still awake.”

The following set of texts were nudes.

Megan’s eyes went wide as she saw that they were selfies of Cassidy from various angles. All of which showcased her naked body. One was a photo of her face, demure, her left breast exposed. Another was of her, holding the bedsheets up, the light just showcasing her sex. The final photo was a closeup of her sex, a finger inserted deep within.

Feeling her heart race, Megan squeezed her thighs together.

She typed, deleted, then typed again.

“Hey Cassidy, how are YOU this morning? ;)”

“Looks like you had a good night (she sent a hand emoji)”

“Wanna grab some coffee later today?”

She hit send and closed her eyes, the images of Cassidy still playing back on her eyelids.

Megan’s stomach grumbled again. Hunger was winning over fitness today. She decided that this morning she would push her run to the afternoon as she got up and went back to her tiny desk.

She picked up the muffin and downed the rest of her coffee as she stared out of the window, taking in the beautiful morning.

Her phone pinged a few minutes later and she reached for it.

“Hey lady…so hungover! JAVA NEEDED, where?!?”

“How about Jake’s Place?” Typed Megan, thinking of the town’s local and best coffee hangout.

“Deal. 9am?” Typed Cassidy.

“Deal.” Megan typed back.

She put the phone down, smiled and finished the rest of the coffee interspersed with bite of the muffin. Good to the last drop and to the last crumb, she thought. She put the cup back on the table and stretched, letting her shoulders creak and crack.

Noting the stiffness as well as the time, Megan decided that a short yoga session and shower could be managed before she had to meet up with Cassidy.

She cleared a space on her floor and closed her bedroom door. She changed out of her button up top and removed her jeans and threw them on the bed. As an afterthought, she also removed her bra. She stood there, bottoms only, and centered herself, feet together and hands above her head.

She inhaled and exhaled and reached down and began her routine.

Fifteen minutes later, her skin sheening with a light sweat, she finished what she referred to as her ‘express yoga workout’. Her shoulders and lower back felt less stiff, and her hips felt like they were brand new. She noted the time on her phone, her mind instantly returning to Cassidy and the photos that she saved on it.

Megan reopened the messages and flicked back and forth through the images, drinking them in. She felt a tingle course through her body, from her heart to her sex. She felt warmth fill her loins and her pulse quicken. She inhaled deeply and let the surge pass through her.

She felt her nipples harden despite the warmth in her room. She glanced down at her panties and felt the moisture gathering within her that she knew was not from yoga. She put the phone on the desk and reached down to touch herself. She let her fingers trace lightly over the fabric that was now soaked with her essence. She reached under the fabric and crooked a finger and allowed it to enter her cave.

Gasping aloud, her other hand reached up and squeezed her left breast. The nipple peaked with desire as she rolled it between thumb and forefinger. She stood on tip toe and continued to pleasure herself, her finger working inside her.

Her mind was racing with the memory of the previous evening. Her and Cassidy. In this room, joining their bodies after a long time apart. It was like putting on a great pair of jeans. They just fit right. Ripples of ecstasy coursed through her as she felt her body shudder with want. She suddenly wished her hands were Cassidy’s…

Abruptly, she heard a creak come from just outside her door and a distinct cough.
She stifled a gasp and rearranged herself, sprinting to the door and placing her shoulder against it, ear pressing into the wood, listening hard. She heard the heavy footfall that could only be her brother. The sound was getting fainter until she heard the tell-tale creak at the top of the stairs. Then the sound was gone.

Exhaling deeply, she turned and flattened her back against the door. She’d have to continue this more privately. She glanced at the wall where her bath towel hung. As she walked across the room, she glanced out of the corner of her eye, her reflection in the full-length mirror on the wall.

She stopped and turned to examine herself. Her raven hair was slightly tousled on one side, and she ran a hand through her bed head. She let her eyes linger on her face, her eyes, her aquiline nose and distinct chin. Her eyes gazed over and down her well-built shoulders and sculpted arms. Her eyes centered on her chest, a pair of proud though slightly small breasts hung with health, the nipples having lost some of their peak.

Her eyes gazed down to her stomach, the fine abdominal lines now a little fainter. She turned to the side, noting the slight pooch that had not been there the day before. She prodded her abdomen with a finger, noting it’s squish, but feeling the tone of her muscles underneath. She stood front profile again and flexed. Yes, the muscles were still there. She chalked up the softness as being temporary and to the alcohol and salty food she’d eaten the evening before. She’d make sure she added a few extra miles to her run that afternoon.

Finally, she let her eyes travel to where her underwear sat, noting the damp circle they made over the smooth hairless skin of her sex. She glanced at her bedroom door for a moment, then reached down, hooking her fingers around the fabric of her underwear, sliding them down over her hips. As she did so, she shuddered as she pulled the fabric, a strand of her dewy honey attached to it.

She bit her lower lip and grabbed the towel and wrapped it around her wanting body. She slowly opened her bedroom door, determined the coast was indeed clear and made a beeline to the bathroom.

Once inside, she turned on the shower to its hottest setting, locked the door and had every intention of letting the noise of the cascading water and the gurgling pipes muffle the sounds she was prepared to make.

32 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 9 months
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FrejaDawn 11 months
The story has great potential! It would be great if we could see more of her weight gain though, I feel like the build up is there, now we need some of that pay off smiley
Runningsoft 11 months
Not too worry, you will be rewarded as the chapters unfold for our dear Megan.
Letters And ... 1 year
Through 6 chapters this is fantastic. Really well written and great characters.