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Chapter 5: Rock, Paper, Scissors

In what felt like no time at all, her uncle had pulled the vehicle off the highway and was meandering through the streets of San Diego. As they approached the coast, they saw the buildings change until Megan could tell they were approaching the base.
Her uncle approached the entrance and spoke briefly to the soldier who was manning the gate.

“16:00 appointment with Captain Donahue. Hanger 5.” The soldier read aloud after consulting a computer monitor and checking identification.

“Yes sir.” Said her uncle.

A second soldier had come out of the station adjacent to the gate and smiled at the family as he kindly asked them to open the trunk of the vehicle, as well as submit their vehicle to a light search, choosing to use the mirrored wand to search the underside of the vehicle.

“Clean.” The soldier said to the other.

“Okay, folks. You can head straight ahead. Turn left at the end of this road and proceed west until you see Hangar 5. Park with the other cars. I will alert the captain of your arrival. Have a great day and welcome to Coronado.”

The soldier saluted, and Brad. Sr. and Topher returned the gesture.

The large metal barricade pillars lowered into the ground and a large electric gate pulled back to admit them. They drove a short distance at the designated 10mph past administration buildings, fueling buildings, unmarked buildings and then finally to Hangar 5.

As they parked the vehicle, two men in uniform were already awaiting them.

“Good morning Captain Wolfe. How as the drive?” The senior of the two officers said.
Megan read his name plate which read CPT. DONAHUE

“Oh, not too bad. No state troopers out today.” Said Uncle Topher. The two men shook hands.

“I haven’t been here since basic training.” Megan’s father said, breathing the air deeply and looking around.

Donahue nodded and smiled. Care to check her over, Captains? He said to Brad Sr. and Topher. The men nodded. Donahue led the way, his co officer in toe, and the family followed.

Donahue and Topher were talking in low voices and Megan’s father was talking to the other officer, who was a Lieutenant Commander named Bradley Coops.

Megan was walking behind them, and her mother and brother were behind her. She took in the neat and orderly presentation of the landscape and buildings. She noted men and women in various uniforms were walking with purpose hither and yon and it gave her great pride to be in such a prestigious place.

They arrived after a few minutes’ walk and came up to a very large building. On its side a large number five was printed in black. They entered through a side door and Megan looked up. The ceiling was taller than a cathedral and her mother said as much.

“These hangars here house some of our larger equipment. Mrs. Wolfe,” said LC Coops. Who had taken the time to talk to her and Brad Jr.

“Megan, why don’t you come and join us up here.” Said her father, gesturing to where he, Topher and Captain Donahue were standing.

Megan walked briskly over to where the three men were now standing.

“Megan, do you know why you’re here today?” asked Captain Donahue, looking at her with piercing but friendly eyes.

“We’re going to fly today, sir.”

“Correct. Know what you’ll be flying in?”

“No sir.”

“Well, let’s introduce you two.” He said with a broad smile.

Megan could not hide her excitement and apparently it was plain on her face.

They walked across the great expanse of the hangar and through a set of large open doors. Out on the tarmac was a black jet. Its’ paint shone and light glanced off the clear canopy surface.

“God, she’s beautiful.” Megan said, taking a step, a hand outstretched as if to touch it.

“Know what it is?” asked Captain Donahue, raising an inquisitive eyebrow, his hands behind his back.

“An Aero L-39 Albatross. It’s a jet trainer for fighter pilots.”

“Correct. Your daughter sure knows her stuff, Captain.” He said nodding to Brad Sr.

Captain Donahue stretched out a hand and began to walk, motioning for Megan, her uncle and father to follow. Megan glanced back to where her bother and mother were. They were a distance off and apparently engaged on a tour with LC Coops. For he was showing them other planes inside the hangar some distance away.

“The L-39 Albatross was designed to be a cost-effective jet-powered training aircraft,” he began, “but it is also capable of performing ground attack missions, however. The beauty of an aircraft like this is that it has reduced maintenance costs, simplified instrumentation and is lauded for its landing gear as well as low landing speeds. Which is why we train with them.”

He turned to Megan. “Which brings me to you.”

She stopped.

“Your uncle tells me you are a certified pilot and have flown everything from Cessnas to a Lear Jet. Is that correct?”

“It is sir,” she replied.

“Well, today, your uncle has set up for you a training session in the L-39.”

Megan let it sink in. She knew from the moment she saw the aircraft that she would be going up inside it. What she didn’t know was that she would be also flying it.

“Think you can handle it?” he said, his piercing eyes surveyed her.

“Yes sir.”

“Good. Because we’re going to verify that.” They went back inside the hangar, and he took Megan to a room with a flight simulator that was already set up.

Megan was already very familiar with flight simulators. It was how pilots could practice specific sections of flying from take offs to landings. Banks and turns as well as moves like stalls which could be risky if one were to practice in real time inside a plane all those thousands of feet in the air.

“I think you know what to do and Lieutenant Commander Coops has set up our flight sim on your behalf.”

He gestured to a console which was set up with a screen that mimicked that of the L-39.
Megan’s father and uncle took to sit at the back of the room while Megan sat down in the seat. Captain Donahue had given her a set of instructions to follow and within 30 minutes he was satisfied.

“She’s a natural, Captains.” He said to her uncle and father who nodded at the news.

“Thank you, sir.” Said Megan, getting up from the terminal.

“All that’s left to do now is to get you changed into a flight suit. Which of you will be taking her up today?” Donahue looked from Topher to Brad Sr.

“Rock, paper, scissors. Big bro?”

The two men squared up while Megan and Donahue observed with mild interest.

“Best two out of three?” Said Topher, who took the time to wink over at his niece.

“Yep. Ready? One, two, three…shoot.” Said her father.

Topher steadied himself.

“Rock breaks scissors. One to me. Pressures on little bro”, said her father.

“Pressure is a privilege.” Said her uncle, determined.

“One, two, three…shoot.” Said her father.

“Paper covers rock. Tie game.” Said Topher.

Her uncle shook out his hands, rolled his shoulders and prepared himself for the final match.

“One, two, three…shoot.” Said her father.

“Paper covers rock. Pinball wins.” Said her uncle.

“An interesting choice to see who will be taking the navy’s half-million dollar aircraft up in the air.” Said Captain Donahue.

“Fair is fair. Have a great time you two.” Said her father. He shook his brother’s hand and hugged his daughter. “They’re all yours, Captain.”

Donahue nodded and motioned for them to follow him to the changing area. Three uniforms hung from a set of lockers. Beneath them were a set of pants, boots and a white t-shirt. Topher took the one that was sized for him, and Megan took the smaller one. The third one was apparently laid out, had her father won the bet.

“See you in a second, kiddo.” Said her uncle, who walked around the side to change.

Megan took her flight suit and change of clothes and walked to a separate area to change.

She stripped off her dress and folded it neatly on the wooden bench. She stood there in bra and panties for a moment before dressing. She had a very athletic physique. Her sculpted arms and legs still shone with health from her volleyball and strength training with her college team. Megan was also a conscientious eater, rarely overeating and only doing so when she got stressed. She usually countered that with some day-after cardio to reset the balance.

Surreptitiously, she ran a hand down her abdomen, feeling the ripple of her hardened abdominals under fingertips, reassured.

She picked up the white t-shirt which hung a little loosely off her frame. She rolled up the sleeves. The pants were also a little large, but the boots fit perfectly. She took extra trouble to synch the pants up, thankful the Velcro belt that made it all the much easier.
Satisfied she looked the part, she walked out of the changing area to where her uncle, father and Captain Donahue now stood.

“Ready kiddo?” her uncle said.

“Ready.” Said Megan.

“Here, you’re going to need these.” Her father stepped forward, his hand outstretched.

Megan took the offered aviator sunglasses and put them on.

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FrejaDawn 10 months
The story has great potential! It would be great if we could see more of her weight gain though, I feel like the build up is there, now we need some of that pay off smiley
Runningsoft 10 months
Not too worry, you will be rewarded as the chapters unfold for our dear Megan.
Letters And ... 1 year
Through 6 chapters this is fantastic. Really well written and great characters.