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Chapter 10: The Bonfire Speech

Wardrobe malfunction rectified, Megan redressed and checked the hallway.

“Coast is clear, but I will head down first.” She motioned to Cassidy who was still sitting on the bed.

She picked up the two beer bottles and hastily made her way down into the kitchen. It was empty and she put the bottles into the already overflowing sink.

She caught her reflection in the window through the darkness and smoothened her hair and rubbed some color into her cheeks. Still a little shaky from her embarrassment, she went over to the top cupboard above the sink and opened the tiny cabinet door.

There greeting her like old friends was her family liquor cabinet. She’d grabbed the bottle of Southern Comfort and took a deep swig.

She felt the liquor burn as it went down her throat and felt it warm her body immediately. She pulled the bottle back and stifled a cough, as a furry something brushed against her leg. It was Tex.

“Jeppers, Tex! Warn a girl next time.” She said aloud. He merely peered up at her, wondering like all dogs do, if she was going to give him some table scraps.

She was about to take a second slug when she thought better of it. She threaded the top back on the bottle and put it back in the cabinet. She met Cassidy down the hall. She, too, was fussing to get herself put back together.

“I’ll go out first. You go after me in about a minute.” Megan said, glancing at her watch. It had been about five minutes since they had encountered Kennedy and she knew her dad was a very punctual man.

Cassidy nodded, “Call you later?” She said, hopeful.

“Let’s text. Easier.”

She nodded and before Megan could react, she swooped in for another longing kiss.

“Mmm, I like your new mouth perfume,” said Cassidy, wiping her lower lip and grinning.
Megan scowled and headed out the door to Cassidy’s low wolf whistle that made the ears of Texas perk up.

Screen door banging behind her, Megan half-leaped down the stairs and caught her balance as she casually made her way towards the bonfire.

Luckily, her father was still near the smoker grill, telling yet another joke. She spotted Kennedy and Pete Matchel, arm still around his new girlfriend but she did not make eye contact.

“Over here, dear,” said her mother to the left of the roaring fire.

Megan hitched on a smile and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and put her hands behind her, deep into her jeans back pockets.

Her mother gave a low whistle that got her father’s attention. He sauntered over and cleared his throat, getting everyone’s attention.

The expectant crowd turned to look at him. Those around the perimeter turned to come in a little closer.

“Hey Y’all!” He boomed, like a teacher addressing his pupils.

Beer in hand, he began to speak.

“As you all know, today is a double special day for our family. My daughter here, Megan, has graduated top honors from college with a degree I can barely pronounce—let alone afford to repay,” the crowd laughed and cheered, raising their bottles as Megan twirled to hide her slight embarrassment of being the source of attention.

“Second,” continued her father, “Our Megan has decided to continue in the footsteps of her father and my shorter, less-handsome brother, Topher – to enlist into the Navy with aspirations of becoming a fighter pilot!”

With this, her father put his beer between his knees and led in a huge applause that rang out and was amplified by the crowd. Megan smiled and waved, beaming at her mother and father as well as catching her uncle who gave her the thumbs up.

When the crowd quieted down, he reached into his front pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. Adjusting his glasses and putting his beer down on the ground, he unfolded the piece of paper and began to read. “Okay folks, time to see an old man cry.”

Megan inhaled deeply and hugged her mother, who hugged her even more tightly. Their brother stepped in from behind them and laid reassured hands on each of their shoulders.

“Dear Megan,

As your father, it fills me both with pride and sadness to see you embark on this new chapter of your life. Joining the Navy is a courageous decision. One that requires immense dedication and selflessness. You have always been strong and determined and I know you will carry those qualities with you as you serve our great country.

I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. Holding you in my arms, I never could have imagined the incredible young woman you would grow up to be. You have always been compassionate, intelligent and driven, and those qualities will serve you in the Navy.

I have watched you grow and develop into the amazing person you are today, and your mother and I have no doubt you will continue to make us proud in everything you do. You have always shown incredible strength and resilience, and I know you will bring those qualities with you as you embark on this new journey.”

Her father paused, turning the page over. He reached up with index and middle finger and wiped at his eyes. Megan could also feel herself welling up. She could feel her heart full of emotion and her lower lip trembled slightly.

“It is important that you know that your family will always be here for you, no matter where life takes you. You have a strong support system that loves and cares for you and will always be here to offer you guidance and encouragement. I know that—”

He broke off and wiped his eyes again. “I know that…”

He couldn’t continue. He searched the crowd and spotted his brother, who nodded and got up from his place near the bonfire.

“I got it, buddy. I got it. You go be with your family.” Whispered Topher, giving his brother a pat high on the arm.

Megan felt her brother make space for their father who hugged them all. Megan felt droplets of silent tears on her shoulder and felt her own face shimmer with emotion.

Topher scanned the page, exhaled deeply and looked at his niece before addressing the gathered group who were huddled more closely now.

“…I know that you will encounter challenges and obstacles along the way. But I am confident that you will overcome them with grace and determination.

As you embark on this new journey, know that you will always have our family’s unwavering support and love. You are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to and I have no doubt that you will make a positive impact on the world.

Remember to stay true to yourself, hold fast your values, and never forget where you come from. You are an inspiration to all of us, and we will be cheering for you every step of the way.

We love you more than words can express, and I am grateful for every moment we have spent together. I know that you will make us all proud, and I can’t wait to see the amazing things you will accomplish in the Navy.

Fair winds and following seas, my dear Megan. Always know that you are loved and cherished, and that we are so proud of the person you have become. Your service to your country is admirable, and we will be here, waiting eagerly for your return, ready to welcome you home with open arms.”

Her uncle folded the paper, “Love, your dad.”

The crowd erupted in cheer, raising bottles and wiping tears. The family hugged even tighter, not a dry eye among them.

“Oh, daddy!” Megan said between sobs as she and her father embraced in a shaky hug.

“I love you baby…” he said, shuddering.

“Heck of a speech, big brother.” Said uncle Topher, who came in to give his niece a long hug.

“We’re all so proud of you Megs,” said her mother at her elbow as the family embraced once more.

“I can’t wait to see what you write for me, Dad!” Said Brad Jr. who choose to wrap the whole family including Uncle Topher in an awkward rocking hug.

The family separated as friends and family came over to hug, kiss and congratulate the Wolfe family.

After a while, someone offered to play guitar near the fire and a raucous tune was struck up. Those who were able got up and danced with vigor.

Megan held back and watched, she’d switched to water, tapering off her evening as her watch read 23:30.

“Heck of a sending ovation,” came a voice from her left. It was Pete Matchel and he was not alone.

To his left and right were his new girlfriend, whose name Megan learned was Penelope, and his nephew Kennedy.

“Thanks Pete and nice to finally meet you Penelope.”

“Call me Penny, please,” she said warmly, and they embraced in a quick hug.

“So, do you know when you head out?” Asked Pete, looking at Megan.

“The recruiting office got my transcripts, and I passed the physical without any concerns. Officer Training Command is in Newport, Rhode Island and I check in at the beginning of next month – ten days from now.”

Pete nodded and smiled, “Well, that’s great. Really great. And you’ll already have a buddy to talk to,” he added, patting his nephew on the shoulder.

Megan looked confused, “Sorry?”

“Kennedy here is a Naval Academy grad from down in Annapolis, Maryland. Ensign Matchel.”

Kennedy stepped forward, looking a little sheepish in being addressed by his title while not in uniform and nodded.

“Well, well that’s great.” Said Megan, smiling genuinely and looking Kennedy right in his honey brown eyes. He smiled back and she felt that the awkward meeting they had had—twice in one day—was behind them.

He stuck out his hand and she took it, noting the strong and firm grip.

“Well, I’ll let you two catch up for a moment. I suspect this party will slowly be breaking up on account that the rooster will be crowing soon.” Said Pete, stifling a yawn. Penny shivered and he took off his coat and offered it to her. They said their goodbyes once more and left so that now it was just the two of them.

“I see that you fixed your shirt.” Kennedy said, clearing his throat and looking around.

“I see that you fixed your pants.” Megan said, taking a sip of water as they both smirked.

They both began walking from the bonfire back towards the main house. Megan was getting tired and was in dire need of sleep. She guessed it would be the same for him.

“So, you’re really an Ensign?” She said, turning to look at him, taking in his strong profile.

“Yep. Fresh graduate. Ensign is the title you receive upon graduation. Next step is to attend Officer Training Command. Thirteen weeks, can you imagine what we will be learning?”

“I can,” said Megan. She’d done her research before applying to make sure she had all her credentials in order. In addition to her completed degree, she also held a private pilot’s license, which she kept up with, with the assistance of her father and uncle. She also had logged hours of flight time with helicopters and most recently, the L-39. She said as much, and Kennedy was impressed.

“Wow, your uncle must know some pretty connected people.” He said with a low wolf whistle.

Megan shrugged. She knew that of both her father and uncle, both captains in the Navy, that Topher had advanced training and he was hesitant to share details with. Even to her father. He was still active and held teaching opportunities and still did consulting jobs with the Navy. It wasn’t hush-hush, but Megan never pressed him, and he never offered. She was good with that.

“How are you getting to the East Coast?” Megan asked, realizing that ten days was not that long away.

“Was thinking of driving solo. Renting a car.” He said casually.

They stopped walking and Megan turned to him. “What? That’s crazy. It’s like,” she did a quick calculation, “like over 30 hours!”

He shrugged, “What can I say, I love to drive. Open road, wide highways and I have a banging playlist that makes you feel like you’ve been in the car for only a few hours, not days.”

“Oh yeah? What kind of music are you into?” said Megan. She had only considered flying, but if he was attending school too, it might make more sense for them to drive together. Get to know him better.

He pulled out his phone and thumbed through until he pulled up the playlist. He handed Megan the phone and she scrolled down the list.

“Shut the front door!” she exclaimed, eyes getting bigger as she went down the playlist.

“Something wrong? No good? Because I think—”

“Dude. This is nearly the same as my playlist. You’ve got all the greats on this!” She handed him back his phone with a huge smile. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the music, or maybe it was they had similar career goals. But she felt a stronger connection to him than she had had with a guy in a long time even though they barely knew each other.

They resumed the walk back to the main house. “Don’t say ‘yes’ yet, but do you think I could tag along with you for the trip?”


She rolled her eyes. “You’re such a boy. I said think on it. When would you be leaving?”

“Uh, I was going to give it three days.”

She did quick math. That would give her enough time to see off a few friends, help her folks around the house and pack with time to spare.

He looked at her and she said, “Well, if you’d rather drive solo, I understand.”

“Well, I wouldn’t say no to a copilot.”

They were at the main house, Megan had a foot on the bottom step, a hand on the railing. “You mean a wingman? Wing-woman?” she chided, smiling.

A smile broke across his face. “Hey, about earlier. Water under the bridge?”

“I haven’t the faintest idea what you are referring to.” She said, tapping the side of her nose and winked.

“Good, I don’t either.”

Megan stifled a yawn, “Oh geez. Way past my bedtime.” She stretched an arm overhead and felt the cool night breeze graze her abdomen. She was longing to just crash on her bed and secretly hoped that the smell of Cassidy’s perfume would still linger on the top cover of her bed.

“Yeah, same.” Said Kennedy. “Oh. Let’s swap contact info.” He added. Holding out his phone.

“Are you asking a strange girl for her number, Ensign?” she said, making him blush.

“It’s okay. Only yanking your anchor, sailor.” His blush deepened but went unnoticed as she added her details to his phone.

“Send me a text.”

“I will.” He said.

“Oh,” she added, turning to face him, “Let’s hope they have locking bathroom doors when we get to school.” She eyed him up and down and gave him a playful wink and walked inside as he stood there a wry smile stitched to his face, his hand running through his hair.
32 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 9 months
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FrejaDawn 11 months
The story has great potential! It would be great if we could see more of her weight gain though, I feel like the build up is there, now we need some of that pay off smiley
Runningsoft 11 months
Not too worry, you will be rewarded as the chapters unfold for our dear Megan.
Letters And ... 1 year
Through 6 chapters this is fantastic. Really well written and great characters.